4h chapter

305 Words
Mia took her luggage put it in her car n went driving off. From her rear mirror she saw the inn keeper looking at her from behind. The weather got more stormy. Rain was falling very heavily n there was thunderstorm too. Lightening struck in the sky.  She put on the radio. News flash was coming of the roads being flooded and people were told to drive with caution. And best remain at home. She switched channels and played some songs to lighten her mood. Britney spears song was playing. " Oh no now what " she said, the fuel meter was showing less petrol. ' Where would be the petrol pump be here now " she asked. Luckily she saw one. It was deserted. The station guy came running he was unruly looking. He filled her car with petrol. Then as Mia was removing money from her purse to give him he started banging on her car window. " Whats wrong with you " she asked him. " You will have to pay through card please come with me to the office " he said. Mia followed him. She took her pepper spray in case she needed it. Everything was looking isolated. The atmosphere was cold and damp. Everything was looking grey. She was feeling suspicious about him. The moment they entered he closed the door and he took her aside and told her that " listen miss there's no need to pay thru card as such " and grabbed her arm. Instantly Mia removed her spray and started spraying him with the pepper spray shouting " stay away from me. " " Listen what are you doing I'm just tying to help you. There's a man hiding in the backseat of ur car " the man said while trying to dodge the spray.
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