
1589 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV Just like usual dinner times Jimin helps to set the table for dinner at the Jeon mansion well he loves doing it and his mom never stops him from doing it. The maids were busy preparing the food with the help of Miss Park, Mr.Jeon hadn't yet come down and Jungkook must have been in his room. Just when Jimin went back to get the cutlery he was stopped, "this isn't the usual you" his mom pointed out, "w..what do you mean mom" he stuttered nervously "I mean who wears hoods in the house and definitely not you take it off" just as she was about to take off the hood Jimin panicked and walked back laughing it off like it was nothing "m..mom I just....want to put it...on" he wasn't making any sense right now "you sure" she asked yet again and Jimin nodded it off quickly walking away leaving his mom think hard on his new behavior "he's definitely hiding something, I'll ask him later" A few minutes later everything was done right then Mr Jeon walked down the stairs followed by Jungkook behind him "Oh if it isn't my favourite boy" he happily said as Jimin walked to him giving him a side hug, well the man had grown fondness of him but he frowned when he looked at Jimin "why the hood?" he was asked yet again, "are you hiding your face" because he could barely see it, "uh...." Jimin doesn't have any more lies "first sit down..." he urged and the man took a seat but still stared at Jimin with a frown "You ok?" he asked again "Jimin baby please...." Miss Park joined the table as she took a seat and stared at Jimin, now all the three looked at him except for Jungkook who knew why, "Jimin you know you can talk to us about anything" Mr Jeon comforted and Jimin sighed he knew there was no going out of this one, just like how Jungkook predicted when he gave him a lift hours ago, he told him it was ok, so with that in mind he finally decided to show them. Jimin slowly took off his hoodie his fluffy blondes coming in view, he slowly looked up and his mom including Mr Jeon suddenly stood up with wide eyes to what they were witnessing "oh my God baby....what happened, why... are you all bruised up?" the woman was so about to cry right now, "who did this to you?" Mr Jeon was concerned as he looked more to him it was clear he had other bruises else where, Jimin was bombered with questions as his mom wont stop checking on him, Jungkook sighed as Jimin gave him a pleading look he couldn't find it in himself to speak about it. "it was at school" he simply answered making the both wide eyed "baby is someone bullying you at school?" she caressed his cheek "in my school how dare even think about it" Mr Jeon had already taken his phone to make a call "dad.." Jungkook stopped him "you both panicking, you not making it easy for him" Jungkook pointed out standing up to get Jimin sit beside him who silently thanked him, "he talked to me and Chimin and told us everything, also got his wounds treated" Jungkook started "apparently someone is bullying him.........." Jungkook narrated the whole story to the two wide eyed parents "i'll be there at school personally" Mr Jeon concluded while Miss Park hugged Jimin "it will be ok sweetie" she pat his hair as Jimin manged a smile. "mom...can i go back to school in a few days" he was still scared of what will come to him after being threatened a bunch of times and himself wasn't really looking good "of course baby, but promise me those idiots wont make you quit school because of them.." she was concerned "ofcourse not i love school" he assured making her peck his cheek "mom..." he whined at how he was being babied making them laugh "please lets all eat and waste no food" Jimin said comfortably with a smile, now that's the Jimin they know. . . Jimin was stood infront of Jungkook's king sized bed, with a pillow in hand and a duvet, Jungkook was sat on the bed scrolling through t****k videos "oh the bathroom is over there if you want to freshen up and i'll look for you comfortable clothes" Jungkook signaled him and Jimin shyly nodded placing the pillows near the bed and walking to the bathroom, his mom suggested he should sleep over tonight and Jungkook didn't mind sharing a bed even though 3 guest rooms were literally empty. When Jimin was done, he came out wearing blue matching pajama shorts and a short sleeved shirt, Jungkook looked up to him with smile and ornament in hand "time to apply this on" Jimin was surprised because himself forgot about it but Jungkook remembered, and there goes again those annoying butterflies "what are you waiting for come here or i should come for you" Jungkook spoke "yes mom" sarcastically replied, Jimin sat on the bed his back facing jungkook and slowly took off the shirt, it was silent for a while "uh Jungkook..." Jimin called to make sure he was still there "uh yeah.." Jungkook shook his thoughts away, he had spaced out the moment that flawless fair skin came to his eyes. He slowly applied the ornament on his bruises Jimin hissing at some point, he felt Jungkook blowing air to the wound in hopes to lessen the pain, Jimin found himself smile at that, now thinking back he's been smiling over the little facts that Jungkook has been doing including this, He doesn't know why he was feeling like this, it was his first time having these kinds of feelings all over him that he didn't understand how to put them, but one thing for sure they felt good, it was a good feeling. Jungkook after a few minutes he was done treating his bruises "your good to go" he announced as he helped him back into his shirt and unknowing his fingers brushed on that pale skin that seemed to ignite something in Jimin, that kind of touch why did it fell so alien, it felt different. "oh thank-..." Jimin abruptly turned around his lips brushing onto Jungkook's and both stayed still as they stared at each other, feeling each other's breathe at the close proximity, Jungkook knew he was f****d, that cotton candy scent, was is it always that natural, he was smelling sweet he was so much tempted to just lean into those lips and that day was going to be now. Jimin sat like a statue he felt this kinda hot and his body literally worked on its own to the curiosity it wanted to satisfy. Jungkook having no more leaned down and trapped those plump lips onto his like a hungry beast he was, Jimin was still, he's never done this he didn't know what to do, Jungkook being experienced moved his lips as Jimin followed his every move and both got the sync, Jungkook broke the kiss just In case Jimin wasn't in for this, As for Jimin he was wide eyed, he had his mouth hang open "Jungkook....what was that...it feels..." he didn't even know how to put the word, he kept on touching his lips making sure he wasn't thinking "that's called kissing, did you like it" somehow Jungkook wanted to know "I..I don't know......it's my first time..." Jungkook felt kind of proud somewhere within him being his first "wanna feel it again" Jungkook will blame that to the devil later but right now he wants this "I....yes.." Jimin shyly looked down, face blasting red, Jungkook smirked and suddenly picked him up "uh..." Jimin was startled when he felt himself onto Jungkook's lap and automatically circled his arms around Jungkook's neck, "let me show you then..." Jungkook yet again connected their lips as he pulled the other closer to him, one hand onto his waist and the other to his thigh. This time the kiss wasn't anything slow, a bit aggressive as Jungkook wanted to taste every part of him, get a good taste of his caravan, the moment the tongue was involved Jimin pants, "j... Jungkook I feel....weird" he moaned through the kiss "how do you feel baby good or bad?" Jungkook asked as he sucked his lower lip deeper "I..ah feel good.." he couldn't hold it and pulled onto Jungkook's hair getting him to groan, he was getting overwhelmed. Jungkook never knew he would get turned on with a lil pain to his hair was that a kink? before he looses his sanity he gently broke the kiss giving a last peck to those now red swollen lips, did he have to look so f*****g sexy, Jungkook was a weak man. He gently made Jimin lay back to the bed as the both stared to the ceiling lost in their own thoughts, no one said a thing, Jungkook was trying to calm himself down from what just happened and Jimin was internally squealing if only he could scream right now, he took the sheets and covered himself to half of his face, 'my first kiss, my first kiss' he kept on chanting in his head, "Goodnight Jimin" he heard Jungkook say "Goodnight Jungkookie" he turned to the other side just like Jungkook, both thinking about what just happened.....
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