
1525 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV "wow that was great everyone, I think we are ready we are going to cheer for our team no matter what" the dance leader congratulated everyone as they were just finished the last steps and they were perfect after all the tournament wasn't that far a few days to go, they celebrated for the practice they have been doing for days now and everyone headed back to their other classes just as Jimin and Hobi. "You....look happy?" Jimin couldn't help but point out seeing how Hobi was all smiles ever since morning he had this glow in him, "am just happy me and Yoongi have worked it out and we add happy" he was even more bright than sunshine making Jimin almost close his eyes "why do I feel it's more than that??" Jimin wasn't blind he knows there was something else but what was it? "well we...." he was bright red as he shyly fidgeted with his fingers "you know what, never mind I don't wanna know..." Jimin made a disgusted face and looked away 'why did I even ask?' he sighed "wow I didn't know you weren't innocent Jimin?" Hobi made a suspicious face narrowing his eyes at him "w..what so what?" he defended knowing pretty well it wasn't really true "I know you're the most innocent soul I have ever met I can tell, I was just teasing you" Hobi laughed out loudly draping a hand over Jimin "what do you mean?" he whispered questioningly "have you even ever kissed" Jimin widened his eyes at that question "hey stop, everyone will hear" Hobi looked up and saw the students just scattered around not really close to them "you've never I know" Hobi continued making Jimin look down shyly and now he was burning red "I was right, but it's ok you must have a crush on someone right?" Hobi looked at him curiously and Jimin found himself thinking about it 'do I have a crush on someone' he didn't know either but his thoughts wandered off somewhere or rather someone he shouldn't even think of, 'no.....why Jungkook why would I think about him at this moment' he tried to shake off his thoughts but only reminded him the times they shared with him, he can't lie he had a good time with him but those moments they were so close to each other, what was that feeling again' "see you are red, there is probably someone" Hobi's voice brought him back to earth "urgh stop it" he pushed him away as he walked to his locker having had enough of that weird conversation "oh this conversation is not over yet, Yoongi is calling me over see you later" Hobi patted his hair and walked out and Jimin was reminded that one time when Jungkook did so, it felt so different than now "what's so different about it" he frustratedly opened his locker removing a few books and mumbling over himself not noticing someone watching over him. "ah..." he almost screamed startled when he realized Taemin was just there starring deep down at him without saying anything, Taemin only smirked and walked away without doing anything to him, well that was surprising to him "more like creeps me out" he sighed not sure if it was in relief or not but Taemin has been doing this over the past few days, he didn't do anything to him but Jimin always found him staring it was creeping him out already, without any more thoughts he walked away to revise for a bit. Jimin walked back in his class as usual the students doing their own things, chatting away their life well it was free time in a few minutes they were going to have a lesson. He boredly walked to his empty desk well Hobi ain't there today that was going to be even more boring, looking further away he noticed someone asleep on the desk and he needn't be a genius to guess who it was suddenly he had a mischievous smile on him, he walked over and sat beside him. Jungkook was just asleep surprisingly to him too he barely does that but he felt too, a candy like scent was inviting to him and he knew who it belonged to, well don't ask how he knew, he's felt that from a far, and when he slightly opened his eyes there he saw the angel in his dreams but wait he was approaching him 'quick pretend to sleep' and he didn't move, maybe he was looking forward to what the younger was going to do. "Hmm....are you really asleep" he heard him say, Jimin moved his hands over Jungkook's closed eyes and he didn't move guess he was really asleep. He laid beside him and studied his features, 'Jungkoook is really handsome, look at his long lashes' he smiled and raised up his chubby fingers softly touching those lashes, and moving his hands over that jaw he was really not human how did he look so perfect, he was giving Jungkook these little soft touches and giggling but making sure he wasn't loud, well the whole point was to disturb the other's sleep or was it. Jungkook tried in him so much not to open his eyes, those touches were driving him nuts 's**t I can't stay calm' he was trying hard not to freak out, 'a..and his scent now that he's so close i can smell it even better, it's so heavenly' he was indeed freaking out 'what are you doing Jimin?' Jimin didn't even realize he was literally caressing the others silky raven that was so soft in his fingers he wanted to touch it more 'Jimin what are you doing?' he scolded himself and right away retracted his hands and just sat there staring at Jungkook's resting face 'he really reminds me of a puppy' well he failed his mission and sighed maybe a little too loudly 'f**k' Jungkook knew Jimin was impossibly closer and that's it he can't keep pretending to sleep. He opened his eyes slowly and saw how the younger was in a daze 'cute' he bopped his nose and watching how the yonger's eyes went from a daze to wide "y...you woke" he quickly sat up as Jungkook only looked at him "I..i.was I...didn't...." Jimin was trying to deny it and Jungkook chuckled, he found himself draping a hand over the others shoulder and pulling him closer "what were you doing while I was asleep?" he whispered to his ear and Jimin panicked, did Jungkook see how he tried to play on him, and what was with the choke hold, though it wasn't that tight but the other sure was trying to take revenge. "fine.....am sorry..." he apologized but Jungkook seemed like he didn't want that "just that" Jungkook was not buying that "what else do you want?" Jimin asked boredly with a raised brow "I want....." Jimin knew Jungkook was up to no good, he's in trouble. The professor suddenly walked in and tried to get everyone's attention making Jungkook back away and get serious to studies, but Jungkook had other ways, he wrote at the back of his book and nudged Jimin to look at it. "you disturbed my sleep, you gotta make up for it" ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠಿ "were you even asleep"(⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) "you want I get that apology myself" (⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠) "fine, what do you want" 〈⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠‿⁠ˇ⁠•⁠) "a lunch with me" (⁠*⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠*⁠) "..... fine" ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ Jimin looked up to Jungkook seeing him have this wide smile like a kid who just got candy 'a puppy' . . In the evening they had their last football practice, at this point the remaining members who showed good impression was no doubt they were really good, they had to handpick the best and form the remaining team which sure will definitely make them proud. Everyone was sweating previously ready to take off their sweaty jerseys and wash them for the match the they were to have soon, Chimin was just about to head his way as he watched how Taemin and his minions were sharing something onto their phones while snickering about it "this will definitely trend" he heard him say they looked up to no good "what are you on about?" he asked not really interested if they will tell him or not "why ask?" Taemin asked with a fake smile "you chattering around like hungry birds" he rolled his eyes walking, Taemin yet again getting embarrassed with those come back comments "just you wait what I do when we got to that field" he smirked his sweet revenge was soon going to happen. "I want you to print out these pictures as many as 100 copies..." he instructed with a smirk he can't wait for the day. . .
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