Chapter 5- Chris and Rebecca

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Chris “Are you going to sleep the day away?” I could hear a loud husky voice in my mind, and jumped out of bed prepared to fight whomever had entered my room. "Who is there? Show yourself!" I commanded as I looked around my room. It was dark and the sun had not yet risen. My eyes are still blurred from sleep, but I do not see anyone.. But suddenly, I heard the deep voice speak once again. "Who do you think it is Sunshine? Jeez I hope you are brighter than this, and it is just because it is the morning...” I hear a chuckle in my mind and suddenly realize what is happening. Oh great I got a sarcastic d*ck for a wolf... After I get over my wolf's snide comments, I am all of a sudden filled with excitement and energy. I can’t believe this moment has finally come. I have been waiting my entire life to finally meet my wolf and the day is finally here.. This is the greatest day of my life. I just wish I didn’t have to wait another month to shift into my wolf for the first time. “You smell like mate....” My wolf all of a sudden sounds very excited and eager to go and find our mate. I can feel him pacing in my mind, desperate to run to her. My heart races with anticipation, the one thing better than getting my wolf today would be the chance to finally meet my mate.. An image of Rebecca's face pops up in my mind, and I can't help but hope that it is her.. I had loved her since before I could remember.. “Really? I was on Charlie’s patrol yesterday, bringing her to the training centre to meet with the Alpha.” My eyes widened all of a sudden. Could I be Charlie’s destined mate? Oh s**t, that would not be good, especially since I’m in love with her best friend... I started to pace back and forth in my room. What am I going to do if I am the Alpha’s daughters mate?! How will I tell Rebecca? Then again.. why would she care? I have barely ever spoken to her or looked at her due to the Alpha’s rules.. I had just admired her from a far all of these years... “Let’s go find mate!” I feel my eyes darken as my wolf tries to take over my body... He was insistent on going now, but I couldn't help but feel reluctant.. I don't know what I will do if it turns out to be Charlie.. "Woah woah woah hang on a minute. It is 5am and I don’t even know your name.” I was attempting to stall my wolf from charging towards the pack house and claiming his mate... My wolf does not know how things are run in this pack under Alpha Luther's leadership, and I did not want his excitement to meet our mate to be the death of us.. Even though my father is a Gamma, we live in a house separate from the pack house. My mother Elise always preferred the more lower-key lifestyle and wanted a cozy family home to raise her sons in and hopefully her grandchildren.. Now that I am eighteen, Chad and I will be moving into the pack house in a little over a month. Alpha Luther asked us to wait until after Charlie’s birthday before we step into our roles of future Alpha and Beta more seriously.. He is making such a big deal out of Charlie and her birthday, it has us all on edge, as if he knows something bad is going to happen.. “My name is Kyle. Now let’s go fine mate!” My wolf is very persistent and has run out of patience. “Calm down, how about we head to the training centre and get some training in early.. I know Charlie will be training with the Alpha first thing this morning before she starts getting ready for the party with Rebecca.. If she is our mate, then we will know as soon as she enters the training grounds." I managed to convince my wolf. I knew that he probably had a lot of pent up energy that he needed to burn anyway.. I changed into my training shorts and headed out of the house. Since werewolves are naturally warm, we rarely wear shirts, most will just wear loose workout shorts so they’re easy to take off if we need to shift into our wolves quickly. Rebecca “Good morning beautiful, rise and shine, today is our big day!" I hear a kind voice in my head, that sounds like a beautiful melody. I immediately smiled and opened my eyes. I have finally gotten my wolf! "I am so happy you are with me. I could cry! What do you look like?? What is your name??" Hearing my wolf's voice in my mind is like music to my ears. I feel like I have been waiting my whole life for this moment.. "My name is Rose, and I am so happy to be a part of you. You will have to wait another month until we shift to see what I look like.. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. We play a very important role in this pack.. The Moon Goddess hand picked us herself." “Hand picked us for what?” I asked Rose out loud, confused by her words.. My life up to now has not been very climactic for us to be hand picked for anything special.. "You will see, my dear, all in do time. When she needs us, we will be ready. We were born for this..." Rose responds and now I am not only confused but slightly concerned, born for what? I feel like I have been left out of the loop on something important going on in my own life... Who is she? The Moon Goddess? Before I could ask Rose any more questions, she suggested that we get our workout clothes on and head down to the training centre. I get the feeling that Rose would not be willing to answer anymore of my questions anyways, so I do as she says and get changed and head out my door to ask my guards if I can go train early. As soon as I step out of my room, I see Alpha Luther and Charlie walking down the hall, also heading out for their morning training session.. I ask the Alpha if he is okay if I join them, and he agrees. I spend almost all of my time with Charlie, it is rare that the Alpha would deny our request to do something with one another.. When we got to the centre I could smell something mouth watering.. I have never smelled anything like this before, but it is consuming every inch of my body, and I am drawn towards the direction it is coming from.. Usually the centre smells of sweat and blood, but today it smelled different. More like marshmallows roasted over the campfire in the crisp fall air. There was something about the scent that was completely soothing and made me need to find where it was coming from.. Suddenly, everything around me blurred from my vision, and I couldn’t hear anything but my heart beating. My feet took control of my body and were leading me away from Charlie and the Alpha and further into the centre... I walked into the weight room and stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a pair of black eyes staring back at me... They seemed to be just as drawn to me as I was to them.. I am about to run into the arms of the man whose eyes they belong to when, all of a sudden, I hear a command that stops me dead in my tracks.. “Stop! Both of you. You are both obviously mates.. I can see that much is clear.. While I understand the pull you are both currently feeling, you must resist it.. Chris, go back home for now until the party tonight. Rebecca and I will speak with her father, Beta Jackson, and we will discuss our next steps moving forward this evening.” Alpha Luther commands, and we have no choice but to obey his order.. I could feel my heart breaking... I felt like one of the biggest moments of my life had just happened, and it was taken away from me just as quickly as it had appeared.. I cleared the tears from my eyes quickly, not wanting to reveal how broken I was feeling.. Suddenly, I see Chris standing in front of me. He looks torn... He is fighting his wolf's natural obligation to follow his Alpha’s command.. It seemed as though his desire to be with me was outweighing any duty he had to his Alpha, and he wanted so badly to give in to the mate bond and come to me... I tried to make things easier on Chris, so I turned around and headed back to the pack house followed by my guards.. It broke me to do it, but I did not want Chris to be in trouble with Alpha Luther.. I loved him too much to allow any harm to come to him. I needed to talk to my father...but no matter what he has to say, nothing will keep me from being with Chris.
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