Chapter 23

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Stacy's POV Today looks like a good morning already. It feels good to finally be able to walk without the annoying crutch. When I get at Eric's I find them ready. Usually they pick me up but today I brought myself to them. There is Jake, am still mad at him but I can't stay mad forever I will have to forgive him. In fact I forgave him I just want him to work harder. "Morning Stacy", Eric says happily. "Morning", I mumble taking the front seat with Eric. "Hey can we talk”, Jake suggests getting in the back seat. "Later buddy I don't want to be in the middle of a heated argument", Eric says driving us away. Seaside academy is not that far from where we live. The Golden rays of the sun are giving the earth a yellowish tinge. Vehicles are hooting from all sides, people going to work. The fishermen and beach business people have opened their shops to start of another day. We are stuck in traffic. Now I gotta spent too much time around this clown. Although we haven't said it loud yet I think we both want each other. And the worst part of it is that our attention is divided. "Let me go check what's happening out there", Eric says leaving us alone. I wish I could follow him but I can't. My morning is ruined already. "So you are still giving me the cold shoulder?" He asks. I just keep quiet and pretend to be busy on my phone. "Okay, I linked up Clara and Eric because I wanted him not to feel left out at the dance and as for James, well he dared me. He wants you to choose..." "Between you two?" I ask surprised to cover my fear. The car feels suddenly hot despite being a morning. My heartbeat has increased steadily in the past one minute. I wish I listened to Clara. I can't choose am confused right now. I will need some time to think about it deeply and vet them both. "Yes of course and Anita is just my friend, the same way Eric is your friend", He finalizes his petition in style. "So you never slept with her?" I ask curiously knowing he did. I have heard the legend of Jake brown, a man who doesn’t always keep it in his pants. I know it and everyone knows but I still like his cocky ass despite that f****d up CV. I think I should just choose him but then I will be lying to myself. A part of me really wants to choose James maybe I shouldn't even choose. Like I should just ignore and avoid them until all this fuss is over and behind us. "It was a long time ago", He admits. "I knew it!" "Can you at least cut me a slack for being honest?" He complains trying to reach out to my shoulder. "No, I hate you even more", I say brushing his hand off. Eric comes in. We both keep quiet I think he made it clear he didn't want to be in the middle of our argument. "We can go it is clear now have you two been arguing?" He asks. "Yes!" Jake shouts. "No" I say. "Okay so you have and have not been arguing you really need to work on your teamwork", He says smiling. Eric's POV The two are just being childish. It's actually Stacy's fault before hanging around Jake she knew what a c**k he is. But anyway the guy is just having bad luck and it's just a tip of the ice berg. I honestly pity my brother. His history with Anita is quiet deep and his lust for Stacy is very obvious and getting out of his control. It will come a time when her prince charming will have to choose between her and Anita and my guess is.... "Thank you for the ride see you in class", Stacy says interrupting my in person meeting. "Put in a good word for me bro I think she might choose James out of anger", Jake says. "I got you men", I assure him. Am the only one left in the car now. I have to park it and rush to class before Miller finds another reason to report me to my mum and send Jake to counsel me. Jake of all people counsel me about academics? That's like sending a football coach to train a UFC guy. It's totally awkward but anyway he was just trying to play the big brother card. On my way to class I spot Clara and James. They look like they are having a really serious talk. I didn't know they are friends too. Still I don't want to interrupt their conversation so I change my route so that they shouldn't see me. When I get to class I find Stacy seated on my locker. Miller has not arrived yet. "Can I seat?" I ask politely. "Not until you help me with something a quick one", she says. I don't get it, we were not issued with any homework what could it be that she wants me to help her out with. Anyway I agree to help her but on a condition. "You have a minute", I say. "It will take less than that... Who should I pick between James and Jake?" She asks. The question is quiet demoralizing. I though she is been dying to tell me how she felt and now she is asking me who to choose. But it's not like I didn't know that now I have to act both surprised and unbiased. "Well, it all depends on you", I say to buy myself more time. "If it did I wouldn't be asking I need the opinion of three people to decide this", She complains. "Okay if I were you I'd choose my brother", I say it confidently. "Reason?" She asks moving away to her locker. "What can I say, you two look good together than you look with James... No hard feelings but he doesn't seem right for you. Tell you what, ask your mum she might help" I say taking a seat. "Not happening thanks anyway, today after school me and you we gotta talk", she says. "You've been longing to talk, about what exactly?" "Don't worry meet me at my place with your bike, we going cycling", she says happily before Mrs. Miller gets in class. Jake's POV I am really hoping James will be willing to postpone the bet. She might not choose me, not when she is still mad at me. I know Eric might try to put in a good word for me but it's not a guarantee. Since I came in James has been giving that look. He is so happy today and am dying to know. Yeah it sounds crazy but I gotta know why my nemesis is so happy towards the competition. "You've been all smiles today”, I ask passing by his desk. "Am cool men I got every reason to smile", He says casually. "Is it about Stacy choosing between us, you know he will choose me right?" I ask trying to intimidate him. "It is definitely okay men then I would have lost but fairly. Just curious did you know she is back?" He says stating at the entrance. I turn around and there she is. Her blonde hair, red dress with white doll shoes, white back pack. A chain around her neck, well-manicured hands. She is a spectacle. A warm smile on her face and she has company. Lots of girls around her. Including carol. "Nop, am just as surprised as you are. Just so you know, this changes nothing", I say confidently knowing it changes everything. "Can't wait", He says. She is hot. Stacy is hot too though not hot like Anita I mean Anita is like volcano type hot. As I walk away and ignore James am hoping she will pass by my desk to say hi. I can't hustle for my worthiness, Naah. I believe am worthy of her so she should come to check on me. Or should I just go to check on her? It won't kill me if I did let me just go. "Look who decided to show up", I complement wearing my VIP smile. I didn't want to do that but she seems to still make do stuff involuntarily. "Hello Jake", she says giving me a tight embrace. I just want to hug her and waft the mixed fruit cologne she wearing on her hair in my nose, let it go through my lungs. I can also feel bra caps rubbing my abdomen. It's going to be tough to say no to her, Very tough. "Am sorry about yesterday", I say. "No biggie, let's catch up later I can see the teacher is in already", She says breaking free from my lazy grip. I watch her walk to her desk. She is seating next to Carol, my other ex. Anita is not my ex, at least not a legal one. We broke up because she moved with her parents to Almond city which makes my situation even worse. We are allowed to get back together without second thoughts. "Mr. Brown will you please sit down we want to learn", Hubble says. Ooh s**t! I forgot am still standing and staring at Anita.
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