Chapter 13

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Angel’s Perspective Clayton opened the door of his car and I stepped in. Trish jumped into the back happily. When Clay got in and started the car he took my hand to maintain physical contact. My mind faded to all of the things that were going on around me. I never dreamed that I would be involved with another pack in my life and now I was the luna of the strongest pack in the nation. I never imagined that I would be with someone that I actually could picture, and wanted to picture, a future with. No man had ever treated me the way that Clayton had in the short time that I had known him and now my sister and I were both in good relationships with our mates who were truly wonderful guys. It almost seemed like the universe was trying to repay us for all of the horrible things that we had experienced. It didn't make sense to me why I was being blessed with Clay after years of being incapable of relationships and using boys to drown out all of my problems. And Clayton made it easier to deal with my problems from the past. When I was with him it was almost as if the things that I had been through were able to be defeated. I didn't feel like a damaged person just trying to keep from being the victim anymore. When I was with him it was so different. I hoped that Amber would feel the same way as well. I couldn't even feel bad about her situation with Jason anymore because I was just so happy that she was going to be able to experience the connection that I have with Clay with someone else. She may have loved Jason, but it was nothing like this. She was about to experience real and pure love for the first time since our parents passed away. Most days I didn't even think that Amber knew what it was like for someone to just love you for no reason. She spent all of her life thinking that she could earn the love of our parents, earn the love of her friends, and earn the love and commitment that was necessary to have a relationship. I saw her do it with Jason all the time. She would buy him things, or stay over more often, or lie about our past to look like she wasn't broken, all so he would love her. But now she would see that she didn't have to do any of that with her mate and I was so incredibly happy for her. 'You excited for tonight?' Clay asked me through the mind link. ‘'Yes! I've never been to your house before,' I told him. 'Well, I think that you'll like it.' He said calmly. 'Clay?' I asked after a moment of silence. 'Yes, Beautiful?' He replied, instantly calming me. 'I'm kind of scared, for your pack,' I admitted truthfully. 'Baby, don't be,' he said, rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb. 'We can take a lot more than you think. You haven't even seen our fighting clans yet, babe. Trust me. There is no reason to be scared.' He said, reassuringly. 'I trust you, Clay,' I said. 'Good, because I will never let anything happen to you,' He said, squeezing my hand even tighter than before. 'And I have a surprise for you when we get to my house.' 'What is it?' I asked as I turned to look at him and my face lit up. 'You will have to wait and see, my Angel,' he told me. It made my heart flutter whenever he called me that. Sometimes I felt like he was calling me his and sometimes I feel like he was saying that I am his angel from heaven. I couldn't decide which he was referring to, but either way, the feeling I got when he said that was the perfect definition of being in love. "You guys are seriously the perfect couple," Trish said from the back seat. She had caught us in one of our moments where we stare into each other's eyes and we don't have to say the words, 'I love you,' because our eyes show it all. "We know, Trish," Clayton replied in a joking voice. I simply laughed and in that same moment we pulled into Trish's driveway and she hopped out with promises to return Amber's clothes another time and I instructed her to just add them to Amber's section in Trish's closet. She walked in her house, laughing as we sped off. I was trying to think of what the surprise might be, but I couldn't come up with anything. As I was deep in thought I saw, in the corner of my eye, Clay staring at me. "Patience, my Angel. You shall see soon enough. Let's just say, I didn't do it completely alone," Clay said. That just made me wonder even more. "Drive faster," I said after a few moments of silence. "Oh, Angel," he said laughing. "I'll give you another hint. Keilee helped me." Immediately, I pulled out my phone to start a conversation with Kielee. Hey, girl was all I said. "She's not going to tell you," he said tauntingly. "She's my best friend. Of course she will," I said as soon as she replied, I'm not telling. "I told you," he said. "How'd you know?" I questioned him. "I can feel it. You’re annoyed." I laughed at him. "I love you so much," I said, turning in my seat to face him. "I love you too, my Angel," he replied as he pulled into the driveway of a two story square house, it was gorgeous. It had a big yard with rose bushes and small pine trees decorating the entrance. There was a tire swing under a willow tree off to the side of the house and a hammock under a beautiful poplar tree. "This is your house?" I asked him. "Yes," he replied with a smile. "And you live