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Silvia Davis POV: Wearing another set of clothes, the pain is already unbearable, and now this—I can't handle anything more. Whoever that wolf was, it's better if I don't get involved. Otherwise, my mom and I will end up in an even worse situation than we're already in. "Silvia, where are you?" I heard a voice at the door. Rihanna was standing there, her concerned gaze comforting me. I didn't want to face my mom at the moment; she would be worried about the injuries from Victoria's whip. "What are you doing here, Rihanna? You know you shouldn't be present in a place like this," I reminded her, emphasising her role as the future Luna. If Vina and Victoria found out, it would end badly for everyone, especially me. "Don't worry, they're busy pleasing Alpha Alex," Rihanna casually replied as she entered the room and sat beside me. Damn, how could I forget? Alpha Alex was coming to find his mate today. I hope Victoria is the one—he wants her, and that would be great for me too. She would leave this place, bringing some comfort to my life. "So why do you look paler than yesterday?" she interrogated. "Nothing." I fumbled with my words. I didn't want her to be more concerned about me, making things harder. It's better if she doesn't know about Victoria whipping me; she'll blow it out of proportion. "Don't lie, Silvia. That's not your style, and it doesn't suit you," she said, placing her hand on my shoulder and looking into my eyes with seriousness. "She whipped me again." I sighed, speaking the truth. I knew I couldn't hide anything from her; she was aware of everything, no matter how hard I tried to conceal it. She could see right through me. "f**k!" Rihanna cursed. I smiled; she looked adorable when she cursed like that. But she never did it in front of Ruston. Not because he'd get angry, but because Rihanna is a softie—except when someone messes with her. "That's terrible, and you act as if it's nothing to worry about. Can't you feel the pain?" She angrily lectured me, as always. It made me giggle; she behaved like my mother, or worse, when it came to giving lectures. "What do you expect me to do when you know what Victoria is capable of? I'm just an Omega. What can I do against her?" I asked bitterly, laughing bitterly. This is the reality of my life. Even if I wanted to stand up for myself and my mom, I couldn't. I'm just an Omega with no value in the pack. Most packs treat their Omegas well, but in this pack, we're treated as servants, and with me, it's even worse. Victoria finds my resemblance to her annoying. In her eyes, I'm more beautiful than she is, which I don't believe. She has money, power, and everything else needed to maintain her beauty. Meanwhile, I'm just cursed with an ugly face that I hide behind a mask, thanks to her jealousy. I have no value in anyone's eyes, and my life is filled with pain. What I don't understand is why Victoria is so jealous. If anything, I should be the one who's jealous of her possessions. "Even if you can't do anything, at least you can run or hide, or maybe don't come in front of that b***h," Rihanna angrily growled, cursing her sister-in-law. This is why I love her. She's going to be the best Luna, and when that happens, nobody will be happier than me. I believe it will Keep my mom safe. I'm just waiting for our good days and hoping for the best, rather than fighting against something that can never get better. "I don't want to do that, Rihanna. Even if I hide, she'll find me or make it worse for my mom. If I do anything, it'll only backfire on me. I'm not powerful like you. So why do you feel like I need to stir up trouble when it's me who'll suffer in the end?" I exclaimed as I hugged her, relieving my stress and trying to comfort her, assuring her that I was fine. "I hate you for this, Silvia. I do. But you don't know how much I hate seeing you suffer. You're my bestie, you dumb piece of s**t. I just hope you find your mate and get away from this place." She squeezed me tightly, and I hissed in pain from the fresh cuts on my back. "s**t! I'm sorry," Rihanna said immediately after breaking the hug, regretting how tightly she had held me. I was glad she did; otherwise, I felt like I would bleed to death. It already felt as if my back was wet due to the pressure she had applied, which was not doing me any good. "Girl, you know how to get me all worked up." I laughed painfully, knowing it wasn't her fault. "You don't have to worry about me finding a mate because I don't even want to. I feel like I'm better off without one. It's such a burden I don't want to bear." "You've lost your mind. Who doesn't need their mate? Everyone needs one. We wolves can't live without our mates. You're saying this because you haven't found yours. Just ask me, and you'll know how beautiful that feeling is. I'm so in love—Ruston is the best thing that ever happened to me. You can only understand it after finding someone you can love with your whole heart." She giggled like a lovestruck child. I knew how much she and Ruston loved each other. Maybe everyone in this pack admires them, including me. But if she wanted me to believe that I'd find a man I could love with all my heart, that wasn't going to happen. I didn't think anything good would come out of it. I couldn't leave my mom for anyone, and it was better if I didn't have a mate. I was just a weak Omega, and that wouldn't help me find a good person. My wolf seemed content without one; she had never shown any desire to find a mate. "That doesn't mean I don't need him," my wolf interrupted. "Wow, suddenly you're eager to have a mate?" I asked. She didn't reply but cut off the mental link with me, as if showing her anger for even considering such a thought. It didn't make sense. Why would she be so upset when it was true that she had never actively sought her mate? There was no use dwelling on it; it wouldn't do any good at this moment. "Where are you lost? Dreaming about your mate?" Rihanna interrupted my thoughts, teasing me. "No, I was thinking about how you're so into Alpha Ruston. That's why you behave like a glass doll in front of him. Otherwise, you're always a wild cat," I laughed, pointing out how she feigned her personality for her mate. It wasn't something I wanted to do. For years, I had done the same, but I had my beliefs. After Victoria left, I planned to do my best and live a normal life. I didn't want a man like that, and I didn't want such a foolish bond. In reality, I felt that without love and truly knowing someone, what was the point of making a lifelong commitment? It seemed ridiculous to blindly believe that it was something to be proud of. Most wolves felt that way, but I didn't. I felt it was just foolish to seek someone in that manner. I believed humans were better in that regard. "Because men love fragile women. How can I behave like a badass when he gives me no reason to be angry? I can't lose my temper without any reason, and you should know that. Don't act like you're not doing the same when it comes to Victoria; you always behave weakly," she remarked as we both laughed. I knew she was right. I behaved weakly, but I was weak. I was just an Omega; how could I fight against Alpha blood? I knew my place better than anyone else could. By appearing weak, I could control the situation. It made Victoria feel strong, so she didn't worsen her treatment of me. If she did, her anger could be the cause of my death before it was even written in my destiny. So why was it bad to play the weak role? When I knew this was my pathetic life, I still wanted to keep living it, believing that I could endure it without it getting worse. So why feel bad when I live in reality? "Now, let's tend to your wounds, or they'll get badly infected, and we don't want that, right?" Rihanna stood up and fetched the first aid kit from the drawer. She knew this place very well, and even though she wasn't allowed, she tried to spend her free time here with me and my mom. We appreciated it. This room was nothing more than a single room with a bathroom and washroom attached. It could barely fit an old dressing table and had pale walls. It hadn't always been like this when my father was alive. We had lived better, but after his death, Victoria and Vina made sure we suffered as much as possible. Vina loved her daughter dearly and would do anything for Victoria, even though my dad had lost his life for her husband and this pack. Their loyalty meant nothing to her. And I didn't even want to start with the Alpha. He was just a puppet in his wife's hands, doing whatever she commanded, his eyes blinded. That's why I hated him—or rather, I hated their whole family except for Rihanna and Ruston. Even though Ruston didn't get involved in things out of fear of his father, he never engaged in wrongdoing. So I remained neutral towards him, and Rihanna was my bestie. That's why I had a soft spot for her and Ruston is her mate so it's obvious.
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