Chapter Nineteen: Mei POV

3205 Words

*TRIGGER WARNING* This chapter contains SA, if this is a triggering subject for you, skip to chapter 20. I start to wake up when I feel my body being moved. Burning pain shoots through my wrists as I feel my arms being raised above my head. I cry out as my eyes shoot open. Kneeling over me is a shirtless Emperor, and he’s tying the cuffs that are around my wrists to the headboard. I scream and the adrenaline pumping through my body once again gives me the strength to thrash and try and pull away, but it’s no use. Every time I move, the cuffs just burn into my skin more, causing more blisters to form. “I promised to pick up where we left off,” he slurs. The smell of his breath is familiar and then it hits me… Tezus. Oh Gods, he’s drunk. The fear propelling through me just makes me th

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