Chapter 11

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Angel’s Perspective I couldn't believe that they were after us again. We finally got to where we could feel safe again and we finally started to get over the loss of our ENTIRE pack, when this happens. It was hard enough the first time that the rogues attacked and now they were after us again. I swear, I can't go through it again. I was getting closer to The Dark Moon Pack and I was just starting to make friends there, I can't let any of them die because of me. Or worse, if anything happened to Clay because of this, I couldn't live with myself. 'Clay, if anyone gets hurt because of this,' I said through the alpha and luna mind link. 'No one will. Our pack is huge, baby.' He responded confidently. 'What happens if the the leader of the rogues gets involved?' I asked him. 'It doesn't matter. No one will touch you,' he thought, taking my hand. 'I don't care about me. I care about you,' I thought as a tear fell down my face. 'Well you should care about yourself. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to survive.' A part of me felt like Amber and I should just run away. Run away from all of it and never look back. But, that same part of me immediately scolded itself for such a horrific thought. I just didn’t think I can handle the pain of losing so many people I love again. I remembered it all too well. It seemed like only days ago, I could barely comprehend that 6 years had passed. I was only 14 when my entire family and everyone I loved was taken away from me. Suddenly I fell into a flashback of the day my life changed forever. Flashback: As I sat on my bed flipping through a magazine, I thought of James. James was only a year older than me and my first real boyfriend. Being with him felt real and I had never felt like I was in a real relationship before him. He took me to the Valentine's Day dance, where he kissed me. That year, after our first kiss, we shared many kisses and he was the only boy that has ever left me thinking about him even when I wasn't with him. So, we told each other that we wanted to start over and became a couple again. But, it hasn't been a week yet and we are already farther along that we were the first time. Now, when he kisses me, it's more intense and more serious like he hungers to feel my lips on his. Now, he wraps his arms around my waist when he kisses me, pulling me into him and demanding something more serious.I enjoyed being with him and he was also my best friend. I was glad I couldn't find my mate until I was sixteen. I enjoy being a werewolf born child. I get to be a wolf all of my life and for the first sixteen years, I don't have to worry about a mate like Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad are always trying to "protect" us from crazy wolves like my mom's ex boyfriend. She says, we will never understand the longing that mates feel for each other until we feel if for ourselves. My phone buzzed and I looked down to happily read James' name. Come outside. I didn't know why he would be outside my house. When I opened my door, I saw him waiting under the large willow tree in me front yard. It was a beautiful summer day with a gentle breeze and the slightest bit of moisture in the air. I walked to him even though I was only wearing running shorts and a sports bra because I was just about to take my normal 3 mile jog. His eyes widened when he saw me, but I knew he was too mature to think much of my attire. "Come here, Angel," he said as I walked closer to him. I knew that he was going to kiss me for a while when he said that. James is a very nice guy to be around, but he didn't let moments just... happen. He forced them. He would try whether I responded to his kisses or not. As I predicted, he put both of his hand on the lower part of my back and felt my bare skin. He looked at me with a smile and I rolled my eyes. Then, all of a sudden, he crashed his lips onto mine and wasted no time. At first I responded to the kiss, like I would a normal kiss and put a hand on his neck. But after a while, when he didn't stop, I just gave up. He took a breath and I assumed he was done, but he left his hands on my lower back, and did something no one had ever done to me before. He began kissing my neck. At first, I was shocked and I gasped. But he heard my gasp as a moan of pleasure and he continued. I was shocked to the point that I had no reaction. He ran his hands up and down my back, each time touching the bottom of my sports bra and the top of my shorts. When he was finished kissing my neck, he came back to my lips and kissed them passionately. He licked my bottom lip multiple times before parting my lips with his tongue. As he moved his tongue around my mouth, he continued moving his hands up and down my back, but this time, he ran them along my sides, almost touching my hip each time. Finally, when both of our lungs could no longer take it he pulled away and whispered in my ear, "It's so hard to stop." I laughed at that comment, but didn't say anything because he was still running his hands up and down my sides as he whispered in my ear. "It's true. