Novella. 2nd chapter

345 Words
After some time of driving. Daisy started to feel drowsy. " I should have listened to granny's and stayed there only , for the night. Like a, fool i took up this journey. " Not one human being and car could be seen for miles. And i am all alone here. The forest was looming all dark around her. " Hope my car doesn't breaks down now " she told herself with a, shiver. Suddenly she saw a woman on the side of the road. " Whats, this woman doing in the jungles. But when' she came nearer what she saw made her heart froze. That her feet were opposite. And a sinister smile was on her face. She was like a shadow. Not a human being. Daisys heart froze. She was not a human being ! She drove on faster somehow breathlessly. She tried calling her granny. But it was showing out of network. Maybe she had slept. Then in the rear view she saw the same woman siting in her backseat! She couldnt believe it. How can the woman get inside the car. It was a spirit roaming the forests. And she did not heeded her grannys word. Daisy amost felt faint. But somehow she kept on driving. The woman vanished from the backseat. In a blur she drove and reached her house and faltered and fell on the bed. Next day she had a fever. She called her granny and told her everything about it. Her grandmother said " thats why i was warning you. I have heard some rumours about that patch of the forests. Now next time you wont be driving too late in the night. One good thing happened out of all this " she said. " Next time you come here you will stay here. But you are brave to keep driving inspite of that ghostly sighting " her granny said. " Yes i know and to think i never believed in ghosts " Daisy said as she was holding a cup of warm tea in her hands.
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