Chapter Seventeen: Chris POV

3571 Words

Mei has been gone a full twenty-four hours, but it feels like it’s been years. I feel like I’m slipping into madness. Axel is consumed by rage, and I’m just filled with despair. I still can’t believe he attacked Amelia. I’m even more shocked he was able to get the jump on her at all – she outranks us. The suite is still a mess. When I returned to the suite I saw the dinner I’d set up for Mei and me just sitting there untouched, I broke down. As did Axel. We were supposed to have a romantic evening with the woman we love and instead she was taken from us. It was too much for us to handle. I’ve remained in the bedroom curled up in the bed sheets. Mei’s scent still clings to every fibre and it’s the only thing holding me together, but at the same time, it’s like a dagger in my soul. The

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