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Chamelio’s POV “I need you to find someone for me.”, he said as we drank our beer at the side of the curb in the cold wind, trying to stay sober, the loud party music blasting from the house behind us. “Isn’t the police good with that? Why are you asking for my help all of a sudden?”, I replied looking at him from the corner of my eyes. “Because I trust you and you’re the only one who’s going to know about this.”, he added, holding me by the shoulder, his eyes full of determination, like he has something planned. I stood there looking at him for what seemed like a long minute before I asked, “Well do you have a name?”. “No I don’t know her name, but you’ll recognize her instantly when you see her.”, he explained and handed me a piece of paper, written on it, a description of what she might look like. I turned to look at him properly this time, my head tilted to the side trying to comprehend what I just heard and what I just read. “Who is this girl anyway?”, I asked out of pure curiosity. What is he thinking? What is he going to do? What is he keeping up his sleeves?. “She’s a Sol, the light, one of the Sun Goddesses.”. I was taken aback by what he just said and so I kept asking, “And why are you looking for her?”. “Because we need her do to something for us.”, he said, as he crumpled his now empty beer can and threw it at the garbage bin but missed. “Who’s ‘Us?”, I demanded but when he just stood there without answering, I knew that it was something I shoudn’t know about, at least not yet, so I crumpled my empty beer can, aimed for the garbage bin and…. “Bullseye!”, I exclaimed as we started chuckling. It's only been a year since Jericho and I knew each other, and he's already asking me for favors? Now who does he think I am? A private investigator or something? How in the living hell do I even find this girl? She could be anywhere. I thought to myself as i took out the piece of paper that Jericho had given me from my jean pocket, jumped onto bed, held it above my head, and read it again. 'natural bright red hair almost like the flames, light brown eyes as light as honey, cherry red lips, not a people person, no signs of emotions ever, drop dead gorgeous'. Are you sure its a Sun Goddess not a psychopath? God, anyone could have red hair, anyone could have brown eyes and red lips, this doesn't make any sense. Arghh whatever let's just think about it tomorrow after the move, i thought as i got comfortable but before i could fall asleep my phone rang. "What?!", I asked a little pissed because I was tired. "So where are you moving tomorrow?", Jericho asked, his voice is as cold as always. This kid acts like he's older than me everytime. "Up north, with my girlfriend. One of my mom's bakery is there, you can look it up online. I'll be working there. You know where to find me.", I stated ready to hang up but before i could, i could hear Jericho calling out my name, his tone was serious. "What is it?", I asked. "You have to find her okay. She's important.", he added. "Of course, I'll try.", and as i finished, he hung up. Aahhh he always hangs up first. "So when are you arriving?", McKenna, her voice on the other side, eager to finally see me every single day from now on. "Soon", I said a smile across my face as I hung up and load my stuff into my car, preparing for a long journey ahead. McKenna and I have been dating since freshman year. One of our life goals was to finally live together and we've been working part time jobs since we were in high school to finally get here. We're both just turned 19 but being together every single day, seeing each other grow, and being successful together, was always our dream, and we're finally starting it. Some might say that we're moving too fast with this. Anything could happen anytime and it's probably best for us to think things over until everything is sure, but we've never been surer than this, and this is what we want for each other. I knew from the start, that when i met McKenna, she was the one for me and I wanted to do everything with her and I'm sure, that's what McKenna thinks as well because it was love at first sight for both of us and none of us were hesitant when we both asked each other the same question that day. I was walking her home that evening after school, something that I chose to do every week because I liked her. We've been friends for a while at that point, stealing glances from across the room and flirting with each other from time to time. I knew that she liked me and I'm pretty sure she knew how I felt about her because I clearly wanted to show her. If I could, I would've cut my chest open and show her my heart instead. Yes I was crazy for this girl and as we walked the curb together, our palms sweating, our hearts racing, "Will you be my Valentine?", we both asked and immediately, February the 14th became our anniversary. Now, on this day it's already our 4th anniversary. McKenna was waiting for me at the front porch as i pulled over to park. We've had most of the furniture in a few months ago and i trusted upon McKenna to decorate the house any way she likes. She was always very passionate about home decor. Everyday she would FaceTime me and show me what she got and how all the rooms are coming to place. She said decorating this home is one of her personal goals and also to prepare herself for her degree. She enrolled herself into college to pursue Interior Design set to start that September, only 7 months away. She was so excited when she talked about it and I was excited for her but I didn't notice that the one thing that I was excited the most was McKenna until I saw her standing there. Her straight brunette hair was pulled up in a bun, her light pink lush coat wrapping her body, her arms around her chest, keeping herself warm as her dark brown eyes, the look of anticipation, telling me to hurry up and come to her. She looked tired probably from decorating the house all day but underneath it all, she was smiling, her red lips inviting. As I stepped out of my car, her arms opened wide ready for a hug. I went to her and swooped her off her feet as i twirled her around. "Happy Anniversary, love.", I said and she smiled, her cheeks flushed either from the cold weather or because even after some years, she still gets embarrassed when she's around me and I think that's flattering. We stood there for a while holding each other and looking into each other's eyes, reciting our vows in our hearts silently before we went inside to kiss the cold away. Literally. McKenna and I were being comfortable on the couch watching our favorite tv shows and eating cereal out of the box, super engrossed in the show when suddenly, our doorbell rang. "Were you expecting someone?", I asked and she shook her head. "Are you sure you're not expecting someone?", she asked. "Well not this fast.", I said sarcasm in my voice while McKenna just grinned as she shook her head, knowing exactly who that is. I pulled of my coat from the rack and stepped outside