here... all by yourself?" "Yes." "Wow," was all I could say. He opened the door for me to step inside and as soon as I did, I noticed the simple interior decor. It was not at all complex like the outside, yet it was cozy and welcoming. Also, it was obvious that a guy lived here. It was tidy, which made sense because Clayton was a clean and organized man, but it wasn't meant to impress anyone. Immediately I noticed the way that the living room and kitchen were combined into one large room separated by a bar with gray colored counter tops. "Do you like it?" Clayton asked me. "Yes, its beautiful," I replied with a smile. "I'm glad that you like it," he said. "Let's go upstairs and I'll show you my room," he told me with a smile. "And your surprise," he added, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. When we reached the top of the stairs we walked down a white carpeted hallway for a second before approaching a room that I concluded was huge because it was the last door in the long hallway that continued past the door. When I stepped in I noted a large flat screen, a mini fridge, an open door that lead to a bathroom, a closet door, a door that lead to a balcony, and a king sized bed with white silk sheets. "Are you ready?" he asked me, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Yes," I replied as my hands subconsciously found their place around his waist. "Well, actually. I lied to you," he said trying to hold back a smile. "What?" I asked surprised and confused. "I actually have two surprises for you. One, I thought of completely on my own. The other, I thought of, but I had help with," he said, now smiling. He just couldn't keep the look of happiness off of his face any longer. "Come with me," he said, taking my hand and leading me out the door that lead to the balcony. "This is beautiful," I said wistfully taking in the view. You could see right through the woods and there was a perfect view of the sunset over the lake. As I was staring out into the wilderness I noticed that Clayton was staring at me. "Almost as beautiful as you," he whispered as he tucked a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. I stared into his eyes for a moment and a second later we were kissing each other passionately. I don't know who kissed who, I just know that his tongue was dancing with mine and my hands were under his shirt, tracing his abs with my nails, while his were under the back of my shirt rubbing up and down my back giving the both of us pleasurable shock waves throughout our body. "I love you," he said between breaths. "I love you, too," I replied in a barely audible voice. "That's why I brought you out here," he said pulling away, reluctantly moving his hands to my waist as I relaxed mine on his chest. "I have to ask you something," he said boldly. I nodded my head, urging him to go on as he dropped to his knees. "Angel Marie Johnson, I love you with all of my heart and you are the most beautiful, loving, caring, and compassionate girl that I have ever met. In the past few weeks we have grown remarkably close and I know that it seems crazy and rushed, but I'm already planning on spending my entire life with you, so we might as well make ‘forever’ official, " he said looking into my eyes. I was crying already. At some point in my life I had imagined the moment my mate would ask me to marry him, but this, this was so much better. Again, I nodded through tears, urging him to go on. "Angel, there is no one else that I ever want to be with or do this life with so it is only right to ask you, will you marry me?" he asked pulling a small black ring box out of his pocket and opening it, presenting me with a white gold wedding band that had two small diamonds on each side of a large raised diamond in the center. "Wow. Of course I'll marry you, Clayton!" I said through tears as I bent down, took his beautiful face in my hands, and kissed his lips. Clayton Thompson was going to be my husband. At the perfect moment he pulled away and slipped the ring on my left ring finger. It fit perfectly, as if it were meant for my finger. "It's perfect," I said taking his hand as he stood up. When my left hand's fingers were intertwined with his right's he examined our hands. "Mrs. Angel Thompson," he whispered into our hands, which only made more tears of joy stream down my face. "The most beautiful girl in the entire world," he finished, wiping the tears off of my cheek with his thumb. "I love you so much, Clay," I said honestly. "I hope that you will never forget that. I don't want a forever unless it has you in it," I said to him. "You don't have to worry, my Angel. I love you with everything inside of me. You're my luna and I don't think I ever could go on without you, but even if I could, I wouldn't want to," he replied. "Now, I are you ready for your next surprise?" he asked with a smile. "Oh my goodness, how can there be more?" I asked. I still felt like this couldn't possibly be real. Everything about Clayton seemed like it was a part of a dream. But this is exactly how it was supposed to go when mates met each other and I was overjoyed that I got to experience this with my alpha, Clayton Thompson. "For you, Angel, I will always have more," he replied with a smile.
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