Chapter 14

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Angel’s Perspective It felt like we were dancing. His hands moving up and down my legs which were wrapped around his waist, one of my hands playing through his thick and dark hair, my other hand tracing his abs, our lips moving rhythmically, and our tongues twisting and turning with each other as we both yearned for more. I moaned into his mouth as we took a breath before our lungs burst. I swear, I have never felt such a pleasurable sensation like his body pressed against mine. "Babe, I want to show you one more thing before we keep going," Clayton said with a smile. "Okay," I said putting my arms around his neck. I was about to get up, when he jumped off of his bed with me in his arms bridal style. "I've got you, beautiful," Clay said and I laughed. "Before your surprise, I have another question for you," Clayton said. "What's that, Clay?" I asked with a smile. "How would you feel about moving in with me?" he said as he stared into my eyes. I thought about it for a minute, but as soon as I saw his dark, sparkling eyes I had to accept. "Hmm..." I said tentatively to joke with him. "It would be much more practical since the pack is having some difficulties right now. I could keep you safe with me and you would be here to help me make pack decisions," he said seriously. "Plus, if you are going to be my wife and spend forever with me, it's going to happen eventually," he added. "Of course I will, love. I was only messing with you when I hesitated," I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his lips. He laughed on my lips. "And I thought that if you wouldn't be going home for a few days, you would need some clothes, right?" He asked. I laughed as he led me into a huge walk in closet. "This is what Kielee helped with he said as he sat me down in a huge room that was about the size of his bedroom. On one side of the room was a bunch of boys clothes and on the other side were racks full of clothes my size and taste. "Actually, she got some of them from your house, but most of them are new. She shopped after school while I was with you and I shopped during school while she was with you." He said happily. "She taught me what you like," he added with a smile. I immediately started looking at all of the clothes. There was everything from casual, to business, to dressy. More than enough clothes for me. I might not even have to bring the rest of my clothes here, there was more than enough for me to move in. "This is amazing, Clayton. Thank you so much." I said hugging him tightly. "You're welcome, babe. But there's more," he said opening a door revealing a slightly smaller room of all my clothes. I felt like a princess. There was a vanity and smaller closets full of shoes, shorts, bathing suits, and dresses. I walked over to one closet full of dresses. Party gowns, ball gowns, casual dresses, and more that I didn't even know how to describe. There were at least 50 gowns that I will only be able to wear to very specific events. I looked at Clayton in awe and he chuckled. "My personal favorite," he said walking towards me. "I spoiled myself a little bit here. I can't wait to see you in all of these," he said with a smile as he pulled out a short black dress made entirely of lace that would not reach any further than a few inches past my hip. It had sleeves that would go down to my elbows and a V shaped neckline that went down far enough to scare me just a little. "Are you serious?" I asked with a smile. Instead of replying he pulled out a dark purple dress with silver spaghetti straps and a strip of silver see through fabric that ran laterally across the abdomen; it was fitted to that point and then flowed down to about mid thigh. Then he showed me a red dress, about the same length as the black one, that was strapless. Then, he pulled out a dress that I fell in love with. It was short, about the same length as the red and black dresses, and it was a dark blue color. Fitted all the way down, I knew he would love to see me in it; the dress was strapless, but not too revealing, just perfect. "For tonight," Clayton said handing me the blue dress. "What?! Tonight? It's 8:00!" "I know. But we are going to a club so 8:00 is the perfect time," he explained. "Clay, I don't know if that's a good idea. I've never actually been to a party or anything with a boyfriend before, so I don't really know what it would be like. And I definitely don't know how to party with you in a club," I chuckled. "Angel, are you saying that you've never been in a werewolf club before?" He asked me. "No... I have," I admitted truthfully. "Okay then. It will be perfect. Everyone will know who I am once I get there and we will all be fine. We only have one problem," he announced. "What’s that?" I inquired. "I'll have to meet you there," he told me. "Why?" “Because Kielee and Josh are going to pick you up and I'm going to to talk to the neighboring alpha about our new luna and all of the things we have going on," he said, raising his eyebrows. "I would invite you to come but he's not exactly the best around beautiful girls," he said with a smile. "Okay, okay, I'll meet you there. Kielee, Josh, and I will be fine" I said playfully. "Thank you, babe. I love you," he said pulling me into him and kissing my lips softly. "Can't wait to see you in that dress!" he said as he grabbed the keys to the Cadillac and left. I put on the dress and looked into the full body mirror. I had to admit that I looked good in it. I reapplied some eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara, and put on some black pumps with a high heel. Kielee sped into the driveway only