
1507 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV It was an early morning weekend Jimin and his mom could be seen carrying a few grocery bags as they headed into their sweet home, Jimin had a very nice break away from everything and tried healing for a few days but truth to be told, he couldn't live without his brother it's like his blood was boiling with anxiety like he just can't stay away from his twin for too long let alone days, he decided before he went back to school at least he should spend some time with him after those few days staying away. "We're home" Miss Park announced the moment they walked in into the nice looking smelling aroma house "whoah" Jimin was impressed on how the house was looking spotless "guess my lessons paid off" Miss Park said proudly as she smiled, the house looked neat, spotless "am sure he must have been bored to a limit to do this, I mean when had this Anabelle ever do work huh" she started to scold as Jimin chuckled silently while they packed the food into the fridge, just then Chimin walked in looking fresh with wet hair must have been from the shower awhile ago. "Jimin!" he almost screamed seeing his other half "Chim!" Jimin shouted too as their mom watched their interaction, it's the cutest thing, them running to each other and barely catching themselves in the air and rolling to the ground hugging their life out with wide smiles, that always makes her smile, even after them growing up nothing ever changed "you did all this?" Jimin asked as he sat up with Chimin leeching onto his sides "well, we got bored playing video games all day with Yoongi and he had a date later so I had to keep myself busy, so shut up and hug me" he whined as Jimin ruffled his damp hair with a smile "let's go to the room" Chimin excitedly pulled his hand and made a run to the upstairs "careful boys and be down in a few for breakfast" Miss park shouted across the house hearing a yes mom and a door closing right after. "I have something to say!" They both said at the same time "you first!" again they related after each other and they looked at themselves before falling into a wide laughter because of how silly they looked, "ok let's do this, at the same time let's say the thing ok?" Jimin suggested and Chimin nodded. "I got my first kiss" "I got my first kiss" "What!" "What!" The two looked at each other wide eyed and greatly got embarrassed "oh my God how was it?" Jimin asked excitedly with teasing eyes as Chimin went beet red "it was....I don't know... good" he honestly answered "how was yours?" it was Chimin's turn to tease him "it was something new I experienced, it was really good" he answered shyly as they both giggled, "I can't believe we lost our first at the same time" "and to a boy..." Chimin added They were still smiling and that's when Chimin's expression changed to an angry frown "uh... what's that expression for" Jimin asked with a nervous smile "who dared lay their hands on you, huh who gave them the right to kiss you without my permission" there he goes again with his possessive ass "uh...." Jimin couldn't find the confidence to even say it loud, that it was Jungkook. For some reason he decided to keep it to himself but his sure not for so long he can't hide anything from his brother. "Uh....look who's talking what about you huh?, Who dared to take your first kiss without me knowing a thing" Jimin defended back making Chimin shut up completely "uh.... breakfast mom is calling" Chimin decided to brush off the conversation glad that Jimin didn't ask who it was and Jimin sighed in relief that he didn't have to say who took his first kiss at least not now. The two went down for breakfast seeing their mom was done with all the preparation, "smells heavenly" miss Park smiled proudly, no one can resist her food "now sit down the both of you make sure to finish everything up" she warned and the two weren't going back to those words don't wanna end up in the dark basement cleaning the dust. They made a few jokes about this and that laughed together until a phone buzz interrupted them "oh it's my phone" she looked down to the screen to see it's unknown call, she looked up seeing the boys talking and excused herself out. It was odd to receive unknown calls, it was always like that the past few years and it always brought her anxiety she was getting worried she's receiving the same kind of phone calls "but it's been years" she assured herself and breathed in and picked the call, it was silent for a few minutes before she spoke "hello..." "Hello mama twins thought you wouldn't pick up" a man's voice spoke, she widened her eyes, that voice was familiar, she knew exactly who the voice belonged to making her even more nervous what she's been afraid of is finally happening "wh..what do you want?" She asked coldly trying to hide her scared voice, she looked behind her seeing none of the boys was listening to her conversation. "It's been years woman, greet me with some respect you know we've come so far" he laughed like a maniac he was making miss Park clutch onto her phone with hatred "keep the respect to yourself you lunatic" she fired back "whoah whoah hold it there, you thought that you would run away forever, with my money, no honey I finally found you" "don't call me again we have nothing to do with you" she spat "we always have something to do with you all, b***h you can't run-" and she disconnected him while he spoke "mom where are you?" she heard the twins call out to her "coming baby" she answered. she washed her face to hide the stray tears she had and dried her face hurriedly walking back to the dining room "mom who was that?" Chimin asked curiously because she took long "no one honey" she smiled "or is it your new boyfriend" he joked making her eyes wide "you little-" she took a spoon and walked towards Chimin to beat the sense into him as he tried to shield himself away from the metal "sorry mom I was joking" he surrendered as Jimin only shook his head laughing, "if I had one am sure you would be the first person who would know" she defended. suddenly she pulled them both in her embrace hugging them tightly as the words of the man rang back to her 'i wont let anyone even have a glance to you my babies I will never let them hurt you again, never' she closed her eyes trying to calm herself down, as long as they where Infront of her there was nothing to fear. Jimin looked at Chim questioningly who shrugged not knowing why their mom was acting weird but they hugged her back never the less asking no further questions. . . . At the same time Jungkook was in his office reviewing all the weeks files, it wasn't too much work because his father was really fast at these things so he reduces half of his budden though he isn't complaining about it, Namjoon was just sat beside him helping him with some paper work after all his high IQ assistant is the best, sometimes he seeks Namjoon's advice and he gets the best outcomes he loves him for that. Suddenly Jungkook's phone lights up with a notification and the both look towards it, Namjoon snickered at the wallpaper the younger had put, it was Jimin's silly half face covered with mud with a toothy smile "what! it's cute" Jungkook pointed out like it was the most obvious thing on earth "yeah yeah it's cute" Namjoon agreed along honestly. "date already" he groaned sinking into his chair "by the way I have never seen you into anyone at least not for so long, it's either a week or two at it's max" he shrugged. True, Jungkook never opted for a real relationship just some fun and it's over "am starting to feel you've changed from your bad boy behavior, am guessing those foreigners had rusted your mind" he pointed making Jungkook chuckle "you wont understand, back then I never cared". Namjoon looked back at him "and do you now?" he asked and Jungkook smiled "I do" he replied honestly "then what are you waiting for?" Namjoon wasn't understanding what was hard about Jungkook's situation "uh ..you won't get it," he groaned massaging his nape "understand what?" Namjoon insisted 'That it's not just only one, I just don't like one, I think I've fallen for both, who does even that' Jungkook was debating in his head. .
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