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I hope in a couple of years, I find out that you are my mate," he said as he pulled me even closer to him, if that was possible. "Beautiful, smart, athletic, sweet, loving, and closely related to the alpha. What a prize," he said confidently. I couldn't believe he was saying this, this was not how he usually acted. "Are you okay?" I asked, putting my hand on his chest so he would look at me. "Couldn't be better," He said pulling me into him. "Do you need something?" I questioned his reasoning for being here. "You," he said with a smile. I have to admit, he is a bit controlling but I am lucky to have the most attractive teenager in the pack as my boyfriend. "Do you know where our parents are?" he asked after pecking my lips. "No, where?" I replied. He kissed my lips sweetly every time one of us finished speaking. "A small group of crazy rouges attacked one of our fighting clans while they were training and our clan fought them off," he said, pausing to kiss me. But, I couldn't kiss back, I was too eager to hear what he was saying. "But, more started coming back shouting, 'HAND HER OVER'. All of the officials came out along with the other fighting clans. They are trying to keep them out of the village and keep it from turning into a war. Everyone says its because of your mother. But that's not true, right?" he asked and kissed my lips. But, I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back. "No, it is," I said nervously. "Mom always worried he would come back for her," I said. Tears started to stream down my cheeks. "Don't cry, Angel," he said wiping the tears off of my face with his thumbs. "It's going to be okay. They will fight them off. And, if they don't, they will call in the younger clans and we will help them," he said confidently. "You don't understand!" I said. The tears were pouring down my face now. "He's the LEADER OF THE ROGUES! He has more wolves. So many more!" I cried. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and pulled me into him. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried. "If it comes to that, we will get the help of surrounding packs. Any of the packs in Georgia would help us. We don't have any enemies and they would all be glad to help," he said with a smile as he stroked my cheek with his hand and looked into my eyes. In that moment, It felt like everything might actually be alright. And then his phone went off. "Hello, sir," he said into his phone. I could hear my father on the other line asking where he was. "Uhm... in your front yard, sir, with Angel," he said to my father, smiling at me. I smiled back, my father approved of James and said that he hopes my mate is someone like him, so that they can take over the pack when he's gone, along with my sister's mate. But he didn't know how demanding James liked to get. I wasn’t sure of the type of alpha he would be. The smile immediately left my face when I heard my father tell him to allow me to talk to him. "Here she is, sir," he said handing me his phone. "Angel, honey?" my father asked me. "Yes, Dad? Is everything alright?" I asked. "No, baby. Call your sister and tell her to come home. Your mother and I will meet you there five minutes after you hang up the phone," he said quickly. "Okay, Dad," I said. "I love you, Angel. Let me talk to James for a second," he instructed. "Okay, Dad. I love you too," I said handing James the phone. "Yes, sir?" he said into the phone. "James, gather all of the fighting clans above the age of 13. Male and female. Bring them, in wolf form, to the clearing just outside of town. The entire pack is there. Tell them to be ready to fight," he said. I could tell he was hiding the nervousness and desperateness in his voice. "Yes, sir," James said hanging up the phone. It was obvious that he was scared of what was going to happen. He, then called my sister and told her that it was the True Alpha's order that she come to her house now and meet her parents. She, knowing the situation, promised to be there in 3 minutes. James kissed me without holding back. We both knew that this could possibly be the last time that we ever got to see each other. We both knew that we had a very good chance of dying before we went to bed tonight. So, we didn't hold back. I responded to his touch and even when my sister ran out of the woods in wolf form. We didn't stop. Tears were streaming quickly down my face, but I held on to him, knowing I may never see him again. When Amber changed into human form and changed into her clothes that she had stored in our garage, I pulled away from the kiss and hugged him tightly. "Goodbye, Angel," he said it with a tone that knew this was the last time he would ever get to see me. "Goodbye, James. Please be careful," I said as I put his face in my hands and kissed his lips gently and sweetly for what I just knew would be the last time. I turned away from him and ran to my sister. Just before I hugged her I turned to see James shift into a brown wolf. I hugged Amber tightly and we both began crying in each other's arms. Her current boyfriend, Kaden, was the leader of the fighting clan for the best fighters ages 17-22 and he was only 18. We remained that way, weeping in each other's arms until my mother and father ran to us. My mother cradled us in her arms and kissed our foreheads as my father opened the pack safe and gave us all of the contents while explaining to us that we were going to run to North Carolina. No stopping until we got to our beach house. When we did get there, Amber was to go to the bank and withdraw all of the money from our parents' joint account and deposit it into our own savings accounts. We cried the entire time that they instructed us. They told us that our entire pack was probably going to die. It all happened so fast and we were so scared. They told Amber that she was to obtain guardianship over me a week after we had settled in the beach house, then to buy new phones, and to buy a car after that. After we had a car and Amber was my legal guardian, she was to enroll me in school. After we had settled in and Amber had a job, we could slowly start our own lives over again. However, he did not want us to leave the state of