Chapter 10

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Angel’s Perspective As I sat on my bed, all that I could think about was Clay. He was an amazing boyfriend and an amazing Alpha. His pack was so nice and welcoming. I wish that he was here with me tonight, but he said that he had to talk to his father about some rouges. His father seemed like he was very knowledgeable and had a lot of experience being the past alpha. I knew that the pack was strong and Clayton ran it well, I just hoped that everything was alright and my mate wasn't in any danger. Then, right on cue, he texted me, I wish I was with you right now. So I responded with the truth because I felt the same way about the separation. I wish that you were with me right now too, handsome. Is everything going okay? I was worried about him, but I knew that he could handle it. Stupid rouges. They should've come last month instead. He responded. I missed him dearly. I responded with, You should come over after your done with the, all so official ,"pack business" Anything to please my mate. He said. "Angel? You home?" I heard my sister yell from down the steps. "Amber!" I squealed with excitement. Amber was almost never home, but when she was, we would talk for hours and have a ton of fun doing the craziest things. I descended the steps and hugged her happily. She hugged me back and I grabbed some of her bags and carried them upstairs. She mostly stayed on campus at her college with her boyfriend, Jason, but her room and closet went untouched without her presence. After she got settled we sat on my bed to talk for awhile. I told her about Clayton and how we met. Amber, being only a few years older than me, was overjoyed at the fact that I had found my mate. We also talked about what she was going to do if she ever found her mate. She had been dating Jason for 4 years and he was bound to propose any day now. But he wasn't her mate. He was only a human and didn't even know that she was a werewolf. "I suppose, IF I found my mate, I would have to break things off with Jason," She told me in a serious, slightly depressed tone. "Really? That would be hard, considering the fact that you've been together for so long," I replied, speaking my mind. "Yeah, but think about it? If it was my mate, I would be so in love with him that I wouldn't be able to stay with Jason." "That's true. I would choose Clayton over anyone. I really don't think the stipulations of the situation would even matter," I said seriously. She laughed. "I'm serious. It's impossible to love anyone else as much as I love him," I told her, trying to show my seriousness. "Well, if its Alpha Clayton Thompson, I believe you. He's an extremely powerful alpha, like, second in the world or something right?" I nodded. "Then, the feelings are going to be more intense," she told me. "Plus... he's really hot," she added. "I've noticed," I said with a laugh. "By the way," I began. "He's coming over tonight, so you'll get to meet him," I told her happily. "Will he be here in the next hour?" she asked me casually. "Probably. Why?" I asked in response. "I am staying the night at Trish's. I felt kind of bad at first, not staying here with you, but now I'm glad that she invited me," she said with a smile. "I get to catch up with my best friend, and you get the house for you and Clayton," she said with a smile as she poked my stomach playfully. I laughed, slightly relieved that she wasn't going to be here, but glad that she would meet him. *** When I heard a knock at the door, I immediately ran to get it. When I opened the door a very handsome Clayton kissed my lips before I even had a chance to say hello. "I needed that," he said, pulling away, after a minute. "Me too," I admitted. "But we will have more time for that, AFTER you meet my sister who is home from her boyfriend’s for once but is staying at a friend's tonight," I whispered in his ear. "Okay," he said smoothly as we walked down the short hallway into the living room where Amber was watching t.v. She looked up to greet us and smiled when she saw Clayton's arm wrapped loosely around my waist. "Hello, Clayton," She said politely, standing up. "Hi, Amber," Clayton said, offering his free hand for her to shake. Amber and I looked very much alike. Both of us had our mother's long blonde hair and our father's dark blue eyes and tan skin. However, Amber was also very different from me. Her hair was long, but it was darker than mine and curly, it didn't fall naturally straight at all. She was gorgeous, but in a different way. While I am slightly shorter than average, she had a height of about 5'10. While we did share similar styles, short shorts, heels, and dress clothes, but she presented herself differently. You could tell she had a more relaxed lifestyle than I did. She had definitely come to peace with our past and all that we had been through, while I tended to live in the struggle of overcoming it. "It's nice to meet you, Clayton. I wish that I could stay longer, but I've got to leave here in about five minutes," she said "It's nice to meet you too. We will have to talk more some other time," he said. "Yes," Amber started. "Angel, could you come upstairs with me for a second to get my bag?" she sort of demanded. "Sure, I guess," I said, not ready to leave Clay. But, I went and as soon as we got up the stairs she began speaking. "I'm so happy for you, sis. He really is hotter than I even expected," she laughed. "Yeah, I thought that you knew that," I said defensively. "Yeah, but I don't know if I've ever seen him in person and now he is downstairs in our living room" she replied laughing. "I mean I had heard before, but wow," she continued. A small, unintended, possessive growl escaped my lips. She looked at me apologetically. "I didn't mean it like that," she said. I wanted to respond, wanted to say that it was okay but my wolf was fuming. I wasn't upset at all, but Stella, she was furious. I turned around and walked down the steps. "I'm sorry, Angel," she called out. I knew that she was. My wolf was just a little bit possessive over her mate. When I walked down the steps I went up to Clay and kissed his lips possessively. He must have heard the conversation because I felt him smile against my lips. