Chapter 27

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Eric's POV Am still not convinced about Clara and James. After we left Jake taking Anita on the school tour I asked her again but she brushed it off by quickly changing the topic. This is the first time am feeling jealousy about her hiding something from me and trust me it's a bad feeling. We are in class, it is time for biological sciences although the teacher is not around. Biology is among my favorite subjects, well they all are my favorite but biology is the best of them all. Maybe because it comes to me easy and also because our biology teacher Mrs. Leon Westwood knows how to make it easier and simpler even for those who hate it. For instance instead of going to the library Mr. Westwood carries a TV in class and lets us watch the national geographic channel for the afternoon. Once in a while we go for lab practicals. God I hate the smell of formalin. "Good afternoon please let's meet in the biological sciences laboratory for zoology", He says through the window There it is another dose of formalin. We grab our books and follow him talking happily in groups. Stacy walks up to me. Am glad she is looking more relieved than I last saw her. "So how did it go?" I ask. "Good and how's it going?" She asks. "What going" "You and Clara we are talking about love here Eric is that so hard to realize?" she asks smiling. "Ooh Clara of course it's going well despite her secret meetings with you ex we are good", I tease. Am not good. Not even close to good. "She was just trying to help me out are you jealous?" She asks. I shake my head. I don't want her to laugh at me and I hate this feeling it's a combination anxiety and arrhythmia, a cold in the pit of the stomach. All of it it's sickening me. I get off the hook, we are already at the entrance of the lab and the technicians are peeping us. Taking our jewelry and issuing out dust coats. "So who won?" I ask taking a stool next to hers. "Your guess?" "Jake" "Yeah Jake" she says. "Good luck with that, it's going to be a bumpy ride", I tease concentrating. "Yeah, I know”, she answers looking Uninterested. The technicians supply us with the specimens. Each of us gets a slide. We mount it on the microscope and wait for his instructions. Am still thinking about our ride in the evening. Am still curious to hear what she has to say. And am also feeling like it's the perfect time for me to confess to her. "Seen it already?" I ask moving close to her. "Seen what? I can't see anything I think this microscope is bogus" "Wait a minute, let me fix it for you", I offer. Stacy's POV He fumbles with some knobs. Am not sure if he knows what he is doing, I don't know either so I have no option but to let him do it. He observes through it. "Working, I was talking about the stomata", He says. "Let me have a look", I suggest pushing him away. He is good at fuckin everything. I think he did fix it. At least I can see something now, earlier on it was all blurry. "Yeah, I can see it too", I affirm. "So we still going cycling in the evening?" He asks. "Yes, unless you have plans" "Nop am really looking forward to it" We record our observations separately and hand in our work. It's already lunch time so we head straight to the dining hall. Am so hungry I can eat an elephant on my own. Jake comes. He looks like he is running from something or someone. I hope not me you handsome devil. "Hey, you want to seat with me?" I ask startling him. "Who wouldn't want to", he says shyly. "Okay get your food and find me here", I instruct. Today am not seating with Eric neither am I seating next to the girls. I want him. It's time he knew I chose him for a reason and that reason is to be with me not his new found blonde. Okay not newfound. She was here before and now she is back I get it but things changed when she left. Speaking of the blonde she comes in with a group of senior girls around her. We are not that different after all. Am always surrounded by girls. "Jake's friend right!" She asks all of them standing beside me They are a creating a little scene I don't like. Am popular enough already. Usually at seaside when a group of students stand by where you are seated it is a fight they are looking for. Am not good at fighting. Am better and that's because Eric gets anyone who wants to fight me before they do. So I have a guardian angel. "Yeah, Jake's friend it is", I repeat after what she said struggling to stay calm. "Girls go ahead I'll join you", She says to them. Like a flock of sheep they walk away. Only carol stays behind, I can already tell she is the right hand woman. We rarely talk actually today is the closest we have been to each other. She had s*x with James while we were still dating and that time she was dating Jake. Two best friends. "I was thinking we could be friends now that we have a common friend", She suggests. "Friends... Yeah that can do we can be friends right carol?" I ask. "Of course we can", she says faking a smile. "Good how about we have lunch together as a sign of friendship don't move am coming right up", she says dragging Carol along. God damn it! I can't stand Carol her cologne alone drives me nuts and now I got to seat with her during lunch. Jake comes back with his plateful of chicken, Ugali and an apple with some greens and chillie. "So you and Anita", He starts off biting a huge chunk of his chicken. Jake's POV I don't know what they talked about. Am still confused on how I will prevent Kong from getting to Godzilla. I should just tell Anita the truth she is going to find out anyway. This school is not that good at keeping secrets. My worry is how she will react. I can't lose her again and I want a new beginning with Stacy now that am the boyfriend of choice. "She wants us to be friends", Stacy says jokingly. I clear my throat. Okay that just came out involuntary, no actually am choking. What did she just say? Friends. With Anita? And Carol she was supposed to make sure this doesn't happen. "You are joking right" She smiles and suddenly her facial expression turns from friendly to kill mode, "No, you have a problem with that?” "No, why should I have a problem", I say wiping my hands. I just lost appetite. "Jake! You are here I was just talking to Stacy about us being friends", Anita says happily joining us. Carol does too. It has started getting hot in here. "Yeah, she told me are you sure it's a good idea?" I ask. "Why is it not a good idea Jake?” Stacy inquires. "Yes Jake tell us", Anita stresses. They are both too annoying sometimes now they have ganged up against me. As for Carol now is the best time she can actually save me or our earlier deal is off. You can't blame me she way good in bed than this two, except Stacy I haven't touched her yet but Anita is terrible. One has to do everything and she moans a lot. "He means being a senior Anita will be busy besides Stacy has her own group of friends the fairest five" Carol says. "That's a point", Stacy agrees. Wooo! Like a Phoenix am rising from the ashes. I only needed one of them to agree with her. Carol just saved me I don't have any regrets repaying her under the sheets. "Okay but we can occasionally meet like we are doing right now", Anita says. "That's possible", Stacy says looking at me from the corner of her eye. She is going to kill me after this. In my defense am not the one who agreed to be friends. She brought this upon herself. I don't know why Anita is insisting on being friends with her Anyway. Law of nature dictates two alphas to hate each other, to compete what are they doing? "Catch you guys later", I excuse myself before things get out of hand, a pot beaks at the doorstep. "Bye Jake", Anita says. "Bye", Carol and stays say in unison. I can't believe am saying this but I really need Eric's help. Yeah the same Eric my brother who has had only one girlfriend. And they haven't had s*x yet.
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