Chapter 18

1297 Words
Amber’s Perspective At this point I was not even thinking. How could I? We had talked for hours and I fell even more deeply in love with him. Then, after I knew everything about him and he knew everything about me, he kissed me for the second time. We were sitting up on my couch and he leaned in and planted a soft gentle kiss on my lips, but we continued. I put my hands on his solid abs and he wrapped his arms around my lower waist. Then he licked my bottom lip, requesting entrance, which I granted him and the kiss changed to a whole new level. Now we were laying on the couch, my legs wrapped around his waist and him on top of me. He began playing with the hem of my sparkly black tank top and he began kissing my neck. Then, he lifted my tank top just enough to inch his hand under it. A moan escaped my lips as he started to rub small circles on my stomach, which only encouraged him to inch higher. He continued kissing my neck and I started to think that I should be nervous, but I wasn't nervous at all. I had just met Lucas, though I knew him better than almost anyone, but I still had only just met him. Yet, I wasn't nervous around him at all. Nothing he did made uncomfortable at all. If anything, I wanted him to continue exactly what he was doing. So I moaned again, urging him to go on so he did, reaching my ribs, he smiled on my neck and started to rub small circles again. Then he inched higher until he reached the seam of my bra. He ran his fingers along it a few times, teasing me, which only caused another moan of pleasure to escape my lips. Yet, he continued doing the same thing. He ran his finger onto the seam and then back to my skin and back to the seam. He went on like this several times until I could barely stand it anymore. My legs tightened around him and my hips closed on his. I pulled him into me so that his chest was on mine and he had just enough room to leave his hand under my shirt. I felt his mood change from playful to lustful as his wolf started to take over. I ran my fingers over his toned stomach and as soon as my finger made contact with his abs chills went down my back. He was so perfect. "I love you, Amber. You're my mate and I want to keep going. I know that it's what you want and I think it's really obvious that it's what I want, but you need to know that if I go any higher today my wolf will take over," he whispered in my ear. "But I can do this," he whispered as he started kissing my neck again. Then he pierced his teeth into my skin, leaving a mark. At first it was painful but just before I could scream, it changed to the most pleasurable feeling. He continued sucking on my mark and licking it which made it feel even better. "How is this possible?" I asked in a whisper, but he didn't respond and he didn't need to. There was no explanation for the happiness that had just entered my life. The only thing I knew how to explain was that that my life was perfect now that Lucas has entered it and it comforted me to know that he felt the same way about me. What we had between us was an undying passion. Nothing in the world could take this away; I had my mate and that was all I would ever need for the rest of my life. It was Lucas and me forever. Angel's Perspective When we got home I took off my heels and returned them to their place in their closet. Then I walked over to the full body mirror and stared at my reflection. I knew that it would start to become noticeable soon. Yesterday, I confirmed my pregnancy. I was planning on telling Clay but didn't know how. I figured that he would start to become suspicious soon because usually when the alpha claims his luna she becomes pregnant the first time so that if something were to happen to the alpha, there would be another wolf in line to take the title. I just didn't know how to tell him yet. I wanted it to be perfect. "Clay?" I said in a singsong voice. He was in the bedroom but came immediately at my call. "Yes, beautiful?" He said as he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck loosely. I was already turned sideways so that, looking in the mirror, you could see the small bump if it was pointed out to you. Wolf pregnancies progressed so quickly and I didn't want him to think that I hid it from him. "I have something to tell you," I said as I took one of his hands and placed on my stomach. We were both looking in the mirror now and I was watching his expression. It took him a minute but when he figured it out, his jaw dropped. He turned me to face him. "You're... I'm.... Really?" He said as he stumbled over the right words to say. I laughed and nodded my head up and down. "Congratulations, daddy!" I said as a tear of joy ran down my face and I was laughing. He dropped to his knees, put his hands around my waist and kissed my stomach three times. Then he returned to his feet and pulled me into him and kissed me. It was definitely one of the top five best kisses we've ever shared. It was driven by love. The thought that we were going to have a family together just overwhelmed me with joy. "I love you, Angel. I love you so much and everyday you succeed in making me the happiest man alive," he said as he pulled away. Wolf pregnancies didn't last long. Where it takes a human baby 9 months to fully develop, it takes a wolf pup about 1/9 of that time, and wolves usually have anywhere from 3-8 pups at a time. I couldn't believe that we are going to have little ones running around here soon. I was going to be a mother soon and Clay was going to be a father. Any day now it would be noticeable to everyone else. I knew that the pack would be happy because they had already been asking me about it once they learned that I was officially their luna. It made sense to them that we would have a big family pretty quickly. "Tomorrow will be eventful," Clayton said to me. "And why is that, Mr. Alpha?" I teased him playfully. "Well, Mrs. Luna," he paused and I laughed. "We need to see the pack doctor and we have some big news to share with your sister, my family, and the pack," he replied. It was true and I couldn't wait to see all of their excitement. Being with the pack didn't tire me at all, in fact, I loved it. Being around them felt like home and I couldn't have asked for a better way to have a busy day ahead of me. "As long as I get to spend my day with you," I said happily as I kissed his cheek but he put his finger on my chin and kissed my lips. "As long as I get to spend my life with you," he whispered in response.
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