5th chapter

433 Words
" What really are you telling me,  is it the truth " asked Mia. " Yes I'm but i couldn't tell this to you in front of him so I brought you here. " Now what do we do " exclaimed Mia. " Wait come with me we will see what to do about him " said the attendant. He took hold of a baseball bat n both of them went towards the car out side slowly. " Even the office phone was not working or we could have called the cops " said the petrol assistant. " My cell too is showing no network " Mia said. " Havent you heard news of serial killer on loose in this area " he asked.  " I did but now think what we should do  " Mia replied. As soon as they stepped outside a lightening struck n rain started falling more heavily. " I feel like im in a creepy movie " Mia said. The assistant laughed nervously at this statement of her. When they reached the car and saw inside the hiding man was gone. Mia had a sigh of relief. " So I will go back to my town now " she said. " In this weather do you think its safe " asked the attendant. " I'm in between roads now so I either go home or back to that inn. Do you know any place where I can stay for the night. Because im not going back to that creepy inn " Mia said. " For a mile now there's no inn here so I think you go home or stay here at a  room at the petrol station. I sleep here only " attendant said. " This would be better "  he said. " No i guess will go rather back to home. It's okay im safe in the car. As long as I don't venture outside or stop or give ride to hitchhikers " " Don't forget to lock the door " attendant said. " I will ok " she said and went off. " This looks like a horror movie scene " Mia thought. She silently drove for some time. Was in no mood to hear any music on the radio too. It was five pm in the evening but because of heavy clouds looked almost like night. There was a huge thunder n more rain started falling. " What have i got myself into " she said. " Better I had halted at the petrol pump n slept in that room at petrol station only.
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