Chapter 2

382 Words
And heaved a sigh of relief as she went to sleep. " Maybe i had not locked the door properly " she was wondering. Next morning Tod,  called up.  " " Here its Tod " Jess said as she handed the phone to Liz. Abd went to arrange her things. " Im coming up with Winston are you both ready with the camp stuff " he asked Liz.  " Yes we are all packed up. Jess is taking her make up purse too along!  " Liz told and both of them laughed at this.  " Yes by the way Lila is also coming but she was worried about the mosquitoes in the forests " Tod said.  " Lets put Jess and her in one sleeping tent then.  But are you carrying a gun or something. Its wilderness anything could be there.  Professor Neil told not go that much far in the forests " Liz, was worrying. " It's not that far and Bruce he is, also coming " Tod said. " This two are more then enough. You know how they both argue most of the time " Liz said. Later they were ready as Tod came with his jeep and they all left for camping. As their car drove through the forests road. Lila from the backseat said " its so much green here see. Bruce have you brought ur camera to take pictures.  " " Yes i have " he said. Tod said " Better take care of the compass Winston. We dont want losing our way in the jungles ok. Winston was a nice looking spectsy guy who tried to made people laugh with his jokes. . " Where is it,  the compass i dont find it here. I think i have misplaced it" Winston said.  All of them were shocked.  Suddenly Winston started laughing and said  " i was joking i have it. "  "  Its already 5 pm in the evening soon it will be night so dont you think we should hurry up and find a, spot to set up our tents " Liz said. " It was a, lame joke " Jessica said angrily.  " But this forests are looking too much lonely type in the twilight dont you all think so " Lila said.
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