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip and he allowed our lips to dance together. When Amber walked down the steps, we tentatively pulled away. He wrapped his arm around me, neither one of us were ashamed that she had walked in on us. "See ya, sis. I'll be back tomorrow around lunch time," she said positively. "Bye, Amber," I said as she walked out the door. As soon as she closed the door, Clayton sat on the couch and pulled me into him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started kissing my neck. His lips felt amazing on my body and it was hard not to tell him to complete the entire process now. My wolf howled with pleasure as he gently sucked on my mark. I, again, put my hands under his shirt to feel his toned stomach. However this time, it was not for his pleasure, it was for mine. His lips moved up my neck, sending chills down my spine. "Clayton," I moaned. He continued kissing my neck. He was also moving his hands up and down my back going lower and lower each time he brought his hands down. He was obviously annoyed by the fact that my tank top and spandex shorts were barriers to him. Just as his wolf was about to take control, he stopped. He stopped kissing me and put his hands in the air. I looked into his eyes and put both of my hands in his and whispered, "It's okay. I feel it too. Let's just go upstairs for a while. "I'm sorry, Angel. I couldn't contain my wolf anymore," he said upset with himself as he followed me up the stairs. "It's okay. It's not your fault," I said reassuringly as I took his hand. He smiled at me as we reached the top of the steps and entered my room. I kissed him and he sat on my bed. I sat on him, straddling his waist with my legs. As he kissed me he ran his hands up and down my legs. I pulled away and whispered in his ear, "Clay, stop trying to control your wolf. Just finish the process, it's pretty obvious that it's what we both want to and it would make so many other things easier too." "Angel, are you sure that's what you want? Once I start, I won't be able to hold back," he replied. "I want you to fully claim me, Clayton," I said decidedly. A second after I said that, he turned me over so that he was on top of me, in control. I couldn't contain my moan of pleasure as he kissed my neck and ran his hands over the back of my thighs, this time getting higher and higher. I pulled of his shirt and gasped at the sight of him shirtless. He smiled and pulled me into him. When we were so close that the only thing keeping us apart were our clothes, he pulled them off us. Clayton’s Perspective At six in the morning I heard an alarm go off right beside Angel's bed. I reached over and switched it off before it could wake up my Angel. I looked down at her beautiful sleeping face. She was even prettier in the morning without makeup. She was laying on my arm and her blonde hair was just barely falling in her face. Under the blanket, she had her hand on my stomach and her legs were intertwined with mine. I moved her hair behind her ear and her eyes fluttered open at my touch. "Baby, it’s time for you to get ready for class," I said with a smile. "Do I have to go?" she teased with a smile as she looked up at me. "You know that I'm all for you staying here with me all day," I said as I turned towards her, wrapping my arms around her waist. Her smooth skin tingled beneath me. "I wish," she sighed. "The Dark Moon Pack finally got its luna," I said as she blushed. "We will be stronger than ever with such a beautiful luna to help lead us," I said truthfully. Again she blushed, but this time, she moved towards me and kissed my lips gently causing a small smile to appear on my face. At the sight of my smile, she also smiled but got out of bed and put on my shirt that I had been wearing. "You look amazing in my clothes," I said slipping on my jeans. "Thanks," she said kissing my cheek as she walked into the bathroom after grabbing a pair of short white shorts and a pink tank top. I knew that she was going to take a shower, so I walked out to my car and grabbed a fresh pair of jeans and a clean shirt. When I walked back into the house and entered her room I knocked gently on her bathroom door. "Come in, Clay," she said in a singsong voice. I entered and found her in a pair of extremely short white shorts and a loose pink tank top that was almost long enough to reach the bottom of her shorts. Her hair was almost wet, I guess you could say damp, and it was crinkly but it looked beautiful and natural. "Do you mind if I take a shower in here, beautiful?" I asked. "Of course not, babe. It's right around the corner," She said pointing to a corner. I walked in that direction, even her bathroom was big. When I turned the corner I found a changing room, painted red, with a large tub in the center. In the corner of the room was a large glass shower. I laid my clean clothes on the shelf on the wall and set a fuzzy white towel on the ground beside the shower. I took off my jeans, turned on the hot water and stepped in. The steaming water made me feel refreshed. As I showered I noticed how large the shower was. I could