Chapter 8

1565 Words
Clayton's Perspective As soon as my beautiful mate opened the door, I could sense that the person on the other side was not welcome. I could hear the entire conversation and when my Angel shrieked, "Get away from me!" I knew that something was wrong. I ran across her large living room and went to protect my mate. I told the wolf that was standing outside that he had interrupted my mate and I. He identified me, but was still surprised that I was so possessive over Angel. I showed him my mark and it was obvious that he was nervous. But, he still wouldn't walk away. "Why are you still here?" I asked him in a demanding tone. "She... she can't be your mate," he said stepping closer to my mate. "Want to bet?" I said taking my arm off of Angel and pushing him off of her doorstep with a little bit too much force. He fell to the ground. "Angel, baby, why don't you go upstairs. I'll be there in just a minute," I said kissing her cheek. As soon as she was out of sight, I said to the wolf, "I already gave you one chance. When I say, stay away from my mate, I mean it!" I transformed into my huge black wolf, effortlessly. As soon as I shifted, he shifted into an average size brown wolf. I was easily three feet taller than him. Also it was clear that he was intimidated by my muscle mass. I casually walked up to him and looked down. I scratched his face and he fell to the ground. I could smell the blood. He was weak and most likely wouldn't be able to take much more. I stood above him and bit his neck, careful not to draw blood. He winced in pain and let out a howl of disparity. I picked him up with my mouth and threw him into a tree trunk. He got up and limped away in pain. Hopefully, he wouldn't be back for a while. When he was out of sight, I shifted back into human form. I walked to my car and put on one of my extra pairs of jeans that I always keep in my car. I walked back into Angel's house and went up the steps, following the fresh scent of vanilla spice , that belonged to my mate. I found her sprawled out on what must of been her bed. She had changed her clothes from the fitted navy shirt and cut-off jean shorts to short gray running shorts and a tightly fitted, orange dri fit shirt. "I didn't kill him," I said to her. As soon as I spoke she looked up at me and threw her magazine on her bed side table. I walked over to her bed and sat beside her. "I'm not complaining," she started with a sly smile, "but you probably should have put a shirt on. My wolf is going crazy," she said as she put both of her hands on my chest. "Well, I'm not complaining either, but you probably should have put some pants on. I don't know if I can control my wolf," I said as I picked her up and put her on my lap so that her legs were wrapped around my waist. I put both hands under her thighs. Her legs were so tan and so smooth that I just wanted to hold her like that all night. She moved one hand from my chest to my neck and I kissed her. I had never kissed a girl like this before. Somehow, she had me begging for her response. She playfully kept her lips together as I pleaded for her to let me taste her tongue against mine. Instead, she remained still. I decided to play her little game. I moved one hand from her leg to under her shirt. As I kissed her I made small little circles on her stomach, gradually getting higher. When I got to her bra, I ran my finger along the seam, not going under it. She moaned, encouraging me to go on, but I continued rubbing the seam. Suddenly I pulled her into me, earning another moan, this time I used the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth. We both wrapped our arms around each other's waist, enjoying every second of our kiss. ******* Angel’s Perspective As I laid on my bed, waiting for Clay to get out of the shower, I thought about what I was planning on wearing to school. If I didn't only have 4 days of finals left I would definitely skip to hang out with Clayton. But, I had a whole lifetime to do that if I could just survive the next 4 days. I was so not looking forward to it. If it was up to me, every single day of my life would be spent with Clayton. When he walked out of my bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, I couldn't help but stare. He had a perfectly toned 6 pack and his chest was solid and muscular. He really did look like a god. As soon as he noticed me staring, I looked down at my magazine. "Hey, baby. Your allowed to stare at me. Don't be ashamed. Believe me, I can't help myself from staring at you," he said putting a hand on my face. I stood up on my tiptoes and he gently kissed my lips. "Go take a shower, beautiful. I'm going to get some clothes out of my car," he said as he pulled away. "Okay," I said grabbing some cut-off shorts and a yellow tank top with a white cardigan. When I got out of the shower, I got dressed in the bathroom. I put on my outfit, put on some blush, eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara, and did my long blonde hair with soft flat-iron curls. I walked out of the bathroom, knowing Clayton would like to see me all dressed up. What I didn't know was how extremely attractive Clayton would look. He had on dark jeans, and a dark blue shirt that complemented his sculpted chest in the most perfect way. "You are just too beautiful," Clayton said to me. "Thanks, Clay," I said in a sweet voice. "Not looking too bad, yourself," I said as I ran my hand over his toned stomach. "You ready for class?" he asked. "As ready as I'll ever be," I said as I turned off the lights, grabbed my phone, and headed down stairs. I grabbed my book bag off of the table and slung it over my shoulder. Clayton took my hand into his and lead me to the passenger side of his car. When I got in, I checked my phone. 50 new messages! 2 were from Keilee and 48 were from an unknown number. After reading through all of the messages I discovered that Clayton must have gotten my phone number off of my phone while I was in the shower. They all said something about, hey beautiful mate, I love you, or can't wait to see you. I looked up from my phone and smiled at Clay. He started laughing. "Now, you have my number," he said, laughing. I clicked on his number and hit add to contacts. I entered his name as, "My Man" with hearts beside of it. I showed it to him and he laughed and joked about what my contact name was going to be the whole ride. When we got to my school, Clayton parked and walked me to the door, hand in hand. When we got to where I meet Keilee she was there waiting for me. She was also a wolf and stood about 4 inches shorter than Clayton around 5'11' with extremely long brown hair. She had a slender figure and by her appearance you could tell that she was athletic. When Clayton and I approached her, her beautiful green eyes got big. She was shocked that Clayton was holding my hand. "Keilee, this is my boyfriend and mate, Clayton." I said answering her mental questions. "Clayton, this is my best friend, Keilee," I said. "Nice to meet you, Keilee," Clayton said politely. He then grabbed my other hand, turning me towards him. "Angel, baby, I've got to go. I will pick you up at 3, dinner at the pack house tonight," he said leaning in to kiss me. “I'll see you soon," I said pulling away. "You most certainly will," he said as he turned and walked away. When I joined Keilee she hugged me. "I'm so happy for you!" she said releasing me. "You found your mate!" She was ecstatic. "Now you and Clayton can double date with Josh and me!" She said talking about her boyfriend. Josh wasn't her mate, but they had been dating for 3 years and they loved each other. "Thanks Keilee!" I said. She was the best, best friend that I could ask for. Always supportive of me and always there to help. "You're welcome," she said. "Now let’s get this day over with so that we only have 3 days left of finals!" I laughed at that remark. She was always so positive no matter what was going on.
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