Chapter 7

1247 Words
Angel’s Perspective I couldn't believe I had a real boyfriend. A supernaturally attractive boyfriend who drives a super nice car, dresses perfectly, and cares about me for who I am. I had never had someone be so interested in real things about me. He genuinely cared about me and made it easy to open up to him. For the first time in my life I was actually thinking about the future, and even more than that, starting to plan it out with one person. After our date lasting nearly 8 hours, we decided to get back home since it was starting to get dark. So Clay began to drive to my house and I asked him if he would please help me out with the feelings I feel when I'm separated from him by just staying with me, he agreed very easily. But Ryan continued to text me all the way to my house. I told him that I had absolutely no feelings for him at all, didn't find him even the slightest bit attractive, and that another date was not in our future at all. He argued that we were getting along really well and that he never got a fair chance with me. I tried to tell him that I didn't like him at all and he said that if I gave him one night, just one full night, to do whatever he wanted with me he would stop pleading and just let me decide. He said after one full night, I wouldn't be able to deny him. I ignored him after that message. It was never going to happen and he knew it too. Ryan, of all guys I had gone out with, should understand because he was a wolf too which means he knew we weren't going to last, I'm not his mate... But I decided not to tell Clay about Ryan yet, out of fear that Ryan might end up decapitated, I kept that information to myself. Clayton seemed to be pretty emotional about me at the moment and I just wanted us to settle into our relationship. "Make a left, there," I told Clay. "Okay, babe," he said as he made the turn quickly, but smoothly. "Right there!" I said pointing to my house. "Okay," he replied as he pulled into my driveway. "Big house for just you and your sister," he said observantly. “Yeah, our pack was very rich. My sister and I got everything." I said casually. He grimaced as if my emotional pain was almost like emotional pain for him. Then I explained all of the parts of my house with all of the rooms and the three floors. "It could almost be a pack house," Clayton said jokingly with a wink. I couldn't imagine how big Clayton's pack house must be. His pack, The Dark Moon Pack, was the 2nd largest in the world. Clay was the most powerful alpha in the nation and, currently, the youngest in the world. I don't really belong to a pack which made me feel very out of place in the image of Clayton's pack. Amber and I had still kept the remnants of our pack, the Blood Rose Pack, but we only claimed a very small area of land surrounding our house so there was nothing to protect really. When we went into my house, I threw my book bag one on the dining room table and joined Clay on my brown leather couch. He pulled me onto his lap so that we were touching and he stared into my eyes. He leaned in to kiss my lips and I moved towards him so that we could be closer to each other. When our lips made contact my wolf howled mentally with pleasure. He tasted so good and our lips moved in perfect synchronization, almost like there was a rhythm that we could both hear. Finally, when our lungs couldn't take it any longer, we both took a breath. But he quickly began kissing me again. His lips traveled down my jaw and to my neck. I couldn't contain the pleasure that escaped my lips. I felt him smile on me out of satisfaction. I put my finger on his chin and brought his face up to mine. I began kissing his lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me into him so that his abs were up against my stomach, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. He wrapped one arm around my lower waist and with the other he was making circles in the small of my back. "Angel," Clay said between kisses. "You are mine, I'm going to mark you," he said in his alpha tone as his lips slid down my jaw and onto my neck; he kissed every single inch of my neck until he got to his destination. At the very bottom of my neck, almost on my chest, he bit down and pierced my skin. At first, it was very painful and felt like my skin was on fire. I didn't know for sure if it was bleeding, but it sure felt like it should have been. Clayton kept sucking on the bite and kissing my neck and then, like a switch, the pain turned into the best feeling I've ever felt. Clayton continued kissing the mark, giving me the amazingly pleasurable feeling over and over again. I didn't want to him to stop, but I wanted to feel his lips on mine, so I brought his lips back up to my face where I granted him entrance into my mouth. Hungrily, his tongue explored. I let him take over the kiss. Knowing that it would give him pleasure, I ran my hand up and down his abs beneath his shirt. I could feel our wolves taking over when there was a knock at my door. I knew it was locked, so I didn't care. "Just leave it," I whispered without removing my hand from his abs. "Maybe you should get it," he said pulling away. I know that he didn't want his wolf to completely take over. If that happened, he would claim me without being able to stop, and we both know that's not what we should do even if we both wanted it. "I'm going," I said as I got up. He laughed as I kissed his cheek before going to attend to whoever was at the door. When I opened the door, the person that was standing there left me shocked. "Ryan! What are you doing here?" I asked appalled. "I'm here to give you your one night," he said smoothly as he tucked my hair behind my ear, just like he did at the party. Then he leaned in to kiss me. "Get away from me!" I shrieked taking a step back. "There's another wolf here," he said possessively. Right on cue, Clayton showed up. He wrapped one arm around my waist and with the other he moved my hair behind my shoulders, making my fresh mark extremely noticeable. "Whats going on here? Wait, you're Alpha Clayton... from The Dark Moon Pack. What are you doing here?" Ryan asked, taking a step backwards. "Yes, I am. And I think that you should stay away from my mate," He said in an alpha tone. "M-mate?" Ryan stuttered. "Yes and you have interrupted us. You can leave now," he said possessively.
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