208 Words
Tod got out of the jeep. Liz stopped him saying " it must be some wild animal dont go stay inside only.  " So he cancelled the idea of getting out and peered out from the window.  " It's, a, wild rabbid dog outside " he said.  " And more the size of a wolf " Lila said as, she too saw it.  They all just watched as it jumped around their jeep.  Then it jumped at the window and scratched.  " Kill it with your gun " said Jess to Bruce.  So Bruce removed his gun and was, trying to aim at it but it suddenly went away from there into the forests.   " It's risky to get out of this jeep here. Who knows next a, leopard or wolf may come.  Stay inside and just keep the doors locked. In morning we can take a hike " Liz said.  So they all set quietly. And had fallen asleep too,  after sometime. But a loud noise woke them up. Liz screamed because just outside their window the axe man was, standing with his, axe and smiling.  " How did he reached here " Lila  said as she looked at him and was trying to wake up Tod.
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