
1505 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV It was early morning weekend and Jungkook was just having the best oversleep to rest his tired bones shirtless on his king size bed, birds chirping near his window like an alarm to get up soon, well his work is midnight he barely gets time to sleep but weekends were better for his tired soul. It wasn't later he decided to wake up his favourite coffee already on the table inviting him to wake up and take it. He got up first thing taking his coffee and freshening followed. He walked downstairs taking in that delicious breakfast scent now he was hungry for sure "morning sir" Mrs Park greeted and suddenly got embarrassed "please just call me Jungkook" he scratched his neck embarrassingly, she was older "really?" she seemed confused at first "yes I don't mind, and by the way where is bam?" Well can't see his dog wagging his tail and running to him excitedly every time he walked down so where was he "he must be out, let me look for him" she offered "no no let me go find him" he walked out without a reply and made it the backyard but why would he be there alone, his father wasn't here, the maids were busy, then who_" "Hahah.....you can't catch me...." Jungkook heard a bubbly voice giggling making him walk towards it "oh no you caught me, again!!" and there he was all dirty from mud in his skinny shorts Bam the looked for dog running chasing him around. Jungkook folded his arms and leaned against the wall as he watched Jimin running around with his bubbly voice all he could hear was his giggles that made him smile, when did a giggle sound so heavenly like this, he's beginning to question everything now. He watched the younger falling over the mud away from the flowers ofcourse getting his shorts even more dirty, now that he looks properly, it was really short his milky thighs out for a display despite the fact that he had mud on him,'i could pin him down to that mud hover over him and do all dirty things to him-' his mind was supplying he could feel his thoughts going astray before shaking his head to get his mind out of the gutter "the Park brothers really know how to mess with my mind" he blamed and that's when he felt something hit his chest "huh" he was confused and looking down his white shirt was mud dirty and looking up he was met with two guilty souls. Jimin was standing next to Bam with this big innocent eyes "uh...it was him" he pointed towards the dog which looked kinda wide eyed for a second before growling at him in defense "oh...sorry I didn't mean you" Jimin cleared himself and looked up to Jungkook who was starring deep at him making him look down nervously "uh...so..sorry" he was so scary, he watched Jungkook walk slowly towards making him take slow steps backs he was afraid he was going to do something to him "am sorry!!" he screamed out closing his eyes and felt a soft touch on his cheeks and opening his wide eyes he was met with a phone and Jungkook's silly grin and a hand to his cheek "huh?" he was confused "haha.....you look so funny" Jungkook said clicking more pictures and showing them to Jimin who went wide eyed "so embarrassing photos delete them" he demanded and Jungkook shook his head "am saving these" he grinned hiding his phone away and Jimin gave him a revengeful look "what, is ducky angry?" Jungkook teased and Jimin angrily went down and took a heap of mud hovering Jungkook who slipped and fell down putting mud all over his face "ha ha ha yes I got you now your dirty too" he grinned, while Jungkook was still processing the whole thing with Jimin on top of him "you-" he tried to scold but Jimin already ran away from him "catch me if you can" and now it was Jungkook chasing over Jimin with Bam behind them wagging his tail happily, giggles filled the whole compound as the two chased around throwing mud here and there unaware of the mess they made but who cares "gotcha!" Jungkook swapped Jimin up swirling him around effortlessly the other laughing out loud, they were having fun. "I have never seen Jungkook look so happy" Namjoon was watching the whole show with a smile the two goofing around with Bam beside them all covered in dirt "but seriously how old are they" he wanted at the same time scold them but he can't interrupt and so went out to his own errands and let them enjoy "wait one pic won't hurt" so Namjoon thing. "that was fun" Jimin said as he tried getting ahold of his laugh Jungkook by his side supporting him so he won't fall but also laughing along he does agree it was fun "we look a mess" he pointed out as Jimin nodded they were so dirty "wait.." Jimin walked over and took the pipe that he was using to water the flowers "stand still" he warned and Jungkook did so while Jimin opened the water and let it flow all over Jungkook's body "that's feels so good" he heard his groan while Jimin made sure he wont miss a spot but he couldn't stop his wondering eyes as those same clothes hugged Jungkook's body like a second skin, his mouth was slightly opened as he took in the sight and gulping a few more times, face hot, oh how would it feel on his hand 'snap out of it' he scolded himself he didn't even realize when Jungkook walked over him taking the pipe to his larger hands, Jimin didn't understand why he found himself taking in those kind of details "your turn" he was given a bunny smile that almost made him coo but controlled himself. Jungkook softly sprayed water over Jimin's body trying so hard to stop his wondering eyes from watching what he shouldn't but how can he help it when the other just looks like a godamn meal Infront him. Jimin washed up along with Bam who was really happy getting washed today was his lucky day playing outside with someone, just when they were done they were called "kids breakfast is ready" it was Jimin's mom who was looking for the both only to find them outside looking all wet, she ran in to get the towels and handed each one "what are you five" Miss Park scolded as she dried Jimin's hair and turned to Jungkook doing the same just like a mother would do "now hurry up and change I'll be waiting for you" she pushed them inside and that's when realization hit Jimin "oh no!" he said out loud "what is it ?" Jungkook asked as he looked at him confused "I didn't bring extra clothes I had only these on" he pout, it was all wet now "I can lend you mine come" he pulled him to the hallways heading inside his big ass room. "wow" Jimin's jaw almost dropped looking at Jungkook's room that had a king size bed and to make everything short, it was dark aesthetic that Jimin was about to question but realized it actually suited Jungkook's character maybe "you sleep alone in here" he still couldn't grasp how big one man's room was "yeah, or was I supposed to share with someone" Jungkook spoke adding a smirk at the end of his sentence but ofcourse Jimin didn't notice he was still amused about the room. "let's see what can fit you" Jungkook looked through his walk in closet Jimin behind him eyes all wide, was this a mall or something, did one person own all these clothes?. Jungkook ramaged through a bunch of clothes and got darker jeans and a shirt, and handed Jimin to try it on in his bathroom a few steps away. When he was back after centuries he stood infront of Jungkook who almost laughed at him "hmm this shirt won't do" he shook his head, it was literally swallowing him in "uhm..how about that hoodie" he pointed at a white hoodie hanging by and Jungkook passed it to him and quickly changed into it after convincing the other to look away for a sec. 'i think he's definitely after my hoodies' Jungkook couldn't help than chuckle internally watching how Jimin lovingly he cuddled to it and looked even more happier to have it "you like my hoodies more than me?" Jimin was about to answer the question then realized how Jungkook gave him that smirk "your...your teasing me again" Jimin defended and Jungkook raised his hands in defense "let's go" Jimin was the first to go out tryna hide that blush that Jungkook sure saw how it made him proud that he was the cause if it 'am going crazy' he concluded. . .
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