Chapter 17

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Angels Perspective "I love you," he whispered in my ear as we swayed back and forth to the music. A slow song was playing and Clay and I were as close to each other as we could get. His hands had found their place on my waist and my head was on his chest while my arms were wrapped around his neck. "I love you too, Clay," I said truthfully. I don't know how but every time we said those words it was like the first time that we confessed our love to each other and it was absolutely perfect. "Do you want to get out of here?" He asked me as he rubbed small circles on my back with his hands. "Can we?" I asked him. I didn't care where we went as long as I got some more of Clayton. The public display of affection was pretty common in here, but I was wanting to be alone on the night of his proposal. "Absolutely, baby," he answered as he took my hand leading me off of the dance floor. "I'm going to go tell Keilee, Josh, and Daniel that were leaving." "Alright, babe. I'll be right here," he replied in a deep voice. I walked across the dance floor to see Keilee in Josh's lap talking and laughing. "Hey, guys. Clay and I are about to get out of here," I said when I reached them. "What?! What time is it?" Keilee asked with a big smile. I could tell that she had been drinking, but I knew Josh would take care of her. He hadn't drank a thing at all since we got there and I knew I could trust him. "Almost 1:00 am." I said. "What? My party girl is leaving a club before 2?!" She said jokingly. "Yeah. I'm going home with Clay," I said happily. "I didn't even drink, unlike you," I joked with her. "Wait. Okay, you said HOME with Clay, right?" She asked, trying to pry information out of me. "Yes, Keilee. We are getting married and I'm moving in with him, I know that you knew about all of this beforehand," I said with a laugh. She laughed hysterically before responding. "Wow!" She smiled really big. "Guess I'll see you love birds later," she said with a wink. "Bye, Keilee, bye, Josh," I said. Josh gave me a thumbs up as I walked away, confirming that Kielee was safe with him. I knew that she would be, Josh was such a great boyfriend to her. I continued walking until I saw Daniel across the bar drinking with a beautiful girl. I approached them and a huge smile appeared on Daniel's face. "Hi guys!" I said happily. I was glad that he was mingling with the women here. "Hey Angel," Daniel said in a cool voice, trying to wipe his face of the smile that appeared when he saw me. "Who's your beautiful friend?" I asked smiling and gesturing to the pretty girl. He faced me directly and shot me a look that told me to shut up because he was far from happy. "I'll tell you about that. We need to talk!" He said all too fast. Something was wrong. Daniel is, or at least was, my best friend. I could just tell that something was off with him. He seemed very nervous and serious. He jumped out of his chair and grabbed my hand, pulling me to a corner across the room where I couldn't see the girl or Clay anymore. "We need to talk," he said as I was laughing. Pulling me aside in the middle of a real life situation was definitely something that he would do when he was nervous in the middle of something years ago when we were best friends. "I understand that," I said, still chuckling. Then, all of a sudden, his worried expression turned into a happy smile. "Okay? What do you need to talk to me about?' I asked after a moment of silence. "Oh, yes," he said as his face returned to its previous lost and confused expression. "So. This isn't easy to say," he began. "That girl over there, that's my mate, Gabriella," he said in a voice that showed how torn he was. I didn't understand the dilemma. He had just met his mate, he should've been ecstatic. Immediately I realized that something was wrong here. "I don't understand the problem. You should be happy, Daniel," I said with a huge smile that he slowly returned. "I don't know how to explain it. So I'm going to do it, okay?" He said. But I didn't respond. I had expected him to turn away from me, but he didn't. Daniels Perspective I kissed her. I had to. There was no way to explain something so deeply emotional and powerful like that. It was amazing, while it lasted, which wasn't nearly long enough. I put one hand on her waist and one on her neck and leaned in before she could stop me. Thankfully, for me, it took her a moment to understand what was going on. She was shocked I could tell by how she tensed under my hands, but they felt so perfect on her body that even after she drew her hand and smacked me hard in the cheek, ending the kiss, I tried to leave them there. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she asked in complete and utter shock. It hurt me that the beautiful smile had fled from her face. "I couldn't explain. I had to show you," is all that I could manage to say as I put my other hand on her waist trying to ensure that she didn't leave me. "Your mate is right over there! MY mate is right over there. What were you thinking?! Daniel, are you trying to get yourself killed?!" She screamed at me. This was not the way that I wanted this to go. "I wasn't thinking, I guess I was just acting. Acting on what my heart and my body wanted, and honestly what my wolf wanted too." I confessed to her. It was the first time that I had ever told Angel about my wolf's desperate infatuation with her. "Daniel! It doesn't work like that! This is reality. You have to do what's right. Besides, you should feel attracted to your mate! Not me!" She was appalled. She kept trying to move away from me