Cake Face

1325 Words
Alex White POV "Don't worry; we are going to make sure about it, Beta Kevin," Albert replied with a smile. I couldn't help but feel a sense of distrust towards him. There was something about his words that felt insincere, as if he were only saying them to keep the conversation going. But deep down, I knew things wouldn't work out that easily. My gaze shifted towards Ruston, hoping to find someone I could trust. If anything went wrong, I knew I could rely on him to support me in any way possible, especially in finding my mate. "Alpha Alex, I am going to do my best," Ruston replied, sensing my eyes on him. His presence brought a sense of relief to me. "You better be," I warned him, taking a seat with a relaxed face and gazing out at the soothing scenery for a moment. This was the moment my wolf and I had been waiting for, but something felt off, creating turmoil in my mind. "Alpha Alex?" I heard a loud voice calling out to me, abruptly breaking my peaceful moment. I shifted my gaze in the direction of the voice. "I am Vina, Luna of the Moonstone pack, and this is my daughter Victoria, she introduced herself, an older lady with an excessive amount of makeup, her face resembling a cake. The girl next to her, Victoria, had a similar appearance to my mate, but it felt like a disgusting imitation. "Alpha Alex, nice meeting you." Victoria approached with a sweet tone, extending her hand for a handshake. I didn't reciprocate, feeling disturbed by her scent, which only fueled my anger. "Nice meeting you, lady." Kevin took her hand in a handshake, trying to protect her from embarrassment. I could sense her embarrassment as she blushed at my lack of initiation. "Oh!" She quickly changed her expression, flashing a smile. Why did this family behave as if being an Alpha meant nothing? They acted like superficial individuals, relying on fake smiles and plastic facades. "I'm Beta of the Blood Moon Pack, Kevin," he introduced himself. "Nice meeting you, Beta Kevin. I am Victoria, daughter of Alpha Albert," she introduced herself calmly. "You are beautiful, my lady." Kevin complimented her, and I observed him. He never acted this way towards anyone, especially not towards someone like her, who openly displayed her lustful intentions while eyeing me and keeping her hands on Kevin. Her behaviour revealed her true character, and it disgusted me. "Thanks, Beta Kevin. You are handsome too," she grinned, returning the compliment. Victoria sat beside Kevin, while her mother took a seat between her husband and son. "Alpha Alex, we have prepared so much for you. Please have something. Victoria cooked these dishes herself, knowing you were coming. She spent the whole morning preparing everything for you," Vina praised her daughter. I wanted to laugh at how she thought I could believe that her daughter, who dressed like a promiscuous woman, could cook. I didn't even need to consider the fact that her son and husband seemed shocked by her announcement. It was evident that this was all a facade. "Is that so?" I asked with an emotionless tone. "Yes, Alpha Alex," Victoria replied. "I hate it when I talk to someone and others try to reply on their behalf," I growled in anger. It was true; I despised when someone tried to interject in a conversation they were not a part of. I questioned her mother, wondering why she felt the need to reply for her mother. Her voice didn't sound cute to me, and she appeared as if she wanted to devour me with her eyes. "I'm sorry, Alpha Alex," she apologised, her fear becoming apparent. She should know better than to speak to me in such a way. Did she not realise who she was talking to? "Please don't mind her, Alpha Alex. She is just a child," her mother tried to calm me. "I don't think so. She looks like a person who could give birth to a child at any time. She is definitely not a child," I casually remarked, glaring at Vina. She certainly didn't behave like Luna. How clueless could she be? There was no way she could lead the second-largest pack in the world. The Alpha himself was foolish, and his Luna was no different. "Oh, please don't mind. Alex is just joking. He tends to make these types of jokes and not take them to heart," Kevin intervened, giving me a look as if telling me to stop talking. But why should I? I wasn't lying. With a single glance, I could tell that if I asked this woman to let me have my way with her, she would gladly oblige. So, what was the point of lying? That wasn't my style. I believed in speaking the truth, and I did just that. If Kevin wanted me to be silent, he should tell this woman to keep her eyes off me. Her repulsive gaze made me want to gouge her eyes out. She was simply disgusting and failed to grasp the hint, constantly dirtying me with her repulsive eyes. "Calm down, Alex. We need to find your mate here. Please don't spoil it, or we'll have to leave before anything happens," Kevin whispered in my ear, doing his best to control me, knowing my anger was mounting. "I need to rest. It's already been a tiring day for me, and I have to attend a function tonight. I hope our room is ready. Show us the room," I said, realising that nothing else mattered at this moment. These people were insignificant. But my mate mattered, and she was in this pack. No matter the obstacles, I would claim her. Kevin was right; I shouldn't complicate things for my mate. I didn't want to reveal my true self to her just yet. It would be more enjoyable if she got to know me gradually. There would be no surprises if she saw my reality right away. After all, she had made me angry by running away, so she should face the consequences, which might be beneficial. "Yeah, Alex is right. We need rest. I'm tired too," Kevin agreed, jumping onto the bed and ignoring me. If someone else were in his place, they would have lost their heads. But he knew how much I despised dirtiness, so he jumped onto the bed with his shoes on, seeking revenge for my actions outside. I knew what he was capable of, and this was his way of getting back at me through silly means. "Just wait until we return to our pack. I'm going to teach you a lesson," I groaned, seeing him smirk at me, fully aware of the trouble he had caused by making me angry. "I'll be waiting, Alex. But before that, why don't you tell me the surprise I'll find tonight? I can see it on your face, and I want to know before it happens," he asked. "Hahaha! As if I'm going to tell you. You're mistaken, my friend. Wait and watch. You'll see it with your own eyes, so there's no need to be impatient." I laughed at his childish curiosity. It would be fun to see his reaction when he discovered that we finally found Luna and my mate, something everyone had been waiting for, including myself. "Don't do this, Alex. Don't keep something important from me. Or it'll drive me mad," he pleaded. "Who knows, maybe it will be the best surprise you've ever had. So be patient. For now, take off your shoes. Otherwise, I'll throw you out of the room. And remember, this is the only room they prepared, so think wisely," I threatened. He made faces at me but complied, removing his shoes and sticking his tongue out. He and his childish behaviour I wondered when this grown man would start acting his age.
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