Chapter 6

1957 Words
Clayton’s Perspective As I drove Angel down the road all that I could think about was how she possessively kissed me at her school in front of everyone. It's like she could feel the girls staring at me before she walked out of the building, or she sensed how angered I was that 7 guys that I could count were checking her out in the 60 seconds that it took her to walk through the parking lot. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the kiss. I'm just surprised that a few hours apart did that to the both of us. It was clear that our bond was stronger than we had thought before. She was going to like this date, I just knew it. I could tell by the way she didn't stop me from holding her hand while we drove so that would could remain touching. She was starting to accept the fact that neither one of us are able to resist each other. I'm just glad that she isn't fighting it anymore. "Clay, where are we going?" she asked me in a cute, innocent voice as she rubbed small circles on my hand with her soft fingertip. "It's a surprise, sweetheart," I replied, trying hard not to give in to my irresistible mate. I don't know why but she really drove me crazy when she talked in an innocent 'Clay...' voice. She had called me that a couple of times now and, to me, it made her so tempting, even more than she was before. But in all honesty, everything about my mate was tempting. I wanted her to be my luna more than anything. "Well, why do you keep driving deeper into the woods? Are you trying to get your fancy new car dirty?" she asked me, again in her innocent voice. "You'll see, my Angel. Just be patient," I said with a chuckle. "I'm not good with waiting," she said as she put her other hand on my arm and turning to face me. And just when I thought her voice was one of the most tempting things about her, she changed it from innocent to seductive and I was proven desperately wrong. I smiled brightly at her and slouched lower into my seat, taking in the feelings of attraction and passion between us. I wanted her more than ever and she was letting me feel that way, soliciting it actually. "I will try to keep that in mind, beautiful," I responded as I let my mind focus on the idea of laying beside her in the grass looking up at the sky daydreaming about our future. Angel’s Perspective I knew that mates were extremely attracted to each other, but I never knew that it would be quite like this. He had me practically begging for his touch. The mystery that came with me having no idea where we were going just made me want to know more. I'm sure that the setting of our date wouldn't matter as long as long as I was with Clayton. His presence completed me and I had never been so at peace with Stella before. For once it was like we were one being, rather than conflicted thoughts and desires. But as if it was happening to keep me checked into reality, my phone kept buzzing with texts from Ryan. I was sure to keep my phone on silent to ensure that Clay wouldn't think I was having a conversation with him, but he was being very persistent in asking me out again, which was certainly never happening. The thought especially disgusted me now that I had Clayton at my side. He was so different from Ryan, or any guy that had pursued me actually. Clayton and Ryan wasn't even a decision in my mind, they would never be a competition. First of all, Clayton was one hundred times more attractive than Ryan. I had never seen anyone as attractive as my mate, let alone touched him. Ryan was nothing in comparison. He mostly only wanted to go out with me for the image anyways, or the "good story" the next morning. But I started to believe that maybe I didn't have to be that to anyone anymore, ever again. I decided to stop reading his slew of desperate messages, I turned off notifications for his contact to keep from seeing all of the messages. You're so beautiful, Angel. You really are. I feel awful about the other night. and I don't deserve you; you're so far out of my league. But I think I could change your mind if you would just come and see me for only one night. I was thoroughly disgusted by his attempts and it started to become degrading the more I spent time with Clayton. "We are here," Clayton said as he parked on the side of a beautiful cliff that had a view of a gorgeous lake. Quickly, Clayton jumped out of the car and ran over to open my door. He didn't realize how nice that was, to him it was natural but to me, it was something that had happened only a handful of times in my life. I was starting to feel that maybe I was allowing men to disrespect me before Clayton, but in my defense, I didn't even know that it was possible for a man to treat a woman that way. Clayton laid out a blanket and grabbed a picnic basket from the back seat of his car. In the basket was two of all of my favorite picnic foods! "I hope you like ham and cheese," Clayton said happily. "I do, actually. These are all my favorites, how did you know?" I asked. “I didn't," he replied truthfully. "I just packed two of all of my favorites," he