Chapter 19

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Angel's Perspective When I opened my eyes and looked down, the first thing that I noticed was the small bump that had appeared in the blanket overnight from my once flat stomach. I shifted slightly, Clayton's arm was wrapped around my neck and his beautiful brown eyes looked right at me when I moved. "Good morning, my love," he said happily as he turned on his side to move closer to me. "Clay, what do you want to name them?" I asked as I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his hand on my stomach. "Honestly, I haven't thought about it," he replied. "When we see the pack doctor today he should be able to tell us the genders," he told me. "Okay," I said as stroked his cheek with my finger tips. I felt his skin tingle under my touch and I smiled because I know that in 15 years when we are laying in this bed and I stroke his cheek, I will still feel his skin tingle under my touch. "I love your smile," he said as he put his hand on mine and I felt my skin tingle. "I love you," I said as I smiled even bigger. "I love you more," he replied "Are you sure about that?" I asked him. "Completely positive," he said confidently. "Do you know how much I love you?" I inquired. "Do you know how much I love you?" He returned. "I'll tell you what," I said placing my finger on his chin. "What?" "Let's call it a tie," I proposed. "No way. I love you way too much for a tie," he said seriously, and let me tell you, I fell in love with him all over again right there. I leaned in and kissed him."And Daddy loves you guys too," he said bending down to kiss my stomach. "You're going to be a great father, Clay," I said aloud as we both sat up in the bed. "Angel, you're going to be a great mother," he said. I kissed him again. This time it was a longer kiss and his tongue danced with mine and my hands played with his dark hair. He is so perfect. "So, someone special has a very special birthday coming up in a couple of weeks," he said as we pulled away. "Oh yeah, I forgot," I said truthfully with a laugh. "I'm not trying to ruin any surprises, but the pack is planning a party for you, babe," he whispered in my ear. "Dear God," I whispered back. "The whole pack?" "Yes, my love. The entire pack wants to celebrate your birthday," he said. I laughed in response. It seemed like I was going to have a series of eventful days in my future. "Well, my Angel. We better get ready for today," he said, pulling me back into the present. "Alright. What are we doing first?" "Pack doctor, then my parent's house. Then the pack house. Then, I thought we could head over to your house to tell Amber and Lucas, I’m sure they will still be there," he said. "Sounds good to me," I said happily as I jumped out of bed and walked to my closet. I decided on a pair of jeans and a white shirt that flowed over my little stomach bump. I went to the bathroom to curl my hair and apply some makeup when I heard Clayton on the phone. I assumed that he was talking to his parents or his brothers about us coming over. I had met Clay's parents once, very briefly, but I spoke with them and they seemed very kind. However, I only knew one of Clayton's 4 brothers, Chase, and it turned out that he was friends with an old boyfriend of Amber's. Chase was a great guy but he was soaked in confidence. Like all of the Thompson boys, he was extremely handsome and he has girls lined up to be his girlfriend. He was very fun to hang out with and he was great with the pack, but he wasn't nearly as respected as Clayton, but no one really was. Once my outfit was completed, I stepped into the bedroom and sat on Clayton's lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled. I could tell he was slightly annoyed by his phone call but his mood changed when our skins made contact. "Yes, mother. I have important news," he said into his phone. "Okay... No, Mother.... just the family. I will announce it to the pack second," he paused. "Mother!" He was clearly annoyed. It was obvious that Clayton did not appreciate it when people didn't listen to his instructions. "Close family! You, Dad, Chase, and Caden only, no distant family," he said. "Yes, Caleb can but I highly doubt he will want to," Clayton said, and I felt his mood change which confirmed my idea that there was tension between Caleb and Clayton. I had established this idea when Clayton was telling me about his family and shared everything about Caden and Chase, but nothing about Caleb except that he was the first born. "Yes, Mother. Okay, I'll see you in an hour or so. I love you too, goodbye Mother," he said as he ended the call. "Hey, babe?" I said as I turned and looked into his eyes and kissed his cheek. "Hey, beautiful," he said, pulling me into him. "What is wrong with Caleb?" I asked him. "Well," he paused. "Do you remember how I said he was the first born?" I nodded my head. "Well he was supposed to be the alpha and my father decided to make me alpha before him. He wasn't very happy when he turned 18 and on his birthday my dad said that he couldn't become alpha," he said seriously. "Why did your father put you next in line?" I asked with curiosity. It was obviously the right decision because Clayton made a great alpha, but from what I knew about pack government, that was very uncommon. "There were many reasons," Clay sighed, "Caleb was flunking in school and using his title of 'future alpha' to play school sports and to get girls. No matter how much my father tried to change him or how many interventions he had with the elders, he refused to change his ways. He was always drinking at clubs and sleeping with different girls all the time, he was horribly rude to my parents, and didn't give a care in the world about the pack," he paused. "But the breaking point for my father was the girl that Caleb had selected to be his alpha female because she wasn't his mate. He had met his mate, but she was the quiet girl at school who never broke the rules. I believe her name was Caitlyn, but I'm honestly not sure. I tried to stay out of the whole situation because I knew for most of my life that I would become alpha because it was what