Chapter 4

255 Words
Suddenly Liz started shivering. " Its too cold here we should have brought double sweaters with us " she said.  Soon the guys came. Tod and Bruce with some woodsticks. " Here are the sticks lets start the fire to keep you girls warm " he said. As they lit a bonfire and later were sitting around it. " The sky is full of stars, and see that full moon. Only in forests you can see this so clearly " Jess said.  " From our window also i can see it " Winston said. " Lets share some stories then " Bruce said. ' I have heard rumors that a, serial killer prowls here at night " he said. " Shut up Bruce " Lila said.  " No im not joking really i have heard it " Bruce replied. " Guys did you heard that sound of an axe hitting a tree. Who could be here in middle of nowhere at 10 pm in the night " Liz said with a, shiver. " Maybe its the rumoured killer " Winston said. " Just let us go and retire in our sleeping tents " Jess said as goosebumps came over her. There was silence all around them.  Tod was the first one to break it.  " It's okay dont be afraid iwill keep a watch you all sleep. " " After driving you must be tired,  it would be better if you go to sleep too Tod " Liz, said and " Zip the tent.  "
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