I slowly start to wake up, I can feel the sun on my skin. It is so warm and comforting that I almost forgot who and where I am. I hear laughter all around me and I don't want to look and see even more people I don't know make fun of me.
Trev: WAKE UP! Ugly pest! I allow you to live to humor me. Let everyone see how pathetic you are.
So I looked up, what else could I do? This is horrible! So many strangers are here and they are doing NOTHING to help me....What is that I smell? Its warm caramel....I just want to bathe in it. I can't tell where it is coming from.
Everyone finally starts to head inside the pack house. Trev stays back.
Trev: No one will help you. You are mine to do with as I please! He kicks me one more time then walks back into the pack house."
I lay there, a few tears have slipped out now that everyone is gone. I wont let them see me cry.
I'm starving, cold and in so much pain. Who knows how long I will be here.
I must have dosed off, but I was woken up by a thick coat being draped around me. I look up and to my horror, it is the KING!!!!
OOOOHHHH he smells so amazing, my wolf speaks for the first time; MATE!
He looks down at me, I see no smile or any signs of happiness. Why would I? I'm not good enough for him. Why would he love me, hell, he didn't even save me earlier. He must know what is happening, right?
He raises a hand to my face and I flinch. He grimaced and tries again. In a gruff voice I hear: stay still, I wont hurt you. He moves some hair out of my face and looks into my eyes, I'm not sure what it is he is doing, but he is looking for something.
He found something because he stood up and roars! Breaks the collar off me and picks me up. He starts yelling for the pack doctor. I pointed in the correct direction. He must be hurt and even though I do not know him, I don't want him to be hurt.
We get there and the doctor, Alex, seems to be confused. He looks at me and gives me a sour look.
Alex: You are not welcome here." He points to me. "King Jax! Welcome!! Are you hurt? What can we do for you?"
So that is his name? My mate is Jax......so sexy.......and he is warm and strong. WAIT! I can't think that I shouldn't get used to this, he clearly doesn't know that I'm not worth anything.
Angel: STOP THAT!!! You are so worth it! Smart and beautiful! Our mate will love us!"
Abril: Our mate? Who are you?"
Angel: I am your solve. We are one and the same. I'm so glad to finally meet you! I will never leave your side again. We are so strong, but we have to get you in shape and have a lot of work ahead of us. I'm so sorry you had to endure this type of life."
Abril: I can't believe you are here! I didn't know it was my birthday....I must have lost so much time somehow....."
I start crying and King Jax is wiping my tears away. I don't know why he is being so nice to me. I don't deserve it.
King Jax: Little one, please don't cry. This man is mean but will treat your wounds and you will feel much better. Can you tell me what all has happened to you?"
I shake my head no, what would be the point. He wont believe me. It was already to much for the doctor visit. If word spreads, I will be punished even more so for it.
Abril: I can't be seen. Please, I will be ok. You can reject me if you want, or I can do take the lead if it is what you wish."