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For some time they kept driving.  " What time its now " jess asked Tod.  " Its 4 in the night now " Tod said. " Im freezing its so chilly here " Jess said shivering. Suddenly their jeep halted with a jerk " What now!  " Lila said.  " Wait i will check " Bruce said and got out to check.  " I dont know whats the problem the tyres seem fine " he said.  " Maybe the engines heated or something " Winston said. " Theres nothing we can do so just lets wait it out till another car or truck passes by so we can take a lift " Bruce said. So they all sat quietly for sometime. Around them it was, all thick forests and only the sound of crickets could be heard.  From the distance some noise of an wild animal could be heard.  " What if its a tiger or wolf out there " Jess said.  " Just lock all the door locks and we are fine " Tod said.  " But what if that crazed axe man came here " Lila, said. " We have left him far back he cant reach us here Lila " Tod exclaimed. " And theres no signal too in any of our mobiles " Liz said.  " Nothing we can do just wait it out for some car to pass by.  But there will be no sign of any till morning " Liz said as something bumped into their jeep very strongly and their whole jeep vibrated.
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