6th chapter

332 Words
For some time Mia kept driving. She was feeling hungry , as for a long time she had not eaten anything. An nearby all motels were closed too. Then it was 7:pm in the evening night was falling now and instead of coming close to her city she was still lost on the roads. It was again getting dark too. She was driving for hours. Then she heard some screeching sound. And her car abruptly halted. She rushed out of her car and saw what was the problem. A flat tyre it was. " I don't believe this what I'm gonna do now " she said. " No way i can get a, mechanic here.  Will have to hike now " Mia screeched. As no other option was there quietly she just sat in her car checking whether her cell phone had any network range. But it was showing null. The wipers kept wiping the water from the car window. Mia felt bit drowsy n closed her eyes and just let her head rest on the seat. Only the sound of rain and thunder could be heard. When she heard something which made her cold all over. It was the sound of a chainsaw. " What is this noise and whose coming this way. She listened to her guts and got out of the car. In such a scenario the heroine of a horror movie runs and this is what I will have to do " Mia said n bolted out of her car towards the trees. And hid behind the thick bushes. She saw a figure of a man coming out from the trees from front in the rain. It was a huge man with a plastic white mask and in his hand was a chainsaw. The serial killer! He came towards her car and was searching it. Mia closed her mouth with her hand n was breathing heavily unless what if she made some sound n the killer hears it.
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