Short Story. 2nd chapter

495 Words
They slept for some time. Outside the man somehow had made his way into the house. Through a window. He sneaked into the house.  Later in the night Terry heard some noise downstairs.  Terry got up panicky. A chill came to her heart. Slowly she made her way downstairs. When she reached the hall with her flashlight she saw shadow of a man. " How he came inside! Whose this " Terey asked. Immediately sound of running footsteps came towards her.  Quickly she ran the stairs up to her room and bolted. And watched. After a few moments her door knob was shaking. " Betty we have to get out of here " she said. Terry and Betty quickly hid under the bed. She was breathing heavily. In the next moment the door was open and a masked man entered inside the room. He started looking for her. " What should i do now " Terry thought. From the open window moonlight was falling inside.  Terry saw the open window and decided to jump from it.  The man opened the cabinet and was looking inside it. Slowly Terry and Betty without making a noise went towards the window and started climbing out of it. It was not that too high a, jump or climb down. First Betty climbed down. Then Terry but her knee brushed against the window glass and made a noise. The, man heard it. He stopped looking in the cupboard for her and turned and saw her. He came rushing towards her. He caught her leg but Terry shoved him and jumped. She fell down. For a, few seconds Terry was afraid that she had broken a bone or something. But a few bruises nohing much so Terry got  up and started running away from the house towards the main road. So did Betty. She turned back and saw the masked man was still at the window. And in the next moment he was gone. Terry and Betty started running.  Betty's feet hit a branch and she fell. She got up and started running again. From behind her the sound of rustling leaves could be heard. That, man was following her. Where she could hide.  Should she climb a tree or run towards the road. Some headlights of a car could be  seen. Terry could have used their own car but her parents had taken it to go for their weekend. She started waving her hands wildly hoping the car would stop. The car halted. It was a police car. The cop asked her why she was in middle of the road at night.  Terry explained him that a   intruder had broken into her house. " Dont worry we will catch him. Right now lets go to the police station. In this area some news of a miscreant breaking into people's houses was there on the news " the cop said.  And Terry and Betty sat in the car and felt relief..
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