Chapter 2: Coffee

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Maureens POV I couldn't sleep. I spent the rest of the night thinking about what Landyn said. I hated that he knew I was still seeing Ben. I really shouldn't be that surprised that he found out. He is the Alpha. He doesn't know this, but I'm taking fewer classes than what I made him believe. I've been secretly meeting with Marvin trying to figure out where my mom and Silas are at. I know wherever there at that Lexi and Landyns dad and mom are with them. I know Landyn has been looking into it, too. It was just easier to do my own investigation. Things between us have been pretty intense. When we both talked in our group about who we saw, we both ended up practically yelling at each other and then basically went back to hardly speaking. I know we were both hurt and confused, and we lashed out at each other. I want answers, and so does Marvin. Did she fake her death, or was she kidnapped right under our noises. I was leading more to the first one. How else could she enter the pack willingly with Lexi and leave on her own. Hell, I didn't even know she could teleport, and my dad made sure not to tell me that. He had to know. She was his beloved. I just don't understand why that was hidden from me. I just keep replaying the day my mom and Silas's mom were murdered in front of us by rogues and my uncle. I just can't figure out what kind of spell she could have used to do such a thing. It looked real. Marvin was hopeful that it could possibly mean that his beloved Zoey was still alive. At this rate, anything is really possible. So far, we were coming up empty. Whatever they were doing, they were doing it well. They didn't leave any bread crumbs anywhere. I feel like this has been the only thing that's keeping me to push forward. I can't figure out how to fix Ben, but I least can figure this out. I met Marvin at a local coffee shop. A girl with very curly hair took my order while I waited for him. "Hi, my name is Ella, and what can I get for you today?" She looked up at me, and it didn't go unnoticed how tensed up she got when she looked at me. She honestly looked terrified. I just didn't know why. I have never seen this girl in my life. "Iced Carmel coffee would be great. Thank you. Ella." She nodded at me. I swear I saw her hand shake slightly. I didn't sense that she was a witch or any other mystical creature. If she was and she sensed me and was freaked out, then why the hell was she working for a coffee shop owned by a bunch of Werewolves. I knew Landyn never came here. That was the only reason why I was comfortable meeting Marvin here. Lily said he started to drink coffee. Luckily for Marvin and i, we never meet at the same place twice. Ella brought me my coffee and was practically shaking. She spilled some on the table, and when I went to help her clean it up, my hand grazed her. I finally got the sense that she was something, but whatever it is, she's purposely trying to hide it. Landyns POV I shot up to the noise of my alarm. I wasn't expecting myself to be out that hard. I rubbed my eyes harshly. My whole body felt sore, and I had a throbbing headache like I had just spent the whole night drinking. "f**k" it's going to be one of those days. I forced myself out of bed and headed to take a shower. I was probably in there longer than I should have been. The warm water just felt amazing against my sore muscles. I settled on a greysuit and a white button-up. Lily helped me with a new wardrobe. She said I needed to look the part for taking over the construction company. I'm some what convinced she purposely bought my tops a size to small. I swear she's trying to pimp me out or at least draw attention my way. I sighed. Realizing I didn't have another option but to wear this. All the sizes were the same, and I didn't have time to buy something else. I'll just have to endure it. I checked my phone to see that Rodger had texted me that he had already left and I would have to meet him there. I checked the time, thinking I must be running behind somehow. But it was only seven. He told me we didn't need to be there till nine, and it was only a forty-five minutes drive. I walked down to the dining hall, and i noticed a moping Andrew in the corner. I sighed, knowing there was so much heartache in this pack. He continued to pick at the food on his plate. Bre has still been avoiding Andrew like the plague. Yet it doesn't stop him from falling her around like a lost puppy. They were writing for a while, but she ultimately wanted to live for a while and find herself before committing. She did say she forgave him. I don't think she realized how tortious this could be for a wolf. Andrew took every bit of it as best he could. I know she had to be feeling the pull. It may not be as strong for witches, but I knew it was still there. I've caught her giving him glances a few times. Ace and Bre joined the pack along with Maureen and Andrew. The younger pack members don't seem to mind, but the older ones are constantly scolding me. Not that they would dare speak up after King Michael's speech at the ceremony. Part of me thinks there half expecting me not to find a mate, so they will have a better excuse to ask me to step down. It would be a lot easier for them instead of going around the king. I know I need to take it more seriously just hard when I don't seem to find hardly anytime to take a break. Not that I want to. Any free time I have is consumed with trying to find my mom. I sighed and just decided to skip breakfast, and I grabbed a coffee to head out. I zoned out, just driving to Rodgers Construction Company on auto pilot. I knew everything I needed to do to keep this company up and running. Rodger has been teaching me for months. I'm just more worried about what the employees will say. Im only twenty, and to most humans, that's way too young to be able to run a company and to run it well. I took a deep breath as I parked my car. I knew I needed to come off confident, so I let some of my alpha aura linger in the air. I walked into the building, and all the pack wolves showed me their necks as respect, and the humans just slowly backed away. Most of them never took their eyes off of me, but never directly looked me in the eye. I guess I'm coming off more intimidating than i thought I was. Lily mentioned I could come across slightly scary. She has no problem adding that I never scared her and that it was hard for her to keep a serious face when pack members would head in a different direction when they saw me. She just reminded me that they would calm down after I took a real Luna. They all know a mate can keep any male wolf in check. She's always so pushy. I know she means well. I heard Maddy squel the nickname she gave me. "Lee Lee, you're here." I saw a few smirks, most from the humans. "Hey Maddy girl, you got up early today." "Daddy said he likes showing me off." Everyone laughed. No one could resist how adorable she is. Rodger stood up from his seat. "Alright, everyone, this is my oldest son Landyn, and starting today, he will be taking over so I can focus on my youngest child. He's up to date on all projects and funds, and any further questions will be directed to him. It was my greatest honor working with all of you, and I look forward to dropping in and seeing all of you again or to make sure you are staying in line." He gave a wink, and they all chuckled. The rest of the morning, Rodger stayed around through the countless meetings that were set up for today. As boring as the meetings were, Rodger seemed pleased how i handled things. Lunch came around, and I was in desperate need of a coffee. Rodger pointed me in the direction of a coffee shop down the street called Lava Java. I recognized the name from one of the coffee shops we owned. I remember most of the kids from high school would go here for coffee it was the closest one we had to our school, and a lot of the kids would leave even earlier to get an Iced coffee. I decided to walk, and the closer I got, the more my wolf started to pace in my head. "What's up? Can you cool it. You're giving me a headache." He just growled in my head. He's been so testy lately. Myles seems to think it's because I'm an Alpha now, and he's feeling the need for his mate. I got outside the coffee shop when the door suddenly opened, and the scent of strawberries and chocolate hit my nostrils. It was the most intoxicating smell that I've ever come across. I now knew why my wolf was pacing in my head. Through this door would be my mate, and there was a good chance she would be Werewolf.
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