moments later. Once Keilee, Josh, and I arrived we saw that the line at the club was forever long. A few different groups of guys let us cut in front of them. They flirted with Kielee and I right in front of Josh. One commented on how hot Kielee looked in her dress, and I mean she did. It was teal and fitted to her waist where it showed off her hips and then flowed down to mid thigh. Josh hung his arm protectively and possessively around her waist, leaving me unprotected to all of the guys around me. "Hey beautiful," One said to me. "I'm Brady, what's your name?" "Angel," I replied casually and uninterested. "Angel. That's what you are, that's for sure," he said pushing my hair behind my ear and placing his hand on my hip. Goodness, to think that I would have been flirting right back with people like this a month ago made me sick. "What's your last name, Angel?" "Well Brady," I said placing my left hand on his chest. Immediately, he melted under my touch. Typical boy. Too distracted by a pretty girl to notice the ring on her finger. "Right now, it's Johnson," I paused moving my hand up his chest slowly before holding my hand in front of his face making it obvious that there was a ring on my finger. "But it's going to be changing soon," I said confidently. Stunned, he removed his hand from my waist and took a step back. "What's a hot, young, ENGAGED girl doing at this night club?" he asked me. "Waiting for my fiance." I told him simply. Wow. Before now I hadn't thought of Clayton as my fiancee. It made my wolf and my heart overjoyed to think of it, "Whatever," he said. "Just come find me if you get bored with that. I'll be watching you from the bar," he said seductively. "You disgust me," I told him as I turned around to face the front of the line. "It's okay. I like this view too," he said, laughing with his friends as they stared at me. "I haven't gotten to formally tell you congratulations, Angel!" Josh said. "Though maybe I should be saying good luck. You know? Putting up with Clayton for... the rest of your life." "Shut up!" I said, playfully hitting him in the stomach. We all laughed and Kielee pointed at a young guy staring at me. I turned to see an old friend of mine, Daniel. "Daniel!" I shrieked as he ran to me and hugged me. Daniel was a few inches shorter than Clayton and he had extremely light brown hair and blue eyes. He was somewhat muscular, he'd always had solid arms and abs, and he had the kind of smile that just really showed how happy he was all the time. He was my best friend for a long time, but we had always been that and nothing more. "I haven't seen you in forever!" I told him. "I know! Since I moved sophomore year," he said. Daniel was my first real friend when Amber and I moved to North Carolina. We finished high school together and then ended up at the same university before he transferred. He was a year older than me and a werewolf too. After he, Amber, and I first started hanging out he and Amber tried to go as a couple but realized that they were too good of friends. The next year he asked me out. We lasted about a month when I proposed that we just stayed friends because we were forcing a feeling that we didn't have and that I felt like I was dating my brother. He agreed and said he loved me as a sister. I pulled away and started a conversation. "Guys! This my old friend from like forever, Daniel. Daniel! This is my best friend Kielee and her boyfriend Josh," I said introducing them. Daniel shook both of their hands and began talking. "What are you doing here alone, Angel. That's unlike you," he joked poking me in the arm. "My fiance is on the way," I told him excitedly as I showed him my ring. "Oh my gosh," he said smoothly. "To who? Is he your mate?" "Yes, Clayton Thompson," I said happily. "Alpha Clayton Thompson?!" he asked emphasizing the word alpha. "Yes," I said sweetly. "Well you could have said so before that!" He replied as he looked around nervously. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing," he said calming himself down instantly. "So... Is my girl a big bad luna now?" he asked playfully. "Big? Nope. I'm in heels," I said with a joking smile. "Bad? Psh. Yeah! Always have been right? And luna? Absolutely," I said, poking him in the stomach playfully. "Oh, Angel. How I've missed you," he said laughing as he wrapped me into another hug. His hands on my waist made me shudder but I didn't decline. I really did miss having Daniel in my life. Just when I started to think that his hug was lasting a little too long for my liking, my phone went off with a text and he pulled away. I checked it. "It's Clay," I said happily. "He's going to be here in less than 5 minutes." I said. "Oh, Daniel, I can't wait for you to meet him." Daniel’s Perspective I had missed Angel so much. I love her, and I always have, but she just saw me as her big brother. I try to go along with it and ignore my feelings for her but every time another girl gets involved in my life, I compare her to Angel and of course it never lasts. I transferred to a university in South Carolina but I moved back after graduating a semester early and clearly didn’t realize I would run into her. I had no idea she would be here tonight, and I definitely had no idea she would be looking like she did. That blue dress fit her perfectly and left way too much hidden for my liking, her eyes were sparkling, her long blonde hair that reached almost to her waist in small waves. She looked so beautiful and she really didn't have to try. When she told me she was engaged, honestly I was shocked. Angel has always been the "no boyfriend" girl. If she really knew a guy and thought he wouldn’t be a waste of