Chapter 12

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Clayton’s Perspective 'Where's Amber?' I asked Angel through the mind link. She was currently standing beside of me, but both of us were speaking with different people. 'I need to introduce her to the rest of our pack,' I added happily emphasizing the our in "our pack". 'I have no idea where she is,' she said turning her head in my direction and flashing a quick, gorgeous smile. 'Okay, babe. I'll believe you since you look so incredibly beautiful tonight,' I said in a charming voice. This time she turned her head and laughed quietly at me. When we were looking into each other's eyes, we were the only two people in the room. "Angel?" asked Alexis, the girl that Angel was currently having a conversation with. "Yes? Lexi, I'm sorry, what was that?" Angel asked taking Alexis' hand and returning to her conversation. "Would you excuse me for a moment?" I asked Jane and Marcus. They were talking to me about a fighting clan that their son was in. "Of course, Alpha Clayton," Jane said politely. She and Marcus were mates, both in their 30's. "Thank you," I said returning their politeness. "I will be right back, Angel," I said kissing her cheek. She smiled but through the mind link she questioned me. ‘Where are you going?' 'Lucas is nowhere to be seen either. I have a feeling that your sister found her mate,' I said. 'Really?' she asked with a surprised tone. 'Well, she would mate with a high ranking wolf, considering you are both alpha's daughters and your mate is an alpha,' I said. 'Makes sense to me,' she said, happily. How does she do this to me? It's like I'm under a spell. I walked around the corner to see Lucas kissing Amber, passionately. It reminded me of my first kiss with Angel. Our first kiss was the most powerful because it was a symbol that we had decided to be together. It was driven by so much need, yet so much love. It was obvious that Lucas and Amber felt the same way. 'Lucas, there's plenty of time for that after we introduce her to the pack, 'I said through the alpha/beta mind link. Immediately, he pulled away. "It's time for you to meet the pack, Amber," I said nonchalantly. "Okay," she said, taking Lucas' hand. "Do you want to announce it tonight?" I asked them. "It’s probably best that we show the pack that you are mates another time so that they don't think that you are only joining our pack because you are Lucas' mate," I told Amber. "I guess you're right," Amber said looking at me. "They should know that I joined and then found Lucas," she said looking into Lucas' eyes with a meager smile of her face. "Yeah. Explain the rogue situation, tonight," Lucas said to me, but his face and thoughts were turned towards Amber. "Alright," I said waiting for their attention. "Well, this is awkward," I said jokingly. "What?" Amber asked turning to face me. She hadn't even heard what I said and had no idea that I was waiting on them to return to the pack. "Oh my, just get out there," I said pushing her around the first corner as I laughed. "Stay apart. Try to control yourselves," I said walking out with them. As soon as I walked in the room, like it was an instinct, my eyes locked with Angel's. She smiled and turned her head to resume her conversation. She was such a great luna and I was so proud of her. I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind, wrapping my arms around her hips and resting my chin in the crook of her neck. She put her hands on top of mine that were resting on her stomach. Before my interruption she was speaking with Jamie and Jennifer about the loss of their brother this past spring. But now, Angel couldn't focus and the two sisters were cooing and laughing at us. She turned and kissed my lips, then pulled away and smiled. A small group had formed around us as she kissed me again. Lucas’ Perspective I watched from across the room as Clayton and Angel were showing their affection for each other. He wrapped his arms around her possessively and she kissed him passionately. Then, I watched Amber. She was the most beautiful girl that my eyes had ever seen. She looked like she came straight from a fairy-tale. She was in a group of people that were gathered around Clayton and Angel. I watched as she flipped her hair and laughed at the smiles on Angel's and Clayton's faces. She flashed that big beautiful smile, subconsciously making me want her even more. As I stood observantly in the back, a few guys walked up to talk to her. One being Bryan, I never really liked Bryan. 'Clayton, fix this.' I said through the alpha/beta mind link. He looked over as Bryan approached Amber and started to talk to her, then he looked at me. 'I'm about to lose control,' I added. "Alright," Clayton said to Angel. "We came here for a reason." "Yes," Angel said as Clayton wrapped his arm around her waist. "I would love to introduce all of you to my sister, Amber," Angel said. Hearing Amber's name drove my wolf crazy. I gripped the granite countertop that I was leaning against as Bryan slowly stepped closer to Amber as he listened to his luna speak of the girl he had just met. "Amber, come here please," Angel said touching Amber's arm. Angel had the biggest smile on her face and I knew that Clayton had talked to her through their mind link about Amber and I being mates. "Wait, before you all get to know her, I want to tell you about something that involves our luna and our newest member," Clayton began. "Some of you already know about this and some of you have heard but don't really understand. I am going to explain it all from the beginning," Clayton said in an alpha tone. "My mate and Amber are the daughters of a true alpha. He was the Alpha of an old pack called the Blood Rose Pack. The alpha and his luna were mates, but before she had found her mate she was involved with another man. This man was the King of Rogues," Clayton said dryly as gasps escaped the mouths of many. "The King of Rogues became angry that Angel and Amber's mother, the luna, had left him for her mate. He came to their village and destroyed every wolf in the pack. However, the intelligent alpha and the kindhearted luna helped their beloved daughters escape," he told the pack as he wrapped his arm around Angel's waist while Angel comforted a shaken up Amber even though, by her facial expression, it was obvious that Angel wasn't doing to well herself. I should be up there, comforting my mate. I could take away some of the pain. "The alpha's daughters escaped to a beach house that their family owned here, in North Carolina, and they lived there for almost a year and then moved to their current residence were they have resided for almost 