said with a smile. "That's weird. Maybe it's a mate thing," I said, unsure. He smiled at me. I knew that he was delighted at my acceptance of our connection. Clayton set up a beautiful picnic and everything that he brought was delicious. After we had finished our sandwiches, we were eating chocolate covered strawberries and joking around. I was sitting up and he laid his head on my legs. I was playfully feeding him strawberries and we were playing 20 questions. "Favorite food?" he asked me. "Uhm... probably strawberries," I replied with a smile. "Okay, what is the closest you've ever been to being in love?" I asked him. "Honestly, Angel, I'm not saying this to you because I want you to think I've been waiting for you, because there were definitely things that I could've done or not done to wait for you better. But I have never been even close to being in love. I have never had a serious relationship. I mostly stay away from girls because I have to focus on pack business and they are only in it for my title anyways," he replied with a content look. "I believe it," I said simply. It was the same for me, I don't think I've ever developed real feelings for anyone ever. "I'm the same way, but maybe for different reasons. I just don't let anyone get close enough for me to have feelings for them," I said honestly. "I think this is my first date before 6pm in my life," I chuckled to lighten the mood. "Good," he responded. "Not good that you've never been close to anyone, but good that it's changing. You deserve so much more than late night dates. You deserve love at midnight and 2am for sure," he said rubbing his thumb along my thigh and smiling at me, "but you also deserve someone who wakes up at 8 in the morning to make you breakfast and picks you up from class to take you to picnic lunches. I want you to have someone who takes you out for drinks at night and ice cream after class. And I want to be that someone, Angel, if you'll let me," he explained. I just smiled the biggest and most authentic smile I'd ever had. Of course I would let him, but how was I supposed to say that now? "Angel," he continued, "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked seriously. "I want to make us it official. I want to tell people that you're my mate and I want to put my arm around you in front of my pack. I want everyone to know that you really are mine and I don't want other guys pursuing you anymore. I want to take you out the way you deserve. Angel, I really just want it to be us from here on out," he said. "Be your girlfriend?" I asked and he nodded. "I've never been that to anyone before," I chuckled. "Please, Angel. Give me a chance to show you what love is really supposed to be. I know that you've been hurt before. I know you have a dark past, I can tell when I look into your eyes. But I can also tell from looking into your eyes that you feel the same way about me. You're my mate, I don't see the point in fighting the connection," he said. "Okay," is all that I responded with. "Okay as in yes?" he clarified. "Okay as in yes, Clayton," I said with a straight face. I wasn’t sure where this would go but I didn’t feel trapped with him. "Oh my gosh, thank you, Angel," he said as he sat up to face me. He grabbed my face tightly and kissed me happily on the lips. "I was so hoping that you would say yes." "So this means that I am the girlfriend of the alpha of Dark Moon Pack then?" I asked hesitantly. "This means that you are the girlfriend of Clayton Thompson, who also happens to be the alpha of the Dark Moon Pack, beautiful. But that will never come first. First I am just me, and a huge part of me is my gorgeous mate," he said. "Well that's relieving," I said. "I am not so good with packs." "What do you mean? You've been rogue?" he asked. "Not necessarily. My sister and I are just the only surviving members of our pack," I said. I could tell that he had sensed my mood change. "We were taken out mostly by rogues and a little bit of inner conflict," I explained. "I'm so sorry," he said taking my hand. "That is awful. But that's not going to happen again, I can promise you that." "I hope not. It was too difficult the first time. But Amber and I still have the mind link and we still have most of the pack collection and inheritance, so that's been helpful," I continued. It was weird because despite knowing that it was my horror story and my pain, I could see pain fill his heart at the idea of it and I was trying to lessen that for him by making it seem less difficult than it is. "I'm sure that was awful, Angel. But please let me show you what a family is like. I promise that it will change your opinions. This is different, I promise." he assured me. "Somehow I believe you, Clay. I can sense that my life is about to change now that I'm with you. I am just so scared of that past somehow catching up with me," I explained as I took his hand.. It was true, everything in my world seemed to flipping upside down but that same fear was still there that never left.
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