The Forest Inn

285 Words
Chapter one As Betty was riding in her car on a stormy night through the forests for a weekend getaway. She had second thoughts, did she do the right thing by coming alone. She should have brought her friend Missy along. What to do now can't go back also she thought. Betty was right in the middle of nowhere. She was tired of driving and wanted to halt in for the night. After sometime an inn came into view. It looked pretty isolated. Maybe she could stay here for the night. She parked her car and got out. It was ☔ raining so heavily that she got all wet. When she entered inside it was comfy looking with stuffed animal heads in the wall. Quite odd. Maybe this innkeeper guy was hunter of some sort. She was shivering with the cold. The innkeeper looked at her n smiled. He was very tall. She got a weird unexplained feeling about it all her being here. Something was off about him. But she ignored it and went inside. With her mini luggage bag. She asked for a room for the night. He hesitated a bit then he gave her the keys took her sign n asked whether she would like to have dinner with him down as he was all alone and would like some company. She said ok. After she made to her room. She showered up dressed and came down. One thing was nagging her though. Sure she had heard the doorknob turn in her inn room while was in the bath tub and rattle too! And she was also all alone in this deserted inn in the middle of forests with this inn keeper.
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