2 nd chapter

280 Words
When she came down the inn keeper had arranged the dinner table. There was a chicken sandwich and some hot coffee. " This is all I have " he said. " It will do " she said. " So do you stay alone " she asked. " Yes " he said. " Were you on some holiday " he asked. " Yes I was thinking of a two day weekend but with this weather I think I will return tomorow ". " You can't go in this storm " he said. Suddenly she felt cold all over. " I think I will just go and sleep " I will try and go tomoro morning itself because it's going to rain more heavily. " " But all the roads are flooded and its not safe to drive all alone in this weather " the inn keeper said a little forcefully. So she left thanked him and went up to her room. Betty laid on the bed. She was a blonde pretty bit impulsive girl. She lay trying to sleep. She thought of watching some tv but nothing good was coming. With the fierce wind knocking the tree branch on her window .. Outside the sky was full of dark clouds. Sleep wouldn't come so she switched on the radio. Some news was coming on it of a serial killer on the loose in the woody forest side area. And there was something weird about this inn too.  She was the only one here. As Betty listened the more she wanted to sleep and get up n go from here in the morning itself to home. Suddenly the room felt cold too.
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