3 years," Clayton paused. "I know that it sounds like a happily ever after story because they were finally safe and together, but it's not. The rogues are back. And, according to the rogues that we currently have imprisoned, the rogues that are after them only have one thing on their mind. That is to destroy the last two," Clayton told them. There was obvious shock and fear in the air, some tears even fell down a few faces at the horrifying story. "However, we are a very strong and united pack and we will let nothing happen to them. All of the rogues in the world couldn't defeat us if they tried and the King of Rogues knows that very well. He may have a bunch of crazies brainwashed into coming on our territory to capture our luna and her sister, but he wouldn't consider coming here himself or sending his troops out here. He knows that we have the numbers and the skill to defeat his army of rogues twice," Clayton said with a smile. "So I don't want anyone to be too alarmed, but it is extremely important that all of you know the situation," he said as he turned to comfort his mate and my mate. He whispered to them but even with my werewolf senses I couldn't hear over the talking of the pack. "Excuse me," Clayton said in his Alpha tone. Immediately, it became silent again. I watched as Amber and Angel attempted to stay strong. "We are going to head home for the night. Please hold all calls and visits until tomorrow. Thank you," Clayton said politely as he turned towards the door and Trish followed wrapping an arm around my mate as Clayton wrapped his arm around Angel. "Oh, and Lucas," he said before leaving. "Come with me. I need to speak with you at my place," Clayton lied smoothly. I happily followed, knowing that my true purpose was to be with my mate. When I stepped out of the door and wrapped my arm possessively around Amber, Trish looked at me in awe. "Amber and Lucas are mates," Angel said with a smile. "Congratulations!" Trish shrieked, hugging Amber. "Well, Clayton, can you drop me off at my house?" Trish asked. "Sure," he relied. "Amber and Lucas are going to take Lucas' car to Amber and Angel's house while Angel and I go to my house. I feel that is the best plan. I will send some guards to patrol the area surrounding each house, but I think this is what we all need right now." he said looking at me. I turned towards my car and opened the door for Amber. A smile appeared on her face at the thought of us being together tonight at her house. Amber’s Perspective I needed to tell Jason right immediately. I wished that it could be in person, but I had to do it now before I started anything with Lucas. So I typed out a text message. I can't do this anymore. I'm breaking up with you. I know that it's hard to understand and I love you. It's just that my life is changing and I realize that I'm not in love with you. I understand that telling you all of this in a message is wrong, but it's not fair for me to go on with what I'm doing without telling you. I will explain everything when I see you, but if you love me or if you ever did, you will try to understand. I'm sorry. I discovered what true love is and it's not what I have with you. I hope that you will find it in yourself to forgive me. I really am sorry and I wish that I could do this in a different way, but I can't right now. I promise to explain more when I talk to you but I thought that you should know right now so that I wasn't doing this behind your back. I'm really sorry. Thank you so much for everything. You will be okay. "Lucas," I started as he gripped my hand. "Yes?" he replied with a smile. "I had a boyfriend. And I just explained to him why we can't be together. I haven't told him in person, but he knows that I am no longer with him and that I found my mate. I just wanted to tell you that because I don't want us to be a lie to him and I don't want you to think that I'm still involved with my past boyfriend because I told him that I love you. I told him that what I had with him was over," I tried to watch his face as I told him. "Now we can start something new," I added. "Thank you so much for your honesty. I respect the fact that you didn't want to lie to either one of us," he said as he kissed my hand. "I just want to be able to put everything into us. I honestly knew this would happen eventually so that's why I didn't really hesitate to tell him," I explained. "I appreciate that, Amber," he said gripping my hand tightly. He had a very tense look on his face and silence persisted for a few moments before he broke it again with a burning question, "What was he like?" "What?" I responded as I turned to look at him. "What do you mean?" I asked again. "I didn't mean it like that," he was clearly pausing out of nervousness. "I just mean like what kind of a person was he? Was he a wolf? Does he really understand what's going on? I just want to know a little bit about him," he clarified. "Uhm... okay. His name is Jason and he's a human. He didn't know that I'm a wolf and he never will," I chuckled. "He probably doesn't really understand and I probably look like a horrible person for ending a serious relationship over text message, but it's okay," I laughed again. "I honestly have no hard feelings at all towards ending it with him even though he was a super nice guy because this is what I was destined for," I paused. "I was destined to be with you. Nothing could compare to this," I said confidently. "Thank you so much..." he was starting to get emotional. "Why thank me?" I chuckled again. "Thank you for not rejecting me. Thank you for choosing this over what you had. Thank you for deciding to be my mate when you had a perfectly good explanation for choosing something else if you wanted to," he said emotionally. "Lucas, I know it seems crazy because you've only just met me, but I know what mate connections are like. Angel may not have been old enough to notice the way that our parents were together and all of the other mates within our pack, but I saw it. I was days away from 18 when our parents passed away and I spent so much of my life longing for what they had. I'll be honest with you, after their death, I spent many many days wondering why she would leave her fiance for my dad when they had only just met. I hated her for it sometimes because it ended up destroying everything, but I understand now. I would choose you even over my own life rather than live without you and I haven't even known you a full day," I explained "You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that," he responded and I knew it was true. This was where I was supposed to be.
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