easily lay on the floor of the shower both ways. Therefore, the width and length was 6 foot minimum. When I stepped out of the shower I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked around the corner and found my mate putting on lip gloss. Her hair was natural and there were small waves down her back. When she saw me, she smiled and I turned back around the corner and changed my clothes. This time, when I stepped around the corner, the door was open and my mate was in her bedroom putting on black wedge sandals. When she stood up I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. She smiled at the fact that she was two inches taller in her sandals and now the top of her head reached my chin. "You grew," I said playfully. "I did," She said wrapping her arms around my neck. "Let's go, babe," I said hanging my arm loosely over her shoulder and directing her out the door. She grabbed our phones off the dresser and started down the steps. When we got down the steps she slung her book bag over her shoulder and we got in my car. "I think my convertible misses me," she said in a cute pouting voice. "Do you want to take it today?" I asked, desiring her happiness. "Can we?" she asked hopefully. "We can, but after I drop you off, I have some... pack business. Do you mind me driving it today?" "Of course not! I know that you won't wreck her," She said jokingly. I took her hand and we got into her car. As we pulled out the wind blew in her hair and only made her look more beautiful, if that was even possible. When we got to the university I walked her all the way up to the building that she had class in and kissed her goodbye. My heart ached leaving her, but I had to find out what was going on with the rogues. *** I drove Angel's convertible to the prison. It was almost time to meet Eric and Bradley. I walked into the woods until I got to the prison and I walked right past the guards. They didn't dare question the reasoning for their alpha entering the prison, but they certainly had to have heard of the commotion. "Are Bradley and Eric here?" I demanded. I was growing impatient with this rouge business already. "Yes, sir. Conference Room 13," they replied. "Thank you," I said walking to Conference Room 13. When I got there, I found Eric and Bradley sitting at the end of the conference table. "Clayton, we know what they want, but we don't know what it means," Eric began. "Continue," I pushed him. "Apparently, there was a rogue that was engaged to a very beautiful women, many years ago. But, they weren't mates. However, like three nights before the wedding the women found her mate. Her mate was the beta of an average sized pack that no longer exists, called Blood Rose pack," as soon as he said it, it clicked with me and I knew that my mate was in danger. "The pack that Angel used to belong to. So what, now they are back for her and her sister?" I asked, rising to my feet. "I guess, man. You better go get her because the rogues we got are just a few of many that have got together to finish the job," Bradley said. I bolted out of the conference room and into Angel's car. I sped away, not caring how fast I was going. As soon as I got to Angel's school I went into the office and found a female secretary, not much older than myself. I told her that I needed to speak to Angel Johnson immediately and that it was an emergency. She made a few calls and within a few minutes Angel was walking down the steps. I ignored the flirtatious comments from the secretary as she tried to make conversation with me and I ran to Angel. She was very surprised, yet very happy to see me. I pinned her up against the wall and kissed her passionately. "You're leaving, now," I told her. "Clay, I get it that we are fully mated now, but you could’ve called. You don’t have to make a big deal of it," she said wrapping her arms around my neck. "I just finished my last exam," she added. "It’s not that," I said quickly. "The rogues that killed your pack are after you and your sister. You are only safe with me," I said pulling her waist into me. "Okay, let's go," she agreed quickly. Angel gave me directions to Amber’s friend's house because we needed to keep Amber safe as well. She was about to be part of our pack. On the way Angel told me the story of her mother being engaged and then breaking off the engagement when she met Angel's father and then they joined the pack that her father was apart of together. But the ex-boyfriend went crazy and got together a group of rogues together to end what her mother and father had. She explained that many other things happened in that time, like her father stepping down from alpha position to raise his family without the temptation to hunt down the rogues that wanted her mother, so his brother became alpha and he was the beta. But it seemed that his brother becoming alpha only made matters worse. Things within the pack quickly went south when her uncle, her father's brother, decided he wanted to keep her mother as the luna and then tried to kidnap Angel. But even worse, Angel was then manipulated by rogues to get to her pack and the war between them got even worse. She felt greatly responsible and it hurt her a lot. It made sense why she had such attachment issues. It was a heart wrenching story and it was obvious that Angel was terrified. It caused me physical pain to see the pain and fear in her eyes. But despite her fear, I certainly didn't intend on anything actually happening to my mate. If those rogues wanted to get to my mate, the luna of The Dark Moon Pack, they were going to have to fight the growing population of the largest pack in the nation.
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