the pack felt was right and just. But I know that he rejected her the second he found out that they were mates because he was with another girl at the time who was only in it for the title and power. It was a horrible mess," he said. "Oh," I replied. "That is horrible. I mean, I can't even imagine how she must have felt." "Yeah. And to make it even worse, like a week later her parents were in a car crash. They both passed away and my parents obviously felt bad for her so they helped her get back on her feet. But she moved away to college. I believe she's a really successful lawyer or something like that now," Clay said and we both started laughing. "Well, I guess he deserved it," I said as we stopped laughing. "Yeah, so my father chose me to become the next alpha. I guess you could say I was the 'good son' of us all. But I went through a very confusing point in my life that year and my brother developed a strong hatred towards me. He even admitted to considering killing me so that he could become next in line," Clayton said. "That's when my parents 'encouraged' him to move out," he continued. "Wow. That's terrible," I said. "Yes. Yes it is." "But I'm sure you guys will make up eventually," I said, reassuringly. "I hope so, I just don't see it happening any time soon because it's all still too fresh for him. So I'm sure that me claiming my luna and starting a family is not going to make him overly excited," he said. "But it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of him anymore. I know that I am stronger and more powerful than him, but even if I wasn't he couldn't do anything because I'm his alpha." I comforted him until it was time to leave. Then Clayton helped me into his second car, a black Mustang. When he shut my door and ran to the driver's seat I smiled at the fact that this was going to be a daily thing for the rest of my life. When we got into the car Clayton took my hand and intertwined my fingers with his before speeding away to the hideaway office where the pack doctor housed his practice. When we pulled into the driveway and walked into the lobby there was a secretary at the desk with light hair and kind eyes. She looked at Clayton and then looked at our hands and smiled. "Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson," she said politely as she took us back to a little room instead of asking us to fill out forms or wait until the doctor was ready, like I had expected. When we entered the room she gestured for us to sit it chairs beside of each other on the side of the room. We did and Clayton wrapped his arm around my waist naturally and I knew that he had done it subconsciously in order to maintain physical contact, which made me smile. We sat patiently and nervously as we waited for the doctor to come to help us. A few moments later, despite it felt as though hours had passed, the doctor entered. He was tall, a few years older than Clay maybe 28 or 29, quite young to be a pack doctor, he had jet black hair and ocean blue eyes. He was very slim and fit and I couldn't help but wonder about his experience. This would be the doctor that would deliver the future alpha of The Dark Moon Pack, but more importantly than that, this was the doctor that would deliver the greatest gift to us: our family. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Thompson," he said in a deep voice. I looked up at Clay who was smiling at me. That was the second time that we had been called that today. It seemed so perfect. "May I just begin with how honored I am to be the doctor that brings the future alpha of the pack into the world. It is truly wonderful to see an alpha and luna completing the full cycle that a pack deserves. Congratulations," he said. If felt wonderful to be congratulated on finding Clay. I knew that packs were much stronger when they had an alpha and a luna rather than an alpha and an alpha female, because an alpha and luna are mates where an alpha female was simply selected to mate with the Alpha, but it wasn't predestined and there wasn't the same connection. I think that because mates have a stronger bond, the pack had a closer connection and had more trust in their leaders. Plus, it was the way that packs were designed to operate. "Thank you, Dr. Bradley," I said happily. "Oh, please, call me Jonathan," he replied, as he gestured for me to sit on the table in the center of the room. Clayton and I stood and I sat hesitantly on the table and Clay took my hand. Jonathan did several tests, constantly asking about how I have been feeling, if I've been nervous, and many other things about my health. When we were finished with his questions and tests he began to plug in a wire. "Are you ready for the big moment?" He asked. "Let's do this," I said, excited for him to do the ultrasound. He placed the small circular end of the wire on my stomach and moved it around. Immediately, every eye in the room was directed at the large screen on the wall. "I see one, two, three males, and one, two females. So five pups total, one of the larger litters. Wolves usually only have 3-8 pups in a lifetime," he said pointing to the screen. He continued to speak but I couldn't focus on anything that he said. I was lost in the fact that I was delivering five pups sometime in the next month. "Angel?" Clay asked as he tightened his grip on my hand for a split second to awaken me from my thoughts. "What was the question, again?" I asked to Clay. "Are you ready to go? We have to get going to my parents' house." He reminded me. "Yes. Yes," I said jumping down from the table. Clayton took my hand and we walked back into his car. "Are you alright, my love?" He asked as I sat in the passenger seat. "Yes. Just thinking, babe, that's all," I assured him a I stared into the windshield and imagined how wonderful my life was starting to become, all thanks to my mate. Because of Clayton Thompson I was no longer Angel, the guarded party girl with the rough past, emotional problems, and the inability to form meaningful relationships. Now I was Angel, a powerful luna with a loving pack and a family that I loved unconditionally.
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