but it was crowded and she luckily couldn't leave very easily. "Angel, stop! Think about what your saying. I was your best friend. Do you seriously believe that I wasn't falling for you. Did you really think that?! I'm a guy! Every other guy was falling for you, how did you seriously think that I wouldn't? I was closest to you, Angel. I got to see first hand how beautiful everything about you was. It was never just your body and it wasn't just some stupid 'mate' label. Angel, I have loved you for you, for who you really are, for so long and I don't know how you didn't realize that it would happen when I was your best friend," I said quickly. "That's why, Daniel. Because you were my best friend. I trusted you to be a friend. Now you are losing everything because you think that you know what you want when you don't," she said as she placed two hands on my chest and pushed me back in attempt to get away from me, but I didn't let go. "Are you trying to tell me that you felt nothing just now? No sparks? No want? Nothing?" I asked her as I grabbed her waist with power to make her face me. "Daniel, NOTHING. I think you forgot that I'm fully mated. I'm engaged! Clayton can feel it right now. He knows that you touched me and he's not going to be happy." She said. Her words cut into me like a knife. "Angel, come on, you can't be serious. There's no way that you didn't feel something special in that kiss. I'll tell you right now that it was the best freaking kiss I've ever had in my life. You know that was the first time I've ever kissed you," I said trying to pull her closer. "Before, I had tried but you just wouldn't let me. And I didn't push you, I never pushed you no matter how much I wanted to. Any other guy that got that close to you would have pushed you for that kiss I just had. But I waited until I couldn't wait anymore, and just before it was too late, I did what I needed to do," I told her. "You're wrong. It's too late and it's been too late. I needed you too Daniel, as a FRIEND, but you wanted more and now you've lost me altogether," she said as she walked away. How? How did that go so terribly wrong? It felt so perfect. I couldn't see how she didn't feel the same way. I looked at my hand. The hand that had just held Angels lower waist, it had Gabriella's number on it with her name written across my palm. How was I supposed to decide? I could barely control myself in that kiss, my hands kept moving up and down slowly in anticipation as my body attempted to feel all of her, taste all of her. She kissed so perfectly, her glossed lips tasted great on mine. Though she didn't respond, I still consider that moment the best of my life. For about 20 seconds I didn't have to worry or think about anything. All that I had to focus on was not allowing my right arm to drop from her waist to her upper thigh and not pick her up, forcing her to straddle me. I had to focus on leaving my hand in one spot on her neck and not running my hand along her bare back or shoulders. I had to focus on leaving my hands in one spot so that they didn't rip her dress off of her and I had to keep my lips on hers and not move down to her neck to taste her or mark her over Clayton's. It seems like a lot of stuff to not do in 20 seconds, but with Angel, it took all of the restraint in the world just like it always had. Angel’s Perspective I could not believe what had just happened. I would have called Clay through the mind link but as mad as I am at Daniel right now, I didn't want him to be killed by my mate; if Clayton had come, so many things would be ruined for Clay, he's the alpha and he has to act a certain way in front of many other wolves like this. But what hurt me the most was knowing that Clay would know what had happened and he had to be hurting over it.. Thankfully, Daniel didn't try to do anything more than that kiss because Clay would have been hurting even worse and I know he would have been there. I can't believe he found his mate and he still wanted me, it was incomprehensible. He must have felt this way for a long time in order for his wolf to feel that strongly for mine, or maybe he had shut off his wolf completely, like Stella and I after originally meeting Clay. But then I realized that he must've been in tune with his wolf if he was able to identify his mate at all. I saw Clayton across the room and he felt all my thoughts. He wore the pain and betrayal on his face but he knew that I did all I could to get back to him. I never imagined this would happen and if I would've known that I would have to see this look of pain on my mate's face tonight, I never would've said goodbye to Daniel. 'Please, baby, don't do anything. I handled it and if he does something like that again You can step in. Please?' I begged through the mind link. If Clayton started, he would kill him. We were fully mated now and Clay's protection mode would be the same as his kill mode. He and I both knew that fully. 'He crossed the line, Angel. You promised he wouldn't do this.' ‘Babe, he's not himself. I don't know what's wrong with him but I'm staying away from him until he gets his life together. He met his mate earlier tonight, so this is weird,' I said as I reached Clay and he pulled me into a protective embrace with his hands firmly on my back. 'He WON'T touch you again, or he will pay for his stupid mistake. He needs to learn. We should be fighting right now.' ‘Yeah but you would rather go home with me, right?' I said as I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked up at him with pleading eyes. 'Yes. He got lucky this time.'
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