Camp Killer

301 Words
Chapter one.  The wakefields house was quiet.  Liz and Jessica were twins. Both of them blonde and pretty.  Their father Ned had gone to an out of town meeting and they were alone in the house at night.  Their mother Nancy too had gone to their grannys house. " Which movie should we see Liz " Jess asked.  " Its too late in the night lets just go to sleep. Did you check all the doors are locked " Liz told.  She was the sensible of them both while Jess was the impulsive one. " How about nightmare on elm street movie..  Did you heard at college Lila was saying that a man is, trying to break into houses in our locality. One girl she was alone and called the cops when she heard noises downstairs. But he had gone by the time they came." Jess said. " Im sleeping and not interested in ur this topics.  And tomorrow we are going camping remember so have to prepare too " Liz said.  " Yes i forgot that. It would be so fun in the middle of woods with freezing weather and above a sky full of stars. Its nice Tod too is coming. " Jess said. But Liz already was fast asleep. " Really in two minute you slept too " jess said.  Jess went down stairs to check the doors and saw that the backdoor was wide open and was, rattling with the chilly blowing storm wind. Suddenly she felt a bit afraid.  What if that intruder was outside. Quickly she ran towards the door.  In the darkness from the bushes some movement of a shadow could be seen. " What was that now " Jess wondered as a shiver ran through her.  Jess bolted the door and went upstairs.
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