Chapter 6- Teaching My Father a Lesson

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Charlie I was thrilled for Rebecca when she told me about her wolf, Rose, on our walk to the training centre. We have been talking about the day we would get our wolves, since we were first able to talk.. It is one of the biggest moments in a werewolf’s life and hearing about Rose made me even more excited for my birthday to finally arrive. As we were walking into the training centre, Rebecca started to act weird... I had just been asking her if Rose had told her what she looked like.. But instead of answering me, she just took off in the opposite direction that we were heading.. I became confused as to what she was doing, as well as curious as to what had caught Rebecca’s attention, so I followed in the direction that she was headed.. Of course, my father followed me closely, since he did not seem to let me out of his sight anymore. We had turned the corner, then I saw it... Rebecca was standing there hypnotized, her breathing had gotten stronger and her eyes had darkened.. Across from her stood Chris. He was wearing nothing but his training shorts and he was drenched in sweat.. His eyes were black and had fixed completely on Rebecca as he seemed to stare right through her. His gaze was so intense as he took every inch of her in.. I could feel my face flush red as I suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if I was imposing on an intimate moment that was meant for just the two of them.. Chris took a step forward, towards Rebecca, when my father's voice overtook the silence in the room.. “Stop! Both of you. You are both obviously mates. While I understand the pull you are both currently feeling, you must resist it. Chris go back home for now until the party tonight. Rebecca and I will speak with her father, Beta Jackson, and we will discuss our next steps moving forward this evening.” Even though I was in no way involved with the mate pull Rebecca and Chris were feeling, I couldn’t help but feel my heart break for the two of them.. I wanted nothing more than to stand up for my best friend and tell my father off. To give him sh*t for interfering with the mate bond and overstepping his boundaries as an Alpha.. He had no right to interfere with the Moon Goddess' work.. Chris and Rebecca belonged together, they were destined for one another.. But I knew it was no use, and that the stubborn Alpha would never listen to me.. I saw Rebecca turn away from Chris and head back to the pack house, her face completely broken, exposing what her heart must have been feeling. I was ready to turn and follow her out, when I felt my father's hand on my back leading me towards the training mats. I should have known he would never allow me to skip training for anything in the world, even to help my heart-broken best friend on her birthday.. Father and I trained for hours, as we usually did during our training sessions. The anger I felt towards him was fuelling my entire body and making me want to tear him to pieces. I loved him more than anything in this world, but in moments like what he did today, I wanted to hurt him for a change, to show him what it felt like.. He lunged at me, in an attempt to try to tackle me to the ground. Normally I would stand my ground, and fight him off... But today I leaned into his attack, rolling him over my shoulder and flipping him until he landed on his back, flat on the ground.... I had just taken down the Alpha.... The gym was silent. The guards who had been standing waiting for me to finish my training session just stood there and stared as the Alpha laid flat on his back breathing heavily. Everyone was anticipating my father's reaction.. The rage, or whatever may come in consequence of his daughter showing him up in front of his pack. I was so startled by what I had accomplished, that I was almost afraid of what my father might do to me. Which was silly for me to fear him considering he has spent my entire life overly protecting me. All of a sudden, the silence was broken by a loud laugh. I turned to my father, my eyes wide. “Well done Charlie! You are the first pack member to ever take down the Alpha. I could not be more proud.” My father chuckled as he spoke to me. “I guess all of that training over the years has finally paid off. We might make a warrior out of you yet” My father reached his hand out for me to help him up and I grabbed it, finally able to exhale the breath I didn’t realize I was still holding. I helped my father off of the mat and he agreed to allow me to stop training for today so that I can go check on Rebecca, and start getting ready for her party tonight. We were heading out of the training centre when we could see Chad quickly walking by. He was headed towards the forest and looked as if he were on a mission. “Chad! Where are you off to in such a hurry?” My father asked, and Chad stopped dead in his tracks and walked towards us, not daring to ignore his Alpha. I smile at Chad when I see him walking towards me. He looks like a Greek God. He is wearing nothing but his training shorts and I cannot help but stare at his eight-pack abs, and the well defined V shape that led straight under the cover of his waistband.. My mouth started watering as my gaze grew intense, and I had a strong desire to reach out and touch them.. All of a sudden, my father let out a loud snarl and my eyes widened as I realized he must have seen me gawking at Chad’s body. I try to avert my gaze from Chad, but the magnetic pull I feel towards him is difficult to ignore. Chad bows to my father, “I apologize Alpha, I am just heading out for a run, my wolf needs to burn some energy before the party tonight.” Chad is staring at the trees like there is something he strongly desires up ahead. I couldn't help the nagging jealousy that was creeping into my mind at the thought that he may be meeting a girl in the forest.. I wonder who she is.. “Very well, don’t be long. You will need to get ready for tonight. You have first watch for Charlie’s patrol this evening. And you never know, maybe when you are done with your patrol for the evening you will be able to find your destined mate.” My father gives Chad a smirk and places his hand on Chad’s shoulder.. I couldn't help but feel like a nuisance that Chad has to babysit all the time, while there must have been someone else that he would rather spend his time with.. Immediately my heart sank as my mind absorbed my father's words. I know my father is hoping that Chad will find his mate soon so that he has a Luna to help him when he takes over as Alpha. The idea of Chad mating with a she-wolf brings tears to my eyes.. I have been in love with him for so long.. Chad is going to fall in love with some sexy female and I will be a 60-year-old virgin locked in the pack house till my father dies.. Chad says goodbye and heads quickly towards the forest, while my father and I head back to the pack house. As soon as Chad left us, I felt a lonely sadness wash over me.. As if something were missing...even lonelier than I usually feel.. When we got back to the pack house I headed straight for Rebecca’s room. I knocked on her bedroom door expecting to have a bawling Rebecca answer it. But instead, Beta Charlotte answers the door with a big smile on her face. Leave it to Beta Charlotte to make light out of a tough situation.. “Ah finally, you are here!” Beta Charlotte grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. “Hurry and jump in the shower. You stink like sweat. I already have your dress and your things here. We are going to get you girls dolled up for this evening. My baby girl has a mate to impress after all.” Beta Charlotte winks at Rebecca, who has a huge smile on her face. Whatever her mother told her, has definitely cheered her up. “I stink?!” My heart stopped as I realized I was just talking with Chad and smelt awful. Oh my goddess, that is probably why he was not looking at me.. he was holding his breath! My cheeks redden with embarrassment. Why couldn't anything ever work in my favour? Beta Charlotte pushes me towards the bathroom and I hop in the shower thinking about Chad.. I guess since Rebecca is so happy she must have had a talk with her dad and it went well.. If only my dad was so easy to sway from his crazy mindset. I couldn’t help but daydream about the thought of meeting my mate on my eighteenth birthday.. Maybe it will be Chad...
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