Chapter 8

293 Words
There was a commotion. All of them got up.  Bruce,  Winston and Lila. " Whats it what happened " Bruce asked.  " Tod as gone missing somewhere and has not returned " Liz, said.  " Let's take some flashlights and search for him " Bruce told Winston. Lila patted Lizs shoulder " See i had told you not to come here so far in the woods but you people wont hear me out. Tod can take care of himself dont worry ..  " They all went in groups searching for him calling out his name.  After some time.  " Look i see someone lying on the ground " Winston said and they all rushed to see it was Tod unconscious. " Pour some water on him fast " Jess said. Winston sprinkled some water on him.  Tod got up slowly. " We have to go from here theres a man with an axe here.  He hitted me on the head. And ran away.  Im sure hes somewhere around here and coming back " Tod was, saying. " Ok let's pack the tents and get back in our car and drive off from here " Liz, said. Bruce said " I will drive the car. " As they made their way back to their tents and starting removing it.  Lila  went towards the car and screamed. " Whats it Lila " Winston. " The car tyres punctured see " she pointed towards it.  " How can that be " Jess  said.  " That man only must save done it " Tod said.  " Remove the extra tire and fix it then fast. You know how to do it dont you Winston " Bruce came and told. " I will do it " Tod said.
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