14. This man is not you.

2286 Words

14. This man is not you. Defne. On Monday, when I enter the company, the first thing I notice is the chaos. People are huddled together, whispering to each other and, in fact, it's as if work has stopped and instead of a work space, it's an educational space filled with gossip and whispering. "What's going on?" I ask Levi, stopping next to him. He looks at me with his arms folded across his chest, a grim expression on his face telling me that it's not just a childish mess that has just happened, but something more serious than my mind can imagine. "Matheo has been robbed of the most important client of the moment" he replies. My blood runs cold. "What?" "Jamenson has offered the client the same services and exactly the same planning, but at a better price" Levi moves closer to

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