Daisys Adventure

520 Words
1  It was a lovely evening.  With a cool breeze blowing and summer  magnolia flowers in full bloom in Daisys backyard. She was reading her favourite gothic romance mystery novel and was having her lemon tea. Her phone buzzed,  it was her granny.  she picked up. " Listen Daisy are you coming tonight or not. Its been a long awhile you have not been here. " Sure i am coming to visit  you in my car now " and got up to get dressed. " No wait you come tomorrow in morning. Its no moon night.  Dont travel alone now " her granny told her" " You are being superstitious  nothing will happen " Daisy laughed. But then a lingering thought came to her " its a no moon night and its a long drive through the forests. Should i go tomorrow or today to visit granny.  Superstitious me she chided herself. " After wearing her green lemon colour dress she left her house. A weird sensation she was having about the trip. She started on her journey.  It was a full moon night and she reached her grandma house after one hour of driving through the forests on a windy weather.  All the trees were blowing in the breeze. After she reached her granny house. Her grandmother had just made dinner and was, waiting for her on the porch. " Dear you came i was waiting for you.  U shouldn't be driving in such a, weather at night " daisys grandmother said reproachfully. " What have you made by the way " Daisy asked.  " Its chicken chesse sandwhich and some white wine.  " " Yes ur food is, always good " Daisy remarked. " So have you found someone or not " her granny asked. " Not yet " Daisy said wistfully. And all other topics they talked on. After talking and having dinner in the garden. Daisy got up to go. " Wait where are you going its 11 in the night.  You can sleep and go tomorrow. Its not safe to drive in thenight all alone " granny said. " How can wild animals enter a closed car from the forests " Daisy asked.  " And what if your car breaks down in middle of the road and im not just talking about wild animals here. Its, a no moon night Daisy " her granny said. " Please don't be superstitious and believe in ghosts. I have to go because tomorrow morning i have a, meeting and i have to prepare.  And by the way it would be fun driving in the night through the fotests on a moonlit night!  Daisy said. " Always the impulsive one arent you. Okay so dont forget to lock the cardoors.  And no hitch hikers. " " Give me a, call on the way..  " her granny said. " Sure i will call you after i reach home " Daisy said.  " And if some problems happen on the way call me " granny told Daisy.  " Dont worry " Daisy said. And so Daisy left on her return journey.
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