to meet him. "Woah, aren't you cold? Here wear this.", I said as i pulled McKenna's soft pink furry coat before closing the door behind me and placed it over his shoulders. "This is pretty.", Jericho said but I'm always confuse if that suppose to be sarcastic or he really did mean it so I laughed as I told him to shut up. "You couldn't wait until tomorrow though? I just moved in this morning.", I asked as both of us sat on the steps. "I didn't find her yet, if that's what you're curious about.", I added when he just sat there without saying anything, his face a little nervous but I don't know why. "Here. Congrats on your house...", he said, his jaws a little clenched, his hand hesitant, as he pulled out a paper bag from behind him and placed it on my lap. "...and I don't need this.", he continued as he took off the coat and walked away, disappearing. I was shook but also that was kind of nice. A house warming gift? Hahaha. "Thanks! Wherever you are!", I shouted hoping he'd still hear me. Jericho was never the approachable type even when we first met a year ago. He was 16 at the time. He was a very distant person. He doesn't talk much. His aura is cold and tense and he speaks in monotones. I don't know if that was always his style but it made him looked cool and older than his actual age. All the girls were just drooling around him, but too scared to talk to him. It was my senior year and we had just graduated, when I started seeing him hanging around the seniors' graduation parties. We'd hop from houses to houses, dancing, drinking and pushing each other into the pools. It was a tradition...and Jericho was always there, just hanging out by himself in the corner, with a drink in one hand and his other hand in his pocket. He would stare into the crowds as if he was looking for someone, a target. We would always thought that a female graduate had brought her boyfriend here, so we didn't really think much of it even though we've never seen a particular girl being around him, until... he was speaking to McKenna. Which I didn't blame him for wanting to because McKenna was beautiful but I was super drunk at the time and I was always a jealous soul. McKenna was flashing him with her pretty smile and her two cute little dimples which I was sure she was only trying to not be rude but in my drunk state, I came to him and just threw a big punch across his face. He didn't move an inch, and it was like he wasn't even fazed, except for his slick platinum blonde hair that went a little messy. His light blue eyes were piercing I could hear my ears ringing, his hands were clutched but instead of throwing a punch, he took me by the collar and pulled me out of the house and preceded to throw me into the pool. I was sober almost instantly, but before i could get out and apologize, he was no where in the crowd anymore. "You're still here?", I asked when I saw him sitting on the steps in front of the doorway. "You sober now?", he asked, without turning to look at me, as if he knew that I was the jerk who had punched him out of no where. I took a seat beside him on the steps and said, "I apologize, I was a little bit too drunk. Do you know her by any chance? McKenna?", I asked. "No I just needed to get your attention", he said and that took me by surprise. Is this guy interested in me or something? "By talking to my girlfriend?", I asked. "Isn't that how guys became friends? They fight a lot and then they end up being best buds.", he said, his face emotionless. This guy is serious huh? "Have you been reading a lot of novels recently or what is it?", I asked trying to hide my laugh. "Maybe". Boy, this guy is something, I thought. "Well are you up for some more drinks. We're having a drinking battle in a few minutes.", I asked. "Sure, but I have to warn you, I don't lose.", he said, his tone, still emotionless, as he stood up and walked inside. He wasn't bluffing when he said he doesn't lose though. "Now this is how you make friends.", I said, patting him on the shoulder, our glass clunking, celebrating our victory. "What's your name?", I asked in the midst of it all. "Jericho." and that's how he was denoted as my first wife. We were inseparable buds and he was like a brother that I've never had. "You were never interested in my girlfriend from the beginning right?", I had to ask before all of us went home that night, but he just grinned and that was the first time i ever saw a slight smile on his face throughout the whole night, but without answering, he just walked passed me. When I turned my back to look at him though, he was gone. That was fast, I thought and for a moment, I was entranced in my steps as I saw from afar, the first light of the day was already peaking from the horizon. It was beautiful. As beautiful as the light on that day. Me and McKenna's first official day living together in our house. Waking up that morning with McKenna beside me and watching the sunrise was a dream come true for us. We would have hot coffee in the morning, our cheeks flushed pink in the cold weather as we stood on the balcony, in our thick warm coats. Our arms would be around each other and we would watch the neighbors pass by on their jogs as they greet us, warming our hearts and bodies whenever they would say 'what a lovely couple'. That was bits of our happiness slowly unfolding before our eyes. In that moment in time, we were at our happiest point in life, and there was nothing more that we could've asked for because this was exactly enough. But if I could go back in time and asked for more, I would've asked for more time. More time to be this happy. “You're moving?", Jericho said as he put down his drink back on the counter, his attempt to drink it, gone. His face was still unfazed but his knitted eyebrows told me that he was worried. “I can't stay here, with all these memories, these guilt, driving past our house every single day is just too much.", I said, my voice shaking, trying so hard to hold my sobs. “It wasn't your fault, Cam.", Jericho said. “But I can't help feeling like it is. She was always so tired. I lived with her in that house. Why didn't i see it. I should've known and I shouldn't have left when she told me to.", I said, as my tears came rolling down my cheeks. “She had her whole life ahead of her, she was so excited and I ruined it for her. I should've taken...", and I broke. Words can no longer escape my mouth as my tears escaped my eyes again and again and again. My hand clutching the glass in front of me asking for a refill and I chugged the alcohol down my throat more and more, hoping all these alcohol could kill me too. _____________________________________________ End of chapter *Author's note: Hi, so what do think? Who the hell is Chamelio? And who is Jericho? Do you think Chamelio, McKenna and Jericho are a cute trio? But why is Jericho searching for the Sun Goddess though? Why ask Chamelio to do it? Why not do it himself? Please leave your comments. So excited to hear your thoughts.
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