
1521 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV Early in the morning miss Park was done preparing breakfast for everyone especially Mr Jeon he was an early bird and then Jungkook, "he must be still sleeping" she shook her head with a smile, well she wakes up Jungkook every morning, before time just so he can prepare but today he was getting late "Jungkook...." she knocked a few times and no answer to her way, that was odd, she opened the door and walked in "Jungkook_" she immediately stopped her self from talking when she was greeted by a rare sight for sore eyes "oh...." The two had both cuddle up together bodies entangled in the sheets, Jimin comfortably on Jungkook's chest and Jungkook had his one arm on Jimin's waist, protectively she was speechless but didn't judge, as far as they looked so comfy they had to wake up, Jungkook was going to be late.. "Waky waky...." she sang while opening the curtains a not so friendly sunlight peeking in making the two groan "five minutes...." that was so Jimin to say making his mom smile while shaking her head and Jungkook literally only pulled Jimin to cuddle more into him like he was his personal pillow bear. Jimin was the first to wake up and noticed someone above his head "mom... good morning.." he said with a smile before he noticed where he was, looking down he was met with Jungkook glued to him, he literally panicked and wondered what his mom will think now "J.. Jungkook get up..." Jimin shook him off but he wouldn't burge "hmmm" he only groaned "Jungkook will you wake up or I'll have to do it myself" that threatening voice made him snap awake and realized their position and internally panicking the two got off each other in a speed of light making miss Park chuckle "c'mon quick you gonna be late" with that she walked out and Jimin literally ran behind her to explain things as Jungkook got quick in the bathroom, embarrassing. Jungkook had an apple in his mouth, bag strapped onto his shoulder his one hand trying to fit in the shoe as he did it hurriedly while Miss Park ran after him to give him his books he almost forgot "thanks" he gave her a bunny smile before running off. Jungkook was about to get into the car before he heard Jimin call out his name making him stop while Namjoon stood beside him like a bodyguard "Here...." Jimin handed him two purple tiffins "one for you and Chimin" he had this big smile on him making Jungkook almost blind like an angel appeared before him, Jungkook took it voicesilessy as Jimin waved at him "bye~" "thanks doll" Jungkook patted his hair and finally left leaving Jimin grinning while touching his hair that he pat probably wondering why it felt good. "Thanks doll~" Namjoon imitated while he drove "shut up hyung" Jungkook ignored him "stop starring at it, it's not going anywhere" Jungkook only shrugged and continued looking at the purple tin Jimin gave him "you won't understand" he had this smile on him making Namjoon shake his head with a smile "date already" he mumbled. . The moment Namjoon parked, he got out as Jungkook was still immersed in the tiffin not minding if he reached or not, Namjoon on the other hand was just about to open for Jungkook and go the f**k out when Jin was walked his side "hey morning..." he greeted and stood up straight like a civilized man, "Joonie your already here" Jin excitedly greeted and stood right Infront of him, "I forgot to thank you for last night, I reached home safe" he was grateful "who knows maybe I'll be dropping you more often" Namjoon was joking but it sounded so serious with his kind of posture but Jin didn't mind, "I..thank you...." for the first time Namjoon could hear Jin stutter and the way his ears turned bright red made him smile, he was hoping to make him look flustered "I'll escort you in" Namjoon offered with his hand "sure.." Jin first fixed his glasses before walking along with Namjoon not noticing the disgusted look Jungkook had when he watched the two walk away like literally watched all their fluttery right before his not so virgin eyes before he decided to walk away too now that Namjoon had ditched him for that professor. Jungkook walked in the class when everyone started fangirling on him like usual, calling him names like daddy, baby boy and all that s**t he wasn't interested in, his desk had lots of letters 'love letters' at that but he missed a desk mate, well that would be Jimin, they've been sitting for a while together when Taehyung ditched him for that school queen, and Jimin because Hobi always ditched him for his boyfriend every damn time so they had each other and today it felt quite empty "he'll be back soon" he assured himself while taking seat right then his annoying friend loudly came and squeezed right onto him "Hey Jk!!" he was too loud for his liking "shut up, go back from wherever you came from" Jungkook ignored him, even though he didn't entertain his friendship it didn't mean they weren't, they were friends until that b***h walked in but he was back.... "I broke up with her" he announced boredly as he draped his arm around Jungkook while the other only looked at him like he was joking "Why is that?" Hobi asked the moment he reached them sitting right in front of them like usual "I want this, I want that, get me new shoes the other got dirty, carry my bag, come pick me up bla bla" Taehyung explained dramatically rolling his eyes "what are you, her personal maid" Hobi was in disbelief "exactly....and it wasn't working out and am not ready for commitment" he shrugged it off "good choice" Jungkook too supported "by the way what's that you've been holding till now" Taehyung was about to touch the same tiffin given by Jimin he bit Taehyung's hands off his things "whoah calm tf down" Taehyung raised his hands in defense "looks like Jimin's..." Hobi pointed out and Jungkook with a smile nodded to that while the two gave him the 'what the heck' look but he didn't mind at all "where is he by the way he also wasn't picking up when I called yesterday" to that Jungkook changed his aura "we need to teach someone a lesson" "sounds like a plan" well who doesn't like to fight like Taehyung *shrugs* . . "everyone is against him, I didn't know he's been suffering this much out of my sight, I'll never forgive myself for letting him go further from me, because everyone takes advantage of his kindness and all I know is violence....." he sighed to himself sinking down to his chair, "beating up that bastard I will, but what about Jimin, how can I be there for him?" Yoongi was listening to Chimin all a while he seemed out of ideas "well simple..." Yoongi started and Chimin looked at him "be his twin brother you are..." Yoongi never explained any further and Chimin looked at him while a couple of thoughts were running in his mind before he actually figured what Yoongi meant "Oh My God, you were right, why didn't I think of this" he stood up excitedly "I think I know what to do thanks Yoongs" he fist bump him while Yoongi nodded "let's go eat now..." he was happy to hear that, as they walked through the halls they were met with Jungkook, Taehyung and Hobi, who the two couples had their sweet time together as the three stared at each other, Chimin looked away immediately as he won't stop remembering what happened between the two, he can't face him anymore he doesn't even know how to act Infront of him, "you come with me" Jungkook pulled his arm and dragged him away leaving the rest. Taking a seat Chimin glared at him "what is up with you?" he frowned and kept his eye contact with Jungkook who stared back and Chimin looked away it's so damn hard and his face felt warm he can't get the image out "here" he gave him the lunch Jimin prepared for the both "Jimin...." Chimin looked adoringly to the food he knew his brother made for him and didn't waste time to dig in followed by Jungkook too, it was no lie the two loved Jimin's cooking and his cute way of packing up "hmm I miss him..." Chimin mumbled with a mouth full it's not the first time he was away from him for a day but it always feels new without him "you'll see him soon" he promised. it's been long since these two had a normal talk, they were embarrassed about what they did they barely even looked each other in the eye because Chimin was experiencing this for the first time and Jungkook was,... let's say over the moon . . .
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