Chapter 3

201 Words
" Dont you try to scare us now " Bruce told.  " And Lila there must be wild animals too think " Jess was saying. " I shouldn't have had come only " Lila said but Bruce told her " dont worry i have brought my gun. Bruce was the handsome dark haired friend of Lila. After some time of driving. Tod stopped. He was a well built old best friend of Elizabeth. " I think i have found our perfect spot for camping. " Really its nice,  see there a lake nearby too " Jess squealed.  " No dipping there who knows what kind of fishes are there " Liz warned her. " You are a bore at times " Jess replied to her. They all got out with their stuff as Tod parked the jeep. " Lets start putting up the tents before it gets dark and i and Bruce will go and get some wood to burn a fire " Tod said.  At this Liz told him" Don't go too far out in the woods as you may get lost in the darkness. And its already getting very chilly here too. A fire would warm us all. "
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