3rd chapter

275 Words
Mia couldn't sleep in the night because of the chilly weather and she was feeling spooky too here in this inn in the forest alone. In midnight she was sure she heard someone walking outside her room. Who else could it be. Was it the innkeepeer! She quickly got up to check the lock and closed the window too. As a very cold wind was blowing and far off a wolf was whining. So she wrapped the blanket and closed her eyes n laid her head on the pillow. As the moonlight fell on her face from the window and gave the room a cool glow. When morning came she woke up fitfully. It was 11 o clock. She quickly got dressed up packed her mini luggage and went downstairs. The inn keeper was standing n smiling at her. She was found his smile kind of strange. " Where you going miss in this weather " he asked. " Ofcourse I'm returning home, what else u think " Mia said. " No you cant go in this storm outside " he said and tried to close the main door. Goosebumps she was starting to feel. " She pushed him a li3and said " I will go. Give my checkout reciept " she said. " What about coffee or some breakfast " innkeeper asked. " No its okay I would rather get going , i am in a hurry " Mia replied. " Let's see how you can drive your car in this rain now " he sneered. Did she hear some threat in his undertone Mia wondered. And she left off for her car. ☆
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