
1570 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV SOMETIME AT MIDNIGHT "so Martin I thought about the deal you offered, I'll take the building and renovate it brand new under the Jeon names even payments are already made now it's your turn to give over the owner ship" Jungkook professionally talked as he was sat crossed legged infront of a dealer sort of, he was in a suit and Namjoon beside him like a bodyguard well he needs him in these types of dealings, you see the world had bastards all over them and backstabbers just waiting for their turn, Jungkook has met so many people but they all false, they change literally like chameleons, he's a business man who will accept very great ideas but the people he gets to work with are two faced and so is Martin he is dealing with right now, he can literally see him lie through his teeth but not today. "Of course Mr.Jeon I have brought everything with me" Martin, an American respected business man, or was he? said as he placed a small handbag onto the table his one bodyguard to his side all alert In case of any dangers to his boss and so was Namjoon. Jungkook was studying his every move while Martin opened the bag very slowly and deliberately, he put his hand in and quickly took out the weapon that was inside "surprise!" he stood up and took out a gun and pointed it towards Jungkook grinning and his bodyguard pointing towards Namjoon who wasn't any different. "put your gun down" a stern voice warned Martin feeling a cold metal onto his head making him turn in surprise "what-" he was confused he didn't expect anyone here except the five of them, yes he has his dog outside making him smirk "your less.." he started bragging before the doors harshly opened reveling his man on a gun point too "well not anymore" a voice mocked "now be a good boy and handover what's no longer yours" Martin wanted to see his face but the trigger warned him of his unnecessary movements "well that trash of a building is mine" how absurd, they all thought "and so was not the money" the gun moved more closer making him panic "ok ok fine it's here" he handed the papers to Jungkook who calmly had sat, well he was more than ready today and that's for sure "was it that hard?" that voice was carrying pure mockery making Martin get embarrassed "was it?" the voice came out more harsher "n..no it wasn't" he replied "nice doing business with you Martin" Jungkook stood up with a smile and fixing his suit jacket "s..same" he unwillingly said well that gun to his head wasn't helping "and now you walk away" he carefully along with his men walked through the doors never looking back "good work guys" Jungkook proudly said as they all put away their guns along with Namjoon. "Dude you're sick for doing stuff like this!" Jungkook only smirked "it ain't the first one Yoongi" he took off his hoodie "and Chim that was excellent" he congratulated him as he took off his hoodie, how they were here working with Jungkook is a long short story "let's get over this and only my brother calls me Chim" he declared making Jungkook chuckle "ok Chimin....." he was tasting the name and Chimin seemed satisfied with it "Yoongi your not fully healed you should go back and rest" Chimin suggested and Yoongi was actually just about to do exactly that "well I had a nice trailer for the night, nice working with you Mr.Jeon" Jungkook gave a curt nod and Yoongi left the three "I'll go get the car from where I parked it from" Namjoon excused himself "let's take a walk" Jungkook suggested "what if I say no?" Chimin questioned back with an attitude well no surprise to Jungkook on that, "it's not a question honey" he draped a hand over Chimin and dragged him out while he tried to wiggle out his hold but Jungkook doesn't work out for nothing. . "why would you do dangerous jobs?" Chimin asked curiously to Jungkook as they walked under the moon that very midnight "am a business man, it's not dangerous but not everyone is happy with your archivements they take every chance to take you down so they make it dangerous" he explained as Chimin nodded "but why that building it's literally dead?" yes still curious "I'll make it brand new, I want to make it an orphanage at least in a way it helps out" Jungkook shrugged, first time Chimin heard Jungkook talk so guinealy, it made him smile from within "does your dad know?" he asked again "aren't you asking a lot" Jungkook turned to him and he quickly straightened up "of course I don't want to know" he was back to sassy making Jungkook smirk "does your brother know what you do?" Jungkook was the one asking back this time "that doesn't concern you" being secretive now "well me too, my dad if he knows doesn't concern you too" he said with a wink making Chimin gape his mouth open and close it again in anger "whatever walk by yourself" he turned to go away but Jungkook followed behind him "go away" Chimin (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) "I am" Jungkook ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ "not my way!!" ತ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ತ "where is it written your way" Jungkook ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭ "urgh" Chimin ಠ⁠*⁠ಠ . . FLASH BACK "what am I doing here?" "and who are you?" "this is child kidnapping!" "I'll report this to the police" Chimin went on with his threats after this one guy in a suit dragged him all the way in his car by force since he wouldn't cooperate and now here they were in someone's office, for starters he was glad to announce this office equistic now this is what he would call a CEO office 'snap out of it Chim' he woke up from his delulu mind "boss is coming" the man who brought him here said politely but Chim ain't here to see this he wants to know why he was dragged here "who's this boss?" he questioned for the nth time and that's when the doors open revealing a man in a grey suit that had hugged his body tight an expensive watch to his hand, hair neatly done and smelling expensive cologne, Chimin had his jaw dropped before quickly picking it up not to show how he would give a 100/10 for that look like damn but what surprised him even more was he knew who it was and it made him nervous. "Jungkook?" he called to make sure it was him, Namjoon beside them ready to lounge over the disrespect no one calls his boss by his name "it's ok hyung" he was stopped by Jungkook who took a seat infront of him "is this some kind of investigation" Chimin was confused as Jung kook only grinned. "where is that bastard?" is what he asked back and Chimin knew Jungkook was obvious to everything now "ofcourse I don't know where that fatso ran off too" he defended "so turns out you know him" oops Chimin just blew his cover but f**k it "you know am sure of it, I never agreed to any kind of act that he did it caught me off guard and we both lost..." he looked down admitting the mistake he did missing a smile from Jungkook "so how are you planning to pay back my money?" Chimin looked up to Jungkook nervously biting his bottom plump lip that made Jungkook not blink away from it "I made a mistake...I will find a way to pay back" he wasn't sure if he could but he sure didn't want to mess with people like Jungkook he knew he wasn't ordinary like him. "who was with you?" Jungkook was testing him "only me" he lied and Jungkook stood up and walked closer to him "Park Chimin, has a friend called Yoongi, the both of you beat up people for money" he whispered to his ears making him widen his eyes "how did you_" his driver's license was put Infront of him, "I knew it was you since forever and hyung that's was good work finding everything" he gave him a thumbs up meanwhile Chimin got nervous for real now "well you aren't just a student either" he threatened too making Jungkook chuckle ofcourse it was his top secret too and so was Chimin's. "I have an idea, work for me that way your paying off your depts while I keep your secrets and so do you" he suggested and Chimin thought hard about it, he was right no one knew what he does mostly his family and he messed with the wrong guy who happens to know his background. "fine...." he gave up surrendering his attitude and Jungkook couldn't be any more excited, was it only work or something else too. "but Jungkook we have that guy...(the fatso)" Namjoon pointed out as Chimin had walked out "shh we dont have him" well it was a cue for Namjoon to act like he didn't know about the guy. . .
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