North Carolina. And he did not want us to become rouges. We were to use the mind link frequently so that it would not be broken and we were to claim any land that we wanted to permanently reside in. As I was weeping, I could only hear my father's voice. "In case of the the unlikely possibility that," he paused as a tear fell down his cheek. Until now, I had never seen my father cry. "The unlikely possibility that we survive this. We will contact you immediately at the beach house," he said hugging the two of us. "I love you girls, so much. I hope you know that. You mean the world to your mother and I. We couldn't have asked for better daughters," he said in a bittersweet voice as he smiled despite the tears. "Why can't you come with us?" Amber cried. I was in too much of a shock to react or say anything. "Sweetheart, your father and I have to defend our pack. Your father is the rightful alpha of this pack and I am his luna. This is what we were destined to do, but you girls, you have a whole life ahead of you," my mother said as she tucked Amber's long hair behind her ears. "You girls should get going. I love you both so much," she said kissing each of our cheeks. "I love you, Angel," she said as she clutched my hand. "And I love you, Amber," she said, smiling through the tears. "I love you, Mommy!" I said as I hugged her tightly. "I love you, Daddy!" I said to him as I released my mother and squeezed my father. "Thank you, so much," I said crying. "I love you guys," Amber said weeping. "You guys should go. Never forget how much we love you!" My mother said as she directed us towards the woods. We transformed into our white wolves that almost looked identical except for that I was completely white and she had black paws and her ears had black tips. Once we were in the woods, we gathered our clothes that we had hidden in trees in case we needed clothes after we shifted. We tied the clothes on all of our legs, around our waist and even in our mouth. At the pace that we ran, we were in the woods behind our beach house in 2 hours. Our beach house was almost completely surrounded by forest except for the right side, where we owned a private beach that lead into the ocean. It was a beautiful house. The beach view side had only glass walls and you had a beautiful view of the ocean. Our house was fully stocked with our clothes, bathing suites, and shoes. We were spoiled by our wealthy parents with the newest and fanciest dresses and shoes. We had everything that we could ever want, except loving parents to share it with. End of flashback. Amber’s Perspective I was sitting on Trish's living room couch with Trish eating ice cream when I saw Angel's car pull into her driveway. When Clayton opened her door, picked her up and set her on the ground, I saw her tear stained face and immediately knew that something was wrong. I set down my ice cream and ran to the door to let them in. Clayton looked crushed. I could tell that he was feeling the pain that Angel was feeling. I opened the door and ran to them. When I stepped outside, my bare feet hit the concrete and I watched Angel. When she saw me, she ran to me and hugged me. "You're okay!" she said through tears. I looked over her shoulder and watched Clayton. He grimaced with internal pain during the exact second that Angel's first tear hit my shirt. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused. "They are after us again, the rogues," Angel said through tears. I looked at Clayton questioningly. I couldn't read his facial expression because he was so full of pain. My sister must be really scared and depressed if he was feeling it as well. "Amber, Angel, come inside!" Trish shouted from her doorstep. Trish was my best friend ever since I started college in North Carolina. She was like another sister to Amber and I. She was a werewolf too, part of Clayton's pack, but she didn't realize that they had completed the mating process recently so she didn't know that my sister was her luna now. She did know our story though and she knew about our parents. I started to walk Angel inside, but she pulled away and walked to Clayton. He wrapped his arms around her and I watched a small amount of pain be lifted from their shoulders at each other's touch. "Trish, you already know Clayton," I started. "Yes..." she said in a singsong voice. "Alpha Clayton." "Well, Angel and Clayton are mates!" I told her. "Angel is your luna!" I said happily "Oh my goodness!" she said, excited. "I know! It's exciting! But, there is something really wrong and I don't understand yet so..." "Of course! Come in! You guys can talk in here," she said. "Thank you, Trish," I said as I walked inside followed by Angel and Clayton. When we were all inside I gave Trish a look and she understood that I needed to find out what was going on. "Angel, sweetheart, why don't you come in here and will get you cleaned up," Trish said taking her hand and leading her into the kitchen. "Clayton, what's going on?" I asked him as soon as Angel and Trish left the room. "There were four rouges found on our territory that were captured and imprisoned. We interrogated them and discovered that they were a part of an army formed to capture the two that survived the vicious slaying of the Blood Rose Pack," as he spoke of my old pack tears started flowing down cheeks as I remembered that day. "I immediately recognized the story and rushed to Angel's university to get her," he said. "Oh my god. This can't be happening," I said as I put my face in my hands and cried. I tried to be strong because I knew that Angel was going to need me but the memory of my last moments with my parents kept flooding back. My father was so certain