My name is Abril. My pack hates me and I have no idea why. I have nothing, the Alpha decided to use me to his benefit (and the pack's). I don't have an official rank. I was given the title SLAVE. I am lower than an omega. I don't remember much of my life before this. I was taken in when I was 5. I'm now 17 and in three months I will be old enough to have my wolf and escape this place. Maybe I can find my mate.
I have no idea who my father is, but he may be alive. My mother died from starvation on the border of the pack I am now trapped in. They let her die. Why not me? However, before she passed, she told me that I can become really powerful. I just needed to find my mate and make him accept me, or was it love me? I'm not sure exactly. From what I can tell, no one will want me. I'm ugly.
I'm about 5 feet 4 inches tall, I am thin and you can see the outline of my bones, I have blue hair and blue eyes, both are dull and lifeless. Everyone is allowed to do whatever they want with me at anytime. I get beat up, chained outside and thrown into the dungeons. Luckily, the Alpha's son, Trev, gave me my own room! I get my own space in the barn with all the other animals, I don't have a door and I get the leftover hay after I clean up to use as my bed and blanket. I do everything in this pack! I hate it here and can't wait to runaway - if they don't kill me first.
The only nice thing is that I get to go for a walk everyday. Sometimes it is peaceful, but other times, I get attacked by pack members so I have to be sneaky and careful.
My body is really tired and sore from all the chores I needed to do, but I am finally done and can go to bed. I walked to the barn and of course someone took all the hay out of the barn....I get no bedding again tonight. I lay of the concrete and try to rest, but my mind just wonders.
I made this dream world as an escape from this reality. It perfect and beautiful. My mate loves me, we have children and a house and I even work at the hospital!
I must have dosed off because someone grabs me from my room. I'm dragged across the barn and field to the front of the pack house. I look and its the Alpha's son Trev! He is chaining me up again. He puts on gloves to grab my collar - its silver and it hurts wolves. He puts it around my neck and my eyes tear up. He locks it an attaches the chain to the post, I have no idea how long I will be here this time.
Trev: Look up at me filth! You will be here when all the other packs arrive tomorrow morning! Show them how pathetic you are! They wont help you because it will be war, so be good. No one dares go against us."
He kicks me in the face. Then everyone throws a punch at me as they head back to bed. I lay there....will I even survive until I'm 18?