Chapter 28

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Eric's POV I can't wait to ask Jake what happened during lunch. I know he has much to tell me about how embarassed he was seated with his three girlfriends. I don't know how the guy manages to do that I mean if it were me I would have just be dumbstruck I guess. To that extent I couldn't talk. It's games time the afternoon was well spent in the library now it's time to freshen my mind with practice. I hope Jake is coming. Everybody has started talking about it. The love quadrangle. "Dude am sorry about your loss", I say to James when he gets in the dressing room. "It is okay men if you love someone you respect their choices", James says looking sad. "So you just giving up?" I ask. "No, let's go out there and practice", He says patting on my back. Am still getting a nasty feeling about this. I hope he is not planning something harmful to both of them I will be forced to intervene and I won't be so nice. "Don't do something stupid James", I urge him as we walk outside. "Don't worry I won't", assures James. The field has a porous population of fans and students. I can't see the girls anywhere. Jake is doing push-ups in one corner of the field with Mike. They seem to be enjoying themselves. James and I decided to run around the field getting cheers from the crowd. Mike and Jake join us making the race even competitive. They are in for it. When it comes to sprinting am better than them. All of them apart from Jake but it looks like a tie now. The crowd continues cheering as we run as fast as bullets. No one knows the end point so it means this is an ‘I quit’ race. Jake quits. "You are getting good", Jake says breathing heavily. "Thanks to you bro", I say catching my breath. "Glad to know am an inspiration, we need to talk", Jake says looking worried. My brother doesn't come to me for advice. Though I don't stop giving it to him. But when he does I usually stop everything am doing. Again not to feed my ego it just makes me feel so special you know. He can count on me the way I count on him for... Nothing really. I don't count on Jake for anything maybe to get me a girl like he did. "Right now?" I ask "No after practice dude I know you've heard the rumors", He says as we walk back to the middle of the field. "Which rumors?" I inquire smiling, "You are always on people's lips dude what is it this time?" "The lunch thing men. I need to cut Anita lose without hurting her feelings, and also I promised Carol the bus..." "Are you out of your fuckin mind?" I smirk. "No Eric now put on your helmets", Coach Orders My bad I didn’t know how loud that was. "Sorry coach", I apologize grabbing my helmet. "So this is what we going to do", coach says looking through his book. Jake's POV Coach better be planning a rigorous exercise I really need something to tire me down. I can see Clara and Stacy already taking their positions. Am expecting Anita and Carol anytime I know she would want to see me play. Cutting her lose is going to be tough I wish there was another way. "We start with tackling training, get a partner you can manage", Coach says sending us into laughter. yeah he is right there is no way am matching up with Eric last time I tackled him I ended up with a broken clavicle and my dad had to do some magic before I regained activity in my right hand. "Then we will work on gas, I saw Jake lagging behind today you are getting rusty two three weeks to the big game", He says. "Ready coach, James you with me" I say. "You should take your brother", He says. Ooh no. Now am going to break another clavicle. I hope this time a left one. We all take our positions opposite each other. James matches with Mike. He is not that better off because Mike and Eric are almost the same size. They are both fast and strong with incredible agility. "You are not going to f**k her are you?" Mike asks me in a whisper. "I have no option", I whisper back making sure no one is hearing a word am saying. "There is always another way, what does she have on you?" Asks Eric warming up. "A lot, let me handle her you find me a way to get Anita out of my plate" "Why don't you just take her instead", He suggests. Coach blows the whistle to ensure everyone is ready. Both Eric and I adjust our helmets and protective pads. Eric is charging his eyes glued on mine. Am down on one knee, my hand touching the green grass. I love the superman touch down. Coach walks around to confirm everyone is in position. "Stacy chose me and she is the one I want, she is the one I have always wanted", I open up. Before Eric can answer coach blows the whistle. Lucky for me I got him off guard. I spear Eric to the ground. Coach blows the whistle again. "Eric that's bullshit men”, He says, "Again!" This time am not going to be so lucky. He is prepared and he looks furious. Chill little bro we got to share this wins. He beat me in the race I got to tackle him down at least twice. The whistle blows again. I charge towards Eric and he looks ready for him. And again I spear down but this time with less impact. "You're getting good", says Eric. "Switch positions!" Coach announces. "You might have to take that statement back", I tease. "Don't worry bro, I won't squash you I still have to take you home safe. Maybe with two three broken ribs. Dad is a doctor anyway", He says smiling. Clara's POV They are having fun. We are not. I can't believe she chose Jake thus making my plan even harder. Now I have two options. To dump Eric is one of them. The other am not so sure I haven't even thought of it. "He is good choice right, everyone has been telling me I'll regret this", Stacy says. Right now I got to a make her feel like she can trust me. Soon she won't. She better enjoy the last bits of my friendship that is left. "Yeah, he is good", I assure. "Too good that you sniffed his towel and left your lipstick on it", Stacy says her tone changing. I didn't see that one coming I thought she didn't notice. My cover is blown the hyena has to Come out of the sheep's clothing. Honestly I don't have an explanation to get out of this accusation. Well not an accusation I did sniff his towel. I couldn't stop myself. But even if I did I can't just explain. Not to her I hate her. "So you found out, took you so long to say it", I tease. "Cut the bullshit Clara, Eric deserves better", she says. I was going to let this slide but she ruined it. Now am going in with the big guns I have nothing to lose. "Eric will never be anyone's when you are around", I say. "I gave you guys’ space did I? You want to f**k them both have some manners Clara", She says raising her voice. Wrong button girl am not afraid of getting into fights. I slap her right away. She tries to slap me back I grab her arm and slap her for the second time. She is good at talking with no strength in her weak arms. Maybe not so weak, she grabs me by the collar pushing me away. The five move in to separate us. I might have underestimated her. She slaps me twice and grabs my hair. Not my hair. They manage to separate us before I can get my revenge. "You slut!" She shouts at me. "Who's f*****g teammates and best friends if not you", I shout back being dragged out of the field by security. They got here fast enough. "I don’t want to see you again go back to the s**t hole you came out from!" She says almost breaking into tears. Eric and Jake arrive. They are looking confused. I knew he will do the opposite. Eric runs to my rescue while Jake, whom I wanted to come to my side rushes to Stacy's side. "Don't worry guys let me take her out of here", He says to the guards. Why does everyone like him? They set me free. He drags me far away from the incident. We are both quiet. I don't know what to say but I know is should break up with him. Now. "You have some explaining to do", He says setting me free when we get to a free space. "Talk about what huh? You being attracted to Stacy and using me? Well I have some news for you Eric. I never liked you, it's your brother I like and I did this for him have a good life Eric", I say walking away. Ooh God. Jake was listening. I look at his dumbstruck face and walk away. At least I killed two birds with one stone. He better get ready for me.
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