that fighting a rogue army would most certainly lead to death and he kept fighting anyways. It was so unfair that this would happen to us right as life started to finally get better for Angel. I knew that she still suffered from a lot of untreated mental health problems and I couldn’t imagine what this was going to do to her. "It's going to be okay," he said. "But I think it would be best if you joined The Dark Moon Pack," he told me. "I was planning on talking to you about that anyways," I agreed as I attempted to wipe the tears from my face. "Alright. Next time you shift, you will be in my pack and you will feel the mind link. However, your link with Angel will not be destroyed," he said. I put my face back in my hands and cried. I heard Clayton get up and walk into the kitchen to comfort Angel. I walked into the bathroom and wiped my face with a warm washcloth. I couldn't believe that the rogues were after us again. Was it not good enough that they took everything from us? I didn't understand. I just knew that I need to stay strong for Angel. Last time, I was weak and soft. I wasn't there to help her through it because I needed help myself. This time it was going to be different. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and fixed my makeup before leaving the bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom to find Clayton on the couch with his arms around Angel who was on his lap. They were sharing a Mountain Dew and they both looked happier than before. Angel had put her hair in a perfect bun and re-applied her make-up, Trish must have helped her. Trish was sitting across from them in a recliner with her legs crossed and she was trying to keep a conversation going. "We are going to take a run, Amb. Want to come?" Angel asked me. "Could I please?" I asked. "Of course!" Trish replied for her. We walked out of Trish's back door and transformed into our wolves. Clayton was a huge black wolf standing much taller than any average wolf. Immediately I felt the mind link connect in my mind. 'You joined!' Trish said happily through the pack mind link. ‘Yeah, it feels weird,' I replied. I noticed that Angel and Clay were probably talking through their mate mind link. I felt refreshed in wolf form. I knew that when I shifted back into human form I would look a lot better. 'Hey, guys we are gonna go back to our house, change, and head up to the pack house,' Angel said through the pack mind link. Trish and I followed. We raced through the woods at full speed. Angel and Clayton led the way at the same speed. Trish and I followed; I was running slightly faster that her but we were still beside of each other. When we got to our house Trish and I went to the front while Angel and Clayton stayed out back to shift. After we shifted Trish and I ran inside to a spare room where the closet was filled with my "party clothes," as Trish called them. "We going to a party?" Trish asked when she saw the selection of clothes that I had in this closet. "No," I laughed. "That's just all that I have in this closet. But I am meeting the pack for the first time, so I definitely don’t want to look like this," I told her. She laughed at me in response and we both grabbed some clothes. I went for a fitted black tank top and white jeans, while she selected a ruffled white tank top and dark blue jeans. We met Clayton and Angel in the living room and we were ready to face this. We all climbed into Clayton's fancy car, Clayton and Angel in the front, Trish and I in the back, and we drove to Clayton's biggest pack house where his high ranking officials lived. He and Angel led us into the house and before I even stepped in the door people were greeting Angel, hugging her and shaking her hand. Throughout all of the greeting, Clayton's arm never once left her waist. Honestly, I envied Angel. Not because of Clayton, but because they were so in love. Then when I stepped in the door, all eyes were on me and I scanned the room until I laid my eyes on one guy and as soon as our eyes met my wolf screamed to me, ‘He is the one… He is your mate.’ Lucas’ Perspective As soon as our eyes met, I was in love. She is the most beautiful girl in the world and I couldn't help but rise to my feet and confront her. "Who are you?" I asked her. "I'm Amber," she said confidently. "Angel's sister," she added in a beautiful voice that sent chills down my back. "Who are you?" Angel's sister? My mate is the sister of Clayton's mate? The one that I couldn't understand my feelings for? Wait, why didn't I feel that way towards Angel now? All I could think about was my beautiful mate in front of me. "I'm Lucas," I said nervously. "Beta," I added. "You're my mate," we said in perfect unison. "I know," we did it again and both of us laughed. She grabbed my hand, sending tingles up my arm. I pulled her around the corner and pinned her up against the wall and kissed her. "Before we do this... Before you accept me, you should know that I'm one of the two," she whispered in my ear between kisses. "What?" I asked confused. "One of the two that the rogues are after. My mother and father were the true Alpha and Luna of the Blood Rose pack," she said, out of breath. "Okay," I said nonchalantly. "Okay?" she asked. "It's a huge deal. I just wanted to tell you that," she said nervously. "I said okay because it's not a huge deal. Well, what happened to your old pack is, but nothing is going to happen this time. I am here to protect you, now," I said taking her face in my hand. "No one will touch you," I said with a smile. "That's a promise," I told her. "For some reason, I believe you," she said with a beautiful smile.
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