Chapter 3: Mate

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Maureens POV I continued to feel Ella's eyes drift on me. Like she was too scared to take them off. I kept trying to think of how she could possibly know me. How she was acting she had to. I was half tempted to leave, but I decided to wait to see if maybe Marvin possibly knew who she was. It would be so much easier if I could figure out what she was. I was still thinking Werewolf. Most were still pretty cautious of witches and warlocks. Plus, she was working for one. It had to be because she figured out I was a witch. I watched Marvin walk in, and Ella's face went even paler if that was even possible. How did she even pick up on Marvin so fast. Maybe she wasn't a Werewolf, but a witch. I wonder if Landyn knew he had one working for him. It was still bugging me how I couldn't sense she was one. Marvin came and took a seat next to me, and I watched Ella send another server to our table. Oh, yeah, something is definitely up. A dark haird girl with a pixie cut came over to our table. "Hi, my name is Namoi, and I will be taking over for Ella. What can I get you, sir?" Marvin shrugged his shoulders back and forth like he was struggling to make a decision. "Oh, I'll take a black coffee with two sugars and blueberry muffin." "Okay, I'll be right back with that." We both thanked her. She brought his coffee and muffin and left to work the counter. I couldn't believe how packed this place is. "Hey Marvin, do you regonize that curly blonde hair girl behind the counter? She has her hair all tangled up on top of her head." He was not subtle in the slightest and turned his body so he could get a better view of the girl behind the counter. He studied her for a moment, and I watched sweat start to drip off her face. "She does look familiar. I just can't place where. Why do you ask?" "I thought maybe she was a witch. I just thought it was weird that one would be working for one of the packs coffee shops, and Landyn never told me." "I'm not sure. You might have to ask him." "We both know I won't do that. He will question why I'm not in school or wonder what I was doing here." Marvin sighed. "You really need to talk to him, Maureen. I know you can trust him. I know he's doing the same thing looking for his mother as well." "I just need to do this without any wolves involved." "Maureen, they are involved. Hell, you're living in a pack. You know you can come back to the coven. Silas is long gone, and I don't see him returning after what he's done." "Thanks, Marvin, but I can't go back there. It doesn't feel like home anymore." "Yet you're complaining about involving wolves, but their pack feels more like home?" Shit he has a point. "Maybe." Was all I could think to say. He probably thinks I'm being completely ridiculous. I know I'm being confusing, but that's because I am confused. He gave me a knowing look and proceeded to talk about why we were meeting here in the first place. "I have a lead on Landyns mom. I had one of the covens witches tell me she talked to a pack member that belonged to Alpha Richard's pack. He told her that he said Landyns mom was there for a few weeks after his Alpha ceremony and hasn't been seen since. Occasionally, Landyns dad, Blake, will stop by. But he's no longer staying there." Ella still had her eyes on us. "Marvin, we probably should take this conversation somewhere else. Ella has hardly taken her eyes off of us." Marvin looked back at her again. Even he was getting suspicious. "Very well. I actually should get going. We can meet at Buds next week." I nodded, and we both headed out. I noticed Landyn headed towards the coffee shop, and we both booked it out of the way before he could notice us. Landyns POV As soon as I stepped into the coffee shop, I was drawn to the woman working frantically behind the counter. I was impressed by how many customers we had in here. I felt kind of bad that there were only three of them working. They were barely keeping up. I watched the women I was drawn to push a loose curl behind her ear. Her hair was dirty blonde in color, and it was naturally curly. She had it piled up on top of her head in a clip, trying to keep it all contained and out of her face. I walked closer to the counter, hoping she would pick up my scent finally, but she never looked. I was really starting to feel confused. This wasn't how any of the pack members acted when they found their mates. Why was I different? Maybe she was too busy to notice. There were a lot of mixed smells in here. Surprisingly, not to many wolves. I regonized Naomi and Sheryl from the pack. Sheryl was older and human. She is mated to one of the pack wariors. She's been running the coffee shop for the last fifteen years. I reached the counter and got a little annoyed that she still hadn't scented or noticed me. Sheryl noticed me instantly. "Al.. I mean Landyn, what an honor to have you here. What can I get you." "Oh, just a black coffee, please. Extra strong if you can." "No problem, sir. We're so happy to have the owner here." I'm going to have to ask her about the girl standing next to her. Especially if I can't get her to notice me or even look up. I watched her eyes bulge out slightly and look at Sheryl. "Did you say owner?" Sheryl nodded her head. "Yes, I did. Ella, this Landyn Whitley. He owns most of the local coffee shops in the city." Finally, she was going to look at me. We locked eyes, and my wolf instantly acknowledged her as my mate. I spoke barely approve a whisper. "mate." She looked panicked. She never once said mate, which was making me even more confused. I went to say something when I heard a little boy no more than four come out from the back of the shop. "Mommy, mommy, I broke my green crayon." He had tears in his eyes. She looked more scared than she did before. She scooped the boy up and directed her eyes back to me. "I'm so sorry, sir. I have no one to watch him, and I can't afford daycare." Sheryl spoke up in her defense. "I told her she could bring the boy, Al.. sir." I hated how they both were looking terrified of me right now. I thought it was noble that she was doing everything she could to provide for her son. "Ella, right?" I loved how. her name rolled off my tongue. My wolf was practically purring in my head. She just nodded. I could tell she was trying not to look me in the eye again. On auto pilot, I moved closer to her and moved her chin with my hands so she was looking directly in my eyes. I felt the tingles shoot through me. All just from a small touch. She flinched slightly. She must have felt it."Ella, it's really okay. Bring him here as much as you want. I know you wouldn't if you had another option. I can see that you're trying to provide for your son." She looked at me, shocked. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." "It's really okay. I'll have someone bring a kids' table and chairs for him to be able to color." From what I could tell, there was only one table back there, and it was covered in papers. She shook her head. "No, it's really okay. What you're doing is way more than I could ever ask for." "It's no problem, but I'm still bringing the table and chairs." She looked defeated. "Okay, if you insist." "I do." She gave me a small smile and took her son that was still weeping over the broken crayon. I watched her walk away. My heart was breaking the further she got away from me. Even if we still were under the same building. That one touch had me hooked. I looked at a nervous Sheryl. I knew she heard me say, mate. I whispered, "Human?" She whispered back. "Yes, Alpha." "Do you know much about her?" "Not much that is really my place to say Alpha. With all do respect, from the little she's told me her ex wasn't a nice guy. " "The boys dad?" She nodded again. I hated that she wasn't going to give me more than that. I respected her for it, though.
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