time, she might give him a shot, but rarely did it last for even a few weeks. Also, I was envious. I wanted to find out who it was and when she said Clayton Thompson, I knew I didn't have a shot. Especially if he was her mate. Clayton was known as the stunning alpha. Girls throw themselves at his feet and beg for his touch. While he was "soon-to-be-alpha" he wasted his time on those girls. He was kind of like Angel though. Everyone, even the girls, knew that he wasn't the guy that slept with girls, he got pretty close, but he never actually slept with them no matter how much they tried to get him to and he had a reputation for it. So many women tried to be the exceptions of that reputation, but the reputation never went away. When Clayton became alpha, he wasted less time with girls and started to really make something out of his pack. Now they were incredibly powerful. I just hoped that he would treat Angel right because I truly did love her. I knew that she's wasn't my mate and they say that there is a special love that only mates share but I'm telling you, I shared it with Angel too. How I feel for her is more of a love than a need. I think about it, but I would never touch her. I know how she feels for me and I can wish but I know she will never voluntarily love me the way I love her. Just as we started to move up a few steps in line, I saw him: Alpha Clayton Thompson. He approached our circle wearing dark jeans and a charcoal gray shirt. He looked just as I remembered him. When he reached our circle, he embraced Angel with a hug as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck, they remained that way for a while before he pulled her even closer to him and kissed her lips. They looked so full of love and I craved the feeling she felt for him to be directed at me, but I made it impossible for any of them to read my feelings. After what seemed like hours they returned to the circle, hand in hand, and she introduced us. "Daniel, this," she paused quickly but it seems like forever. "is Clayton," she says in her sweet and happy voice. "Clayton, this is my best friend from forever ago, Daniel," she said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his hand on her hip. I longed to feel her body and have the freedom to put my hands on her waist the way I did when we hugged, but I knew that I had already hugged her twice and a third may make her feel uncomfortable even if I was feeling amazing. We finally started to reach the front of the line. To enter the club, you had to walk through an extremely narrow hallway that was only wide enough for two people to stand beside each other if they were extremely close to each other. Two guards stood on each side. When it was our turn for judgement on who was granted and who was denied access to the club, they pointed to Josh and nodded, then to Clayton and both entered, then it was Angel's turn. The young man dressed in black looked at his clipboard. "What's your name, young lady?" he asked. He had to be about 21 but was trying to seem older for Angel.. "Angel," she said confidently. "Angel?" he said running his hand from her shoulder blade to her fingertip. "Go ahead. I get off in half an hour, I'll meet you for a dance," he said to her. "No thank you," she said walking in quickly. He watched her as she walked and I rolled my eyes. He then nodded his head as Kielee and I stepped in. I watched as Clayton and Angel stared into each other's eyes as they communicated through their mind link. I had no doubt that he was questioning if the man at the gate touched her. It was too dark for him to see from where he was. But I knew that if the man's comment made me uncomfortable, Clayton had to be fuming. "Alright guys, I think we could all use some much needed drinks!" Kielee said, walking towards the bar. "Kielee you always want to get some drinks!" Angel said jokingly. "Hey classes for the semester are done and over with. I'm done with tennis for at least a month, and you're finally finished with your degree, so don't act like it isn't a time to celebrate," Kielee said in a very happy voice. It was quite obvious that Kielee was athletic. She had a nice body, but it was built with muscle. Her arms were thicker and more solid with grooves and bumps that showed she had muscular arms, her legs were compact to the point that when she walked you could see the muscles moving. I would not consider her large at all, though she was about taller than me in heels. She was feminine because of her beautiful face and long caramel brown hair. She was gorgeous, but she didn't compare to Angel who looked perfect in her blue dress that matched her eyes and showed off everything a guy would want to see. Angels high strappy heels made her slightly above average height, yet still the shortest one in our group. Angel was drop dead gorgeous and the pain that came with containing my want for her was excruciating. No one could comprehend how insanely difficult it could be to see the girl of your dreams looking absolutely perfect as she hugs, kisses, holds hands with, and dances with another guy that she is deeply in love with as she simply acknowledges you as her brother, or "best friend." I wished I could dance with her the way Clayton was and I wished I could kiss her like he was. But instead, I sat there at the bar, drinking something that no matter how much I drank of it would never get me drunk. Just like Angel. She was my glass of alcohol. I could look, and stare, and wish, and I did all of that, but I could never have her the way I wanted. Just like the alcohol would never let me forget her the way I wanted.
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