Chapter Eighteen: Mei POV

4405 Words

The sounds of arguing drift into my ears, disrupting my sleep. As my eyes open and take in the room around me, I feel confused and disoriented until I remember where I am, and I wish I didn’t. Looking across the room towards the balcony, I see the moon shining brightly in the sky, its brightness immediately reminding me of Chris’ smile. A sad smile forms on my face as tears pool in my eyes. I’d give anything to be back in his arms. I remove the pouch from against my cheek as I slowly turn onto my back. Nuo brought me some herbs before I went to sleep, to keep on my cheek to bring down the swelling. There’s still a lot of pain, but just from touching, I can tell the swelling has gone down quite a bit. I caught a glimpse of my face in the bathroom mirror earlier, the bruising was pretty ba

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