Chapter 9

263 Words
Tod quickly fixed the spare tyre.  Lila said " hurry up now and just enter the jeep okay. There may be wild animals  out here too maybe. " " Yes ok we are going only calm down now " Bruce said. As they all quickly enteted the jeep and Bruce started thr engine there was some trouble in starting it.  " Now what dont tell me that the Jeep wont start " Jess said. " Give him a, moment to work it out okay all of you guys " Tod was saying. " Whose that man near the tree see its him!  " Liz screamed. Suddenly from the bushes abearded came running out with an axe in his hand towards them. " Start the jeep fast " Lila, shouted. " Its not starting " Bruce. Told.  " Oh no lets get out of the jeep and run in the forests now then " Winston said. " Wait its starting here " Bruce said and their jeep started with a jerk and they drove away from there at full speed . And the man's axe hit the back of their jeep and the sound of axe hitting steel came. All of them were breathless " Never  im coming with you guys on a camping trip " Jess was saying. " I know  what if the jeep had not started, where we would have ran in the dark forests with that serial killer following us " Jess said. " But it did started " Liz said as